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@privetDruzia hello
6 hours later…
@pH13 Hello :)
sorry for being late but I have drug design exam tomorrow .
now we concluded that the basis set consists of orhtogonal and non-orthogonal AOs, what is the role of symmetry ?
in other word how can we integrate different AOs from different atoms to test if they obey the same representation ?
Is this a separate calculation ?
I'm not that sure about my thought of symmetry right now
you might be right when thinking that he only knows which integrals are zero
do you know another benefit of it ?
that's a big benefit :D
but no, not really ...
I know that we can make a symmetry adapted linear combination(basis set) using the projection operator, but thing which I don't get is how this can be done for Ab-initio (geometry is unknown) calculations not for semi-empiricals !
how can you know about symmetry without knowing the geometry?
that is, from this we can say that SALC is not applicable for Ab-initio
But I'm not sure about this
then what is ab initio?
Ab-initio means from the beginning, a type of calculation made entirely without experimental (empirical) reference
I cannot even formulate my question xD
when do you think can ab initio calculations be done? on which systems?
why ? do you have problems with English ?
I have problems by understanding your problem :)
It can be done for any system but it costs alot of time especially for large systems.
and what do you mean by "geometry is unknown" for ab initio?
I think symmetry can be utilized after geometry optimization by Ab-initio.. what do you think ?
symmetry can be used for geometry optimization if symmetrization has been done before
what is symmetrization ?
take your geometry and make it symmetric ... don't know the proper english term
do you mean the initial (arbitrary) geometry which is specified by the user's mouse ?
and this is not to be considered as empirical aid ?
how much it takes from you to finish your thesis ?
how much what? time? energy?
and energy
a lot of energy :D ... and I have to finish it on the 1st of april
what is hard in it ?
to understand the theory behind it and to connect the calculations with the experimental data
what are the theories you use other than MO and DFT ?
resonance raman
"normal" raman
which all ends up in sth called spectro-electro chemistry
so you are in daily treatment with character tables
why should I? :)
It predict the IR and Raman spectrum for the molecules
a) that does the program and b) my molecule isn't symmetric ^^
What is the thing you to prove or what is the objective of your thesis ?
it's very general ... qunatum chemical investigations on ruthenium based dyes
there is nothing to prove but to assist experimentalist with understanding their molecules
are you interested in it ?
would be bad if not, right?
no you may fall in love with it after a while :D
it's interesting, yes ... but there are many things that are interesting
how did you get in this field ?
I wanted to do computational chemistry, was shown some possible themes to work on chose this :)
there was another possibility to work on properties of self-healing polymers ... but I was not sure if I would be able to produce enough data on this during half a year
there are many degrees of freedom during the optimization and that would have taken a lot of time ...
work hard and good luck @pH13 .
i have to close now but I will be online soon :)
good luck for your exam
thank you :)

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