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I /might/ consider running it in a weedwhacker or something
3 hours later…
where would be the correct SE to find out how big/many solar panels you'd need to power a human body
nah I got this
by my calculations, about 90 sq ft of solar panels
assuming 98W human body consumption
around here anyway, for 1500 Wh production
er, just W
to account for night and cloud cover and such
4 hours later…
@Ceshion Sometimes it would be interesting to look into people's minds :)
4 hours later…
It came about because my partner and I were talking about how convenient it would be if we could just photosynthesize and I know chlorophyll photosynthesis is less efficient, so I got wondering about that
@Myself it's not as weird as it sounds!
1 hour later…
@Ceshion I am sorry, I was just wondering about the context
I'm used to being perceived as a little bit nutty, it's okay
@Ceshion You'd be surprised what I tell my coworkers from time to time
I guess everyone has the right to have their own "crazy" ideas
2 hours later…
@Ceshion - this is relevant:
Q: Story including gene-splicing to give humans photosynthesis capability

Rory AlsopThis story had a superb plot device - a gene modification technology which gave humans chloroplasts (in their hair and skin) which allowed them to photosynthesise simply by lying in the sun. As a political tool, this disconnected the poor from dependency on food manufacturers, and also dramatic...

definitely relevant
@RoryAlsop - I saw a comment you put in this thread about your "SciFi Collection" ... haha! I was just telling someone about it earlier today, lol! Oh to be Doktor Mayhem! You are just too cool, my friend!
2 hours later…
One wall of one room... This is a wee part of my sci fi collection
Many thousands of books, mostly sci fi
3 hours later…
@RoryAlsop - How do you have them arranged? Are you as anal as I would be and have them arranged like they were in the library (with a small card catalog to describe the location, lol!)?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 almost Dewey Decimal...
You know I'm a little jelly over your collection, I'm sure :o)
in most rooms the books are arranged by size on shelves, but then alphabetical within category
the fun comes with things like Niven and Pournelle
which author should they be categorised under?
(usually Niven, in that case, but this does mean that all of Pournelle's work is a few feet from his collaborations)
Next question ... have you read them all (and I know the origin story of how you got most of them)?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 yes - not only that, I probably have about 6000 of them in kindle form as well. I prefer paper, but e-books are soooo handy
And many I have read multiple times
Some I read every year
You don't sleep, do you?
not much - there are books in most rooms of the house so when I sit there I can pick one up and continue (I'm quite good at running 3 or 4 at a time)
I have an issue running more than one book at a time. I don't know that I cannot do it, I just prefer to read just one. At least on the pleasure reading side of things. I can deal with work or school books separately.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 So I have a Neal Asher on the go in the bathroom, a Gardner Dozois collection here by the computer, an Iain M Banks downstairs, and I just finished Charles Stross's latest one
I was talking with some friends today who said they read several books at a time ... mainly they like doing it that way so if one book gets too heavy or if they need a break from something, they can pick something else up and be good, yet continue reading. It does make a certain sense.
@RoryAlsop - I wish I had the time ... I'm getting old and need my beauty sleep.
If I get this new job, I might have a lot more time to read, though.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 I just have them separate in my mind - they don't seem to conflict
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 oooooh - sounds intriguing
@RoryAlsop - that would make you the man.
@RoryAlsop - It's shift work, so nights are really slow I understand.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 nah - my brain is good at some things. This is one. It's not so good at others, but as they aren't important to me I get away with it :-)
@RoryAlsop - Oh, I envy you. I'm the type of person who usually only eats one thing on the plate at a time (the plate is full, but I'll eat the corn, then the meat, then the ...). I guess I think too linearly.
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 linear is good too :-)
@RoryAlsop - I was being nice ... I could have said, "One tracked mind."
You doing well?
And the family?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 absolutely - eldest turned 17 yesterday, which is the minimum age for driving a car here... taking him for lesson tomorrow :-)
currently I'm writing papers for 3 conferences...
and the family are downstairs watching TV all sounding happy
I've been teaching my daughter how to drive. She has her learner's permit. She turns 17 in about a month.
luckily Hamish has had track days, karting, and some car-park 11+ lessons, so I think he'll be fine
Oh, with you as the Dad on the scene, I'm sure he'll be awesome. My daughter is doing a great job having started from jump street. I'm actually starting to relax a little with her driving. I'm not worried about the on street driving portion. She still needs a lot of help with parking, though.
@RoryAlsop Is there "Contact" from Carl Sagen hidden somewhere?
@Pᴀᴜʟsᴛᴇʀ2 yeah. That's the bit he is nervous about.
@Myself I think so. I have a couple of his
@Myself - How did the movie compare to the book?

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