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Alright, lemme find my list. It's somewhere around here.
What list.
Does The list even exist?
Okay. So. First question: what do you consider to be your socioeconomic status in terms of class currently? Nothing too specific, I don't need anything detailed.
(Heads up: I'm fifteen)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ same :P
(heads up: doesn't matter. Status in terms of opportunity is what I'm asking for. :P)
(secondary heads up: I am too. :D)
(Ohhhhh, opportuniy.)
Like, lower, middle, or upper class in wealth?
uhh middle class
And the ranges between.
(two interviews? :D Alrighty then)
I'm 10 years older than all of you.
@FlagAsSpam I stand in the middle-to-upper class in wealth, but is susceptible to change.
@AlexA. All meaning what? Each? Or combined? :3
@AlexA. what about @flawr? Is he also 15? :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Oh sorry, each.
@Maltysen I mean those who have given their age in here. :P
Middle class I'd say.
Alright. So, do you have any outstanding goals for your future, such as career paths, and, if so, what sort of wealth do you hope to be generating in the future, from humble to wealthy?
(if you could reply to the question messages, that'd help dearly)
(rephrased for purposes of question)
@FlagAsSpam At the moment the life goal is finishing school.
@FlagAsSpam I want to get a degree in comp sci and in math
@FlagAsSpam I hope to be a programmer of sorts, and would thus hope to be wealthy enough to escape the pressures of paying money.
@FlagAsSpam I was middle (lower middle) but currently I'm lower.
@all But do you hope/expect for a more modest lifestyle, or do you hope to be fabulously wealthy, or something in between?
@FlagAsSpam I expect that I probably will have a moderate lifestyle, but would definitely prefer being fabulously wealthy
Being wealthy would be cool and all but I know it won't happen for me. :P
(to everyone who responded with wealthy) What do you think you would do with money in order to affect the world around you?
@FlagAsSpam Rephrased: I do not think and wish to be exceptionally wealthy, but I think I'll get enough money to live a comfortable life.
@flawr What would a "comfortable life" entail?
@FlagAsSpam I would want to take care of my family, make sure all of their needs are met, and I'd like to donate and volunteer on a regular basis to the Seattle Humane Society and Mountains to Sound Greenway.
@FlagAsSpam Getting enough money for supporting a family and not having to live paycheck to paycheck. (Basically not having to worry about the money.)
@FlagAsSpam I would use my access wealth to (in this order) help my family (if any), help my church and related charities, and perhaps start up some organization to help Autism and related disorders, then poverty.
Money sucks. We should disestablish money anyway.
Spoken like a true socialist :D
@AlexA. Do you believe that family and community support is a large part of your meaning to life?
(I just found that word in a dictionary, and I like it.)
@AlexA. I was a socialist for a year at my school. Everybody else was republican :P
@FlagAsSpam Yes. Family is the single most important thing to me. And I love to give back to the community whenever possible.
@flawr Do you believe that money should play no part in your life? (i.e. you do not wish to generate wealth in order to have wealth?)
@FlagAsSpam I would probably donate to charities, and help provide for my family
1 min ago, by FlagAsSpam
@AlexA. Do you believe that family and community support is a large part of your meaning to life?
1 min ago, by FlagAsSpam
@AlexA. Do you believe that family and community support is a large part of your meaning to life?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Haha nice! Just a year? :P
@FlagAsSpam Family, yes. Community, sort of yeah.
@flawr Do you believe that family is your meaning to life?
@AlexA. I'm trying it again this year. (That was last year :P)
@FlagAsSpam not particularily
@AlexA. You a socialist? :P
@FlagAsSpam If you have one, probably yes=)
@Maltysen So what are some main factors of your meaning to life?
(we all have oddly similar dreams. o-o)
@all If you would like to say so (you may opt out of answering if you wish), do you believe in some form of deity or a form of afterlife? If so, do you believe that working for this afterlife is a great part of your meaning to life?
@FlagAsSpam No to both
@FlagAsSpam I feel that there must be some sort of greater power, but its a waste of time trying to figure it out, and that current religions are very probably wrong about it.
@FlagAsSpam Yes (Christian God; Heaven) and yes !
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sort of. I haven't done enough research on the various schools of thought to know exactly what category my views fall into, but socialist sounds pretty close AFAIK.
@AlexA. Ah, I see. I'm not a true socialist (see two above), but it's a pretty nice setup.
@FlagAsSpam I think our planet is quite an astonishing thing, when you compare it to the 'average' piece of universe of the same size. And I like to believe to experience something after "death" but at the same time thinking that rationally, I should expect nothing, and that if I want to experience something, I should do it while alive.
@AlexA. Seconded.
@all Finally, if you were to sum up your meaning to life in 5 nouns, what would those nouns be?
Is "matlab" a noun?
Does it have to make sense?
(the entire room just starred that)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Only to you.
@FlagAsSpam I mean, grammatically.
@FlagAsSpam except me=)
Oh, no, just a list of five nouns.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ its a list of 5 nouns
Like, Horse bus tophat rider clue
Oh, okay.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ If you mean Christian (or otherwise religious) implies not truly socialist, I would disagree. I think socioeconomic views and religious views are entirely separate. (Or at least they are in my mind.)
@AlexA. UGH My mind is dead.
@FlagAsSpam I pinned it. :P
I was thinking of Communism
So close yet so far
@FlagAsSpam ppcg math chocolate music sleep anarchy
@FlagAsSpam Love Life Logic Peace Jesus
And that makes me sound like a hippy o___o
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Probably because you are=)
@flawr That's 6 nouns. :P
> nounds
@flawr This is true :P
@AlexA. Read the last one
Fight the power!
wait is "Live" a noun?
Oh, no
@flawr So music is a considerable part of your life? What do you feel that music contributes to you and the world?
(is there a way to get a plaintext version of this?)
math, PPCG, manga, love, physics
@FlagAsSpam Family, love, happiness, knowledge, DOGS
Clarification: when I said 5 nouns, I meant non-short term life goals, such as "family", or "wealth". If you believe that chocolate or manga are the biggest contributors to your life, good on you, but I mean overall general meaning of life.
Like, "College" wouldn't satisfy that property?
@FlagAsSpam k
@FlagAsSpam I wish it still was as big as it used to be. Music is something that connects people from every culture, and it is one of most positive and admirable thing humanity has been able to produce so far. Close to an universal "religion".
I mean abstract things, like education rather than college, if that makes sense.
@flawr you sound like my band teacher
@flawr I've been trying to phrase this for years, thank you so much.
Okay, okay: rephrasal of last question: if you had to sum up your meaning of life into 5 abstract nouns, what would those nouns be?
@FlagAsSpam I just spent a considerable amount phrasing that, as I still have trouble expressing something close enough to what I want to say in english=)
public abstract noun Life extends List implements Memories {
extends java.util.list
or does that not work
@Maltysen It makes implementing Collection redundant.
private abstract noun Love extends Life implements ???<???> {
Disclaimer: I don't know Java.
make it concurrent? =)
@flawr love is not thread-safe
Alright, guys.
My pleasure! Good luck with Philosophy!
@FlagAsSpam but I didnt even give you my answer yet
@FlagAsSpam death, love, sleep, imagination, knowledge, happyness
@Maltysen Go ahead. :P I thought you weren't going to. xD
@FlagAsSpam happiness, knowledge, love, laughter, culture
Alright. Now thank you. xD
Darnit, again 6.
@flawr 5, it's a magic number.
so @AlexA. dogs or cats? :P
It is a cursed number.
@Maltysen Speaking for alex: Dogs.
I love all animals but I have a special attachment to dogs
@AlexA. U sure you love all animals?
What are your lucky and unlucky numbers? Pair them like so: [lucky,unlucky] or [(lucky0,luck1,...,luckyN),(unlucky0,unluck1,...,unluckyN)]
@flawr Mmmmmmm some more than others.
(guys, I'm gonna send this direct transcript to my teacher. xD)
@FlagAsSpam I was about to post a donkey gif
Leave it to the Nineteenth Byte. xD
Oh, okay.
@FlagAsSpam you should make him join PPCG
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Because all caps makes that look terrible.
@Maltysen Er. No. That'd be weird.
Seriously. xD
ok bye

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