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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@GiantCowFilms Your censorship really wasn't necessary. It was PG, at worst PG-13, and I included it as an example of what a longer scene would be like.
@Gwenn what was?
@X-27 One of the example scenes for the Genie Survival Guide pitch.
I really love that pitch.
That one is funny...
and kind of ironic with season 6 being aired this month...
Interesting. That channel has also been suspended
hold on...
total piracy.
this one hasn't been removed yet.
What are you guys talking about?
you can guess what the guy on the right is.
two of the channels posting those have now been suspended.... not nice...
Yes it is
Online piracy is stealing
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ primarily opinion based...
The YT terms of use have a section on posting pirated content as well
They can terminate an account for pirating and posting it on the account
All part of the user agreement
but they don't prohibit watching pirated content... Sure, posting it is illegal.
january 31st will be the day the last one airs.
(at least that season)
question: @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ do you ever listen to music on YouTube?
music originally posted by the artist, or reposted by a fan?
Hardly ever, and only from official channels I follow
Pandora free account
I am strongly Anti-Piracy
so you will actually avoid watching or listening to content unless it is completely legal?
It does affect my viewing choices
wow.... I guess that is good, to some extent....
at least, if you think it really is stealing....
they haven't released the episodes on demand yet, do not sell the DVD, and do let people watch them for free, (if they happen to be able to watch the right network)
:D I try and avoid it too. I'm not always the best at knowing what is and what isn't though... I mostly just avoid the sites my dad avoids, because he usually does and he is also anti-piracy. He didn't use to be, but now that he is he knows his stuff :D
@X-27 It is owned by the creators or whoever they sold it to, use by anyone else is theft of digital property
:26840723But to what extent does it go? If someone watches it legally on TV, and then tells part of the plot to someone else who didn't see it, is that theft? But yet You would argue that if someone records it airing on TV and shows the recording to someone else, that is theft. where do you draw the line?
@Gwenn There is no way we are making that example - so I don't see why it needed to be on that page
@GiantCowFilms As I said, it is an example of what a longer scene would look like.
@X-27 Telling what you can to a person is your ability. Free speech. Recording it in any way (even just the audio) is piracy. Replicating it yourself to the best of your ability is not theft either I don't think
@Gwenn Come up with a better one :P
@GiantCowFilms In due time...
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ But with photography, tracing the photo technically breaks the copyright I think.
@Gwenn I wish for the power to grant my own wishes
What is legal, and what is ethical are not likely to be the same thing.
@X-27 Lol, everytime you wish for something it happens instantly
@Gwenn Yeah
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ that could go wrong, Fast.
BTW, what pitch do you guys think is going to get made at this point?
(not necessarily what you'd like to make)
probably something lame....
I think recreating it might fall under some other thing though... Maybe as long as you didn't say it was yours? I actually really want to figure that out, because I want to make a parody of a certain song eventually, and while there is "fair play" or something, you gotta be careful about it. The easiest way to know if you can do it or not is to ASK them, but I did and they haven't replied back. Ever.
because awesomeness requires lots of work....
That big short was awsome
and not any more work then any of our pitches
I bet its goinf to beeeee.... either the racing one, or something like that apple tree cow one.
@BookWyrm17 Well, fanfiction and parody is legal so long as you don't make any money off of it and avoid direct plagiarism, I'm pretty sure.
Yeah. As long as I don't claim its mine, and I don't try and get money for it, I should be OK... Just make sure to say "This is a parody of this song" beforehand.
BTW, Are any of you not going to continue with production if a script you really hate gets picked?
Anyone remember that thing called the Lego Movie? Super simple concept, yet Totally awesome.
I'm gonna keep helping however I can.
@GiantCowFilms depends how totally lame the script is... If it has anything remotely interesting in it, I'll be sure to be in.
Oh yes, the Lego Movie was, heh, "Awesome" :P Not sure how simple you are thinking though...
@GiantCowFilms How much time and effort I am willing to dedicate does depend on which script is chosen. I'll probably help out at least some one way or another.
lego guys. No complex character animation.
vehicles can be made awesome, and the animating is easy.
not sure what kind of plot could go with it....
BTW, does anyone happen to know anything about Minecraft Legal stuff? Cause I see a Minecraft "Unofficial fan made series" selling in Wal-mart and bookstores. Which is awesome, I just wish I knew how to do that...
I think we should make a Pugh matrix to determine which pitch(es) to develop further.
@Gwenn what?
Not really, it's pretty simple.
Great idea! and with a little tweaking, it can take over the world for us also!
Yeah, but voting is even simpler
@X-27 Uh
Not really
does anyone here know what a joke is?
@Gwenn After looking that up, yes, we should
We just need a list of design criteria, and then we evaluate each pitch for each of the criteria.
I do I do! Its something where when you explain it to those who don't know, its no longer funny for either of you!
I will help fill in boxes
@BookWyrm17 LOL
@BookWyrm17 lol. Exactly.
What are the criteria we care about?
Dialog. Yes, No? How Much?
Ease of animation
Simplicity of models
Difficulty of needed simulations
Number of characters
Number of Major Characters
We should shoot for 5-10 criteria.
how is that list?
I would add:
quality of story
projected total length of animation
yah, that tooo
And some of the ones you list can be merged.
Estimated render time
Very hard to pin down beyond three or four degrees
You will be surprised how quickly you will end up with a film you will have to wait 5 months for
when you read, tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo22222222222222222222222 DO you just read it as toooooooooo and not T ooooo, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, ?
Tooooooooooooooo Twooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@GiantCowFilms I thought we'd already addressed that. More hardware is easy to acquire, so we can spread it out across many computers. Besides, it's hard to predict at this point.
How would we evaluate estimated render time at this stage?
Exactly, very hard to predict
Basically on animation style
So . . . chop photoreal and such
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Celsius or Fahrenheit??
Animation style can be decided mostly independently of which pitch gets chosen.
@X-27 Rankine
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Ahh
@Gwenn That is a good one
@Gwenn easy
I can look at a given scene and take a pretty good guess as too its render time
I think instead of "dialogue", we can consider "sound production required".
@Gwenn that would be better.
no, no, because lots of dialog is a major negative because we have no way to do that.
@GiantCowFilms Or so you think at least . . .
@GiantCowFilms The fact that you make that claim without catches makes me suspicious of your skill.
sound production is different. Sound effects are way, way WAY WAY WAY eaiser
I mean all sounds that we have to produce ourselves.
@Gwenn ahh.
much better
Some sounds we can just get clips of from somewhere else.
me be quiet now....
@X-27 We could make it happen, but requiring dialogue is definitely a downside.
yeah. I can probably actually make a lot of needed non-dialogue sound because of my dads special equipment. I or some of my friends could even do some dialogue.
I know a bunch of people who would be willing to just for fun
Remember that we shouldn't be looking at how scripts are right now, necessarily, but how they could conceivably be reworked. There are some scripts that have dialogue right now that could be rewritten without it.
Is there any difference in how well we can divide tasks between us in different pitches? I don't think so, but if there is that would be a minor factor to consider.
I would also like "significance" to be a minor factor. I would, all other things equal, prefer a pitch that has the potential to make a real-world difference over one that is purely entertainment.
It's difficult to quantify though.
Gotta do our beeest :D
Gotta eat our beets . . .
So, provisionally:
- Sound production required
- Number of animated characters
- Complexity/quantity of backgrounds
- Complexity/quantity of objects
- Quality of story
- Significance
- Projected total length of animation
Am I missing anything?
Significance . . . what is that?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Whether the animation would make a different in the real-world or whether it would be purely for entertainment.
Everything with a story theoretically could . . .
For example, @gandalf3's Feature Request Pitch and my Genie Survival Guide would score well on that. The Spell Checker pitches would probably also get a few points for at least being thought-provoking.
The genie suvival guide would make a difference?
@BookWyrm17 It's a rough analogy for the problem of AI friendliness.
yah, it would teach people to deal cautiously with genies.
Um ok.... Thought so
pancake one = Never put something you don't know about into food
heheh yeah that would work
So, to repeat: am I missing anything?
um... I don't think so?
Absolutely, but we have no idea what
If you don't have it listed, we don't know :D
my telephone one: = If your telephone will not stop ringing, do what qwenn suggested.
7 mins ago, by Gwenn
So, provisionally:
- Sound production required
- Number of animated characters
- Complexity/quantity of backgrounds
- Complexity/quantity of objects
- Quality of story
- Significance
- Projected total length of animation
Yah something is certainly missing form that
But I, for one, have no idea what.
Maybe the complexity of effects, like smoke or fire or stuff?
Or does that have to do with the complexity of objects?
We can make that a separate one: "complexity of visual effects"?
I'm making a document for all this
Lotsa documents :D Imagine how many go into an actual movie!
Here's the Pugh Matrix. The first thing we need to do is decide on the levels for each of the criteria (cell B27 on). We can fill in values for the various pitches later.
@GiantCowFilms Are we really doing that?
maybe, but I think he was second guessing it. I think there is something else he thought would work better
Hang on, I have two days worth of transcript to read :P
Do we have a sort of theme yet?
@GiantCowFilms Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Adobe. Let's use the other one.
@someonewithpc We're still in the story design phase, so nothing is set in stone yet.
I would prefer if we keep this entirely free
(as in freedom)
@someonewithpc Any great ideas? We will be opening up for voting soon, so be sure to pitch them soon.
I have no clue...
Currently, at least
@GiantCowFilms BTW, I won't be here at exactly 7PM UTC, so i hope the polls stay open for a while ;)
@someonewithpc ok
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I think that we'll probably wait for everybody to vote, like last time.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Which 7pm?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ ...
It's 8 and a half UTC already
That was a few hours ago
Coordinated Universal Time
And you are right, I was calculating the wrong way
He is late
By hours
Also, @GiantCowFilms or whoever is making the poll tonight, the voting should be "Quality of story": "meh", "okay", "good", "great", "awesome" for each pitch, in order to match the Pugh matrix.
If it isn't up in a few hours, I'll make it.
But for now, I have other things to go do.
(I'll still be in the background watching though.)
@Gwenn How did I not get notified for that?
I don't think it notifies you unless you have been in the room before.
Oh, that's probably the one
@GiantCowFilms Me too.
@GiantCowFilms And never point the camera up? :P
@GiantCowFilms Did he kill... a question?
I will be gone for a few hours in about 10 minutes
2 hours later…
I'm not sure if that is a comet trail, a plasma weapon, or a bolt of power, but it is AWESOME
Why, Why? Why can't we make a combat scene in the animation?
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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