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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@GiantCowFilms Agreed
1 hour later…
Ha-ha @RadishofKnowledge like the new peanuts movie characters, shaped like Suess characters, in a photorealistic world? Or like photorealistic characters or...
The buildings and mountains and stuff would be amazing photorealistic
@RadishofKnowledge leave it unlocked
or don't - thats fine too
I take the chimmney
12 hours later…
Ok, so we REALLY need to pick a topic. Does anyone have any more ideas? If we don't, I'm going to make another poll
1 hour later…
OK here is this. We need to get moving :D so if you have another idea, we will make a new poll, but otherwise...
@BookWyrm17 @GiantCowFilms thinks that we should do the inverse of a standard poll. That we should vote out the ones that we don't want to do
You CAN vote for more than one thing... This is for most liked, not unanimous.
Hmm that is a good idea. Just to reduce the options.
Well we can do the same thing here. Just take out the least favorite ones. The poll still works
And now I know why there where so many votes when I looked at the results
Because you voted for several things
hehe yeah
I liked a bunch, and we can reduce them just as well this way
strawpoll.me/6525761 Poll for narrowing down which pitches we want to go with. You can vote multiple times!
well sure thanks
1 hour later…
@TARDISMaker What happened to my helium pitch?
@GiantCowFilms I don't know
Its missing!
I see that now
@BookWyrm17 Can you add in @GiantCowFilms Helium pitch?
Or do we need to create a new poll for that?
What about we make a new poll.
You want to do it, or should I?
@TARDISMaker We might be able to use a googe form, and thereby have the ability to edit it
Let's do that then
@GiantCowFilms I'm setting it up
@TARDISMaker I set it up....
Oh, okay
Maybe you should have said that from the beginning, but whatever
@TARDISMaker whats your google account
@TARDISMaker Oops, that was dumb of me, sorry.
@GiantCowFilms tardismodeler
or TARDIS Maker
Please vote for which films you'd like to treat into scripts, the most popular ones will then progress to the next state or production: docs.google.com/forms/d/…
Page with all the pitches, is that pinned somewheres?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ docs.google.com/document/d/…
Found a missing project, updating the form, hand tight
someone already removed it from the google doc (?)
(I posted that in the wrong room)
I'm getting confused
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @Gwenn @gandalf3 @TARDISMaker @BookWyrm17 @iKlsR @RadishofKnowledge @X-27 Please vote for the pitches you wish to write into full scripts, and eventually make one of them.
6 mins ago, by GiantCowFilms
Please vote for which films you'd like to treat into scripts, the most popular ones will then progress to the next state or production: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/198pDNrI3e7I34kf4-dugeW_F1ELHXAs_mWWCL9U__1c/view‌​form?usp=send_form
I was reading them all
I thought about bullet voting the ruthless racing one....
BTW, What exactly does your helium pitch make up, there wasn't much of a pitch there
oh, right... let me put that back...
@TARDISMaker You voting
@X-27 not the entire script... just a quick summary?
or would you like me to sumarize your script for you?
Voooted! I'm glad this is moving :D
@GiantCowFilms I'm summarizing it :-)
@GiantCowFilms Just did
I had to eat and stuff
I didn't think that my rueless racing pitch was going to be so popular. I thought it was so bad I nearly left it off the list.
Where can I see the results?
I don't think you can see them... ?
That is what the situation is at right now
@GiantCowFilms I made it so that you can see them
We have three voters remaining?
@TARDISMaker ?
Using the invitation to edit you sent me
Ruthless (or is it ruleless?) Racing seems to be winning...
There's an option to add a link to the results
We now have 7 responses, but only six names, did someone vote twice?
(please don't do that)
That would have been me by mistake
do the names not go twice?
however, we can find out who votes twice
Rats, this going to complicate the data :/
@GiantCowFilms that was me
I have an awesome idea for a race car . DUle tracks in the back, dule axial in the front, ramming grid, rocket launcher that folds up from the back, Mini gun under headlights that fold out....
Subtract one from Cow Helium, Bazaar, Racing, Spell Check (only Cow I think), Feature Request, Death, Surfing, Surviving
@TARDISMaker Not quite that easy
oh dearie me.
We can't take care of the results, but we don't have to
If we write the results down, we just subtract from those
We don't need nice pie charts and stuff
Regardless of what we make, the MOD-Team needs to be in it. Why is david and Iklsr not on the list?
They have to volunteer themselves. ALSO - we aren't making it BSE (in-joke) themed, or at least that wasn't my intent
yah, two more characters with lightning hammers wouldn't add much plot-wise....
@TARDISMaker I have no idea how to get a new data summary D:
I think the best choice is to give one vote to everything that you didn't vote on
I think a process of elimination would be best. we vote on the ones we don't like the most.
No, This is working fine
we will have another round of slashing after this
Basically, We are going to drop off 9 or so of the lesser pitiches, which should only leave good ones.
Are we going with the 4+ ones or the 5+ ones?
so, were dumping my cow-blimp one, but might use yours? @GiantCowFilms
@TARDISMaker Its more of a percentage cut of than a vote cut of
we want to keep about 25 to 30% of the pitches
if there is a large tie, we will allow people to pick a single favorite from those tied, and see which ones are most popular.
Screen writing by committy is going to be hard
I wish we had something like version control for scripts :/
@GiantCowFilms We could use github :P
the one reason why I like racing over mine, is that engine noises are easier to get than human dialog.
I think the key will be to have multiple drafts of every project with 2 or so people working on each script.
@X-27 That can be made nearly entirely out of free or cheaply bought sound effects
some of the other ones may pose a challenge, especially since nobody here is keen about voice acting
we all like free very much :)
If I'm going to voice my own character, my only line must be, "You will all pay for your insolence when I have conquered your world!"
I can do an nice menacingly evil voice for that.
If I voice my character, I will need some serious audio work done
what do you mean?
So I sound like a giant cow
So that he doesn't sound like an annoying little boy :P
and don't sound like myself
@TARDISMaker exactly
like really exactly
"annoying " - thanks man.
@GiantCowFilms Hey, I was just repeating what you've already said :)
This off topic spam of animated ASCII faces belongs in the render farm.
@X-27 Yes... Yes it does
vote total?
waiting for gandalf
That sounds like the title of a bad TV show
'nother pitch idea
I actually have three new ideas for pitiches, most of them not that bad actually.
@GiantCowFilms MORE!? Are we just going to make another poll for those, and if they get above 50% of the votes they get to be in the next round?
@TARDISMaker I think so maybe, mostly because none of the ones we have are that great in my opinion
Basically, we will have to re-poll everyone.
I'll pitch them and see if people think its worth re-polling
That's a good idea
@TARDISMaker @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ new pitch (see under Deep Sea)
probably not viable though :/
too much dialog and a fair quantity of human characters.
I personally think it would make for a very good live action on green screen stage film
not done with my pitches yet...
just struggling to see how to end these next ones.
@GiantCowFilms For like a half hour, hour long film
I have a lot of those scripts bumping around my head . . .
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I wish I did
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Could you pitch them?
lol, probably not a good idea, they are way too long
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ These are the ones I'm coming up for specifically this project, there are a bajillion other ideas I have that we couldn't even consider doing now.
These other ideas have to benefit of having well thought out characters, and reasonable endings
currently the only pitch that I have given that has a satisfactory plot is the one about me getting filled with helium.
all the rest of them are seriously meh.
Just wondering, would we make your "mooo"s high pitched, or is all the hulium on your stomatch not your lungs?
@GiantCowFilms I nearly have the script done for that, well, my variant of your variant of my original.
@BookWyrm17 Make it high pitched regardless, for humor.
@BookWyrm17 stomach. (one of his four) part of the dialog in my script is discussing him not suffocating because it is contained away from his lungs.
:D totally different thoughts here. Does it need to be explained on why he hasen't died? Or could we just assume its a really weird world. Like where you see characters get totally blown to bits, but seconds later they are fine? I feel like overall, with all the different characters, that would turn into a more cartoony sort of version.
Not photorea at all, we already decided that
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ depends on the project
. . . oh boy
I'm going to have to let this be if we are committing to photoreal ideals
I don't have that much free time
I have a hard time making one remotely photo real image.
never mind a phtorealistic animation
I don't think anybody is seriously proposing actual photorealism.
We don't have a couple of years to spare, I think.
At most, we would use realistic textures, but without trying to make it look actually real.
that would be an awesome levle of quality
looks great in it's own way, and wouldn't take years to make.
@gandalf3 how long, approximately did it take you to model, texture, animate and render that scene there?
Ok, that's better
I know how long I spent on my moderately photoreal Observatory House artwork, and I can't imagine doing an animation at that level of detail
my either....
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Now that I think about it, I can think of a few situations where it might be reasonable. For example, an interrogation scene, where everything is dark except for one character. Even then, animated photorealistic people are tough.
if you think about it, even pixar level stuff is clearly animated and definitely not real.
and BSE is not Pixar.
@Gwenn Very
@X-27 yeah
The animation is going to be real hard to learn
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Not quite
Starts with good rigging, and good poses
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ We might do what I call pesudo realism, see under the blender nation header I worked on with @gandalf3.
Its fooling nobody for a photol, but it isn't overtly stylised either.
Just that one image took how many weeks . . .
but I get what you are saying
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ It had its own unique issues
I think the first thing we work on should be uber basic, so we learn how to work with each other and get the kinks worked out, then if it works we can do something more challenging
I could see some of these pitches being easier to make
so... we dumping dialog completely?
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I'm going to point out that it wouldn't take that much more to turn it into an animation, literally, you'd just have add keyframes to the suzzanes
@X-27 Probably two seconds
@TARDISMaker 3, 2, 1, GO. "Poof. All done."
Enough time to shake his staff
since when is galdalf a girl?
Since stalkers
It is a guess, but likely
@X-27 Since we saw her finger nails
The evidence is removed via mod powers
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Yet we still transition between calling gandalf a he, and a she
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ see, you do the pronoun thing too! :P
that says something - trying to hide the evidence.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Was it?
way back machine.
I thought so, we could search for it
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ @gandalf3 redacted the gif? I might have a copy of it....
@GiantCowFilms It was an awesome gif
I can check
I think
Gandalf has a long beard. Not long hair. he just Can't be a girl!!!! That would completely defy the wizard stereotype!!!!!!!!
@X-27 SEXIST!!!
Equal rites!
Get Lost!!!!
ahem anyway
If someone is offended by me, there is this cool little "ignore" button
ever heard of the first amendment? it means, I can say what I want, and if you don't like it, you have the right to be offended.
and yes, I do kinda like being obnoxious :-)
If we're really doing this animation in the name of Blender.SE, we should make a meta post to see if anybody else wants to get involved.
@Gwenn Not a bad idea
@GiantCowFilms Can't pin it down right off
I think that right to be offended is soooo lame. Just imagine how much better we would all get along if no one got offended for random reasons! :P
Wow and get like 20-30 people?
@BookWyrm17 Probably not. But there might be a handful of people who would like to help, but don't hang out in chat all the time.
Well, and little bit would help! :D
Page cannot be crawled or displayed due to robots.txt.
The evidence is gone
@Gwenn (Careful, we might introduce another incompatible personality - like anther control freak)
@Gwenn Is this in the name of BSE?
or are did we just meet at BSE?
Its not about BSE....
@GiantCowFilms who is the current control freak?
Mooo! Looks around awkwardly
@X-27 @GiantCowFilms
On the subject of control freaks, at what point do we decide who the director will be (I'm actually okay not being the director, but if its left up for grabs, I will awkwardly assume control, rolling over people along the way).
That's a question I've kind of been holding off on asking
Heheh. I nominate someone other than me!
I've been holding off on asking as well.
(just so you guys know, I don't want to do it)
@BookWyrm17 :D
I don't care if I'm the director or not, but If we end up using my pitch, I'll want to use my script. (at least, a version of it)
I volunteer, as a natural born bossy person :P
Hmm that might be a way. Whoever's pitch it is is the director?
That sounds good to me
@GiantCowFilms I'm not really sure of the technical distinction between Director, Producer, etc. I don't care about the terms. @GiantCowFilms you seem to be taking a fairly administrative role, and I am perfectly happy to as well.
I nominate.... @Gwenn
(Gets ready to delete his pitches if they agree)
Whoevers pitch, unless then want to shove it off to someone else
I like that
I don't think that the best script writer is necessarily the best administrator.
because I will have a much harder time letting go of creative control if its my idea then someone elses.
Sounds like a plan to me. What do ya'll thinkj
@Gwenn that is where the shove it off bit comes in.
So it's basically guaranteed that either @GiantCowFilms or @Gwenn will direct
Something like that
Are we done setting up pitches? We need to start eventually :D
What's the title for the person that coordinates everybody and the project, basically manages everything? That could be a different person than the person who is in charge of the artistic vision of the whole thing.
Not quite yet
@Gwenn Producer == cordinator
Director == dude who decides how to make
Ah, gotcha.
I''ll take title of script writer/victim of criticism
@Gwenn For example, a producer will hire crew members, and deal with renting locations, while a director will probably choose the locations, etc.
So where does that leave us, who don't exactly have those issues?
Sometimes the writer director and producer is one person, which can be the case when a guy writers a script he wants to direct and find the people and money himself.
A script for the ruthless race would be hard. No real plot, just vehicles driving around.
@BookWyrm17 In this case the producer might fall to you, as the instegator of the project, since you technically on boarded everyone else.
but it would still make an awesome animation
so you hired to crew
@BookWyrm17 I think the analogy here would be that the Producer is the person who keeps the whole thing on schedule, sets the schedule, determines who is best to work on what, handles promotion, etc.
@X-27 In some cases you might skip a written script and go strait to story boards, if you can draw.
In this instance, I think TARDIS, BookWyrm and I have all done producer type things....
and everyone else too, to some extent or another.
@GiantCowFilms I suppose that makes sense. I've been attempting to push us forward as well. (cause all my projects seem to die and I am DETERMINED to keep this one alive.)
I'm okay with having that job. That's probably what I have the best relative advantage with as far as my skill and experience is concerned.
@BookWyrm17 you have that problem, too?
@Gwenn which job?
Its also very viable to put four+ names down for a single roll.
Some of us here can draw, so that will be good for story boards (@X-27 Yeah, though I've been getting a little better. I've finished some of my projects recently, which is good :D )
I have that one big time
Except for @David, I think I out clock everyone here for time using blender, yet I have finished virtually nothing.
@GiantCowFilms I was referring to the role of producer.
Okay, that makes sense
overall, I'm not stressed about designating that role to a person...
I'm more worried about places where two people end up having creative differences, and it gets awkward
like if two people start being the DOP, or the Director, or the equivalent of a Production Designer.
But it makes sense maybe to have someone who's job is to push us clowns along.
As far as director is concerned, I think it'll depend a bit on which script is ultimately chosen.
not quite done yet
There are some of the scripts that I would be happy to be director for, but others where I don't have as solid of a vision of where they should go.
@Gwenn Absoultely
I think it should boil down to who's script is choosen, with them having the opertunity to give the role to someone else if they don't want it.
@GiantCowFilms that would probably be best
because whoever writes the script probably has a good idea for where the story should go.
@X-27 The pitch
the script will probably be worked on by the person who pitched, with assistance
Cool. Perfect :D
@X-27 @TARDISMaker and others. I'm going to write a little screenwriting tutorial, that includes instructions on adobe story.
@GiantCowFilms I kinda already know how to do that.. at a basic level...
This will include formatting and software guidelines
overall though, your script wasn't far off the mark
good to know :D
@GiantCowFilms Cool!
I think I can figure the basics of it out, but probably not much further than that
@X-27 Did I just find out your name?
depends where you found it.
I can not confirm or deny any affiliation to that name.
This video is pretty definitive on the formatting:
(language warning)
@GiantCowFilms Ah, yes
I've seen that
I think I'll just explain how to do it in adobe story
Once you understand basically how formatting works, it's pretty straight forward
@gandalf3 we are re-voting due to new pitches, however, please feel free to cast you vote, so we can see whats popular (we won't need to add them all back into the next poll)
6 hours ago, by GiantCowFilms
Please vote for which films you'd like to treat into scripts, the most popular ones will then progress to the next state or production: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/198pDNrI3e7I34kf4-dugeW_F1ELHXAs_mWWCL9U__1c/view‌​form?usp=send_form
Is that the same one?
@GiantCowFilms I what?
*denies everything*
The one that had your hand in it
its all rumors
@X-27 a day or so?
Basic Screenwriting Draft One
@TARDISMaker Would you like to give this a test run?
Looks good
What did I miss?
Ah good, nothing
@TARDISMaker Do you have an adobe account?
I want to try sharing a script with you via adobe story...
Should tardismodeler, or TARDIS Maker
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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