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@Aaraucaria you there?
@araucaria you there?
@Araucaria Hello?
Hi Yes!
can you read this?
So where d'you want to star?
Yes, I can
ok. I thought us is the object case of we
and in that sentence there is no object case.
but no one says "There is only we here."
Well, in English we only have three cases, the nominative, accusative and genitive
The genitive is my, his etc or ____'s
so, "I gave the ball to him." him is the accusative case?
Yes, that's right. But its important to remember that 'objective' isn't a good word. Basically if a pronoun isn't the Subject of a verb, it's usually accusative
And in there's only us the subject isn't the word us, it's the word there!
so, technically speaking it should be "There was only we left."
technically in the sense that we is the nominative case
@michael_timofeev Well, if you let yourself be guided by the idea that either a) the Subject is the noun phrase on the right of the verb BE or b) that there is a tight rule about the verb taking its number from the right hand side noun phrase, then that's what you might expect.
lol...I know we've had our debates about "there" sentences
@michael_timofeev But it doesn't seem that either a) or b) are correct ...
I notice that most English speakers use me in places that grammatically they are not supposed to...same with us.
I'm not a rule stickler...some people on the sit are
btw, where do you work? London?
@michael_timofeev Well, really a grammatical rule is a generalisation that's meant to capture the undelying rules of what people do. If we try and make up the rules and then they don't capture what people do, they're the wrong rules! :-)
@michael_timofeev London, Devon and Edinburgh depending on what month it is! But mostly London
You travel?
@michael_timofeev Not much at the moment, because I'm doing my PhD ...
I'm in a slow period right now. Just got off vacation and am only working 7 hours a week
@michael_timofeev Is that be design?
my company is not very good. a common situation in Taiwan.
Have you tried a university?
also, I was suffering from ulcer...so needed time away
had it for a year...teaching with that is no fun.
I'm on the cure now and am during better. Stress gets to you.
That sounds serious. Are you getting back into the swing in the classroom? I take it you're a bit better now?
Can only teach in a university with a masters. I'm BA only.
Have you got a DELTA?
Teaching over here is quite difficult and very stressful for most of us. Yes, I have an IDELT...same as DELTA.
Those certificates don;t really do much for you, though.
@michael_timofeev Do you like living there apart from the work?
I got onto my MA on the basis of my DELTA, so it helped me a bit. I think it depends a lot on what country your in.
cost of living is low, and I use my scooter to get around.
Can you live off 7 hours?
The cheap cost of living is the only thing helping me at the moment while I recover.
no...I'm using savings...my wife is helping, too.
I had to take a break...been doing this 5 years straight with no time off...60 hours a week sometimes.
I feel much better now...
Wow, that's nuts! I find 25 is my absolute max. And then I feel like I've been run over by a bus. Respect.
Teaching over here is more like baby-sitting and structured chat...although I do have to teach email writing. The 60 hours was also the heavy travel...so I did 23 contact hours and the rest was busses and such.
Still, it's been grueling. I've learned a lot though, and am battle hardened.
Taiwan's pretty good compared to China, though...stay away from them.
Have you taught anywhere else?
I've heard mixed reviews about Japan. Nowehere else. Just here. I've had many careers. I'm 46. Used to sell wine and was also a magician.
BTW, that guy restructing your post was very uncool.
I'm surprised at how it was just shrugged off. It's a kind of plagarism.
Yes, I've had friends who worked in China and found it very tough. Yes, it was a bit. Thanks for the symapthy :D
Oh, he was new. I don't think he'll do that again. I hope not anyhow.
He's settled down. Just a obnoxious american.
Are you enjoying EL&U?
Some days yes, others no. My spelling question cost me.
I didn't see that one. Where was that?
I was attacked for being a bad teacher and called a hypocrite.
On meta. I was pissed about he disrespect shown to spelling questions, so I asked about that. Rubbed some the wrong way. But you know, polite is polte.
There is a lot of disrespect shown toward first time posters. Also a lot of cliquish behavior here that doesn't mesh well with the scholarly environement I'd like.
I'd like a more respectful place without all the attitude and snarky comments. I'm interested in being a better teacher...don;t want to hacve to worry about reputation.
It definitely has its ups and downs. Seems to go downhill and then come up again ... I agree, it would be much better without any snark at all
I haven't participated much lately due to health and other life interests so my points are stagnant. I'm amazed at how fast some others have risen in the ranks.
especially by some who gave pretty dubious "answers."
I just wonder where they are getting all the points? I agonize over every response and scrape up 30 or 40 points on a good day...
@michael_timofeev If someone tries to answer every question, that will inevitably happen ...
Law of mathematics. LOL
Yeah, I guess I do enjoy it around here. BTW, it's good to have you around to keep the answers in line.
Otherwise BS goes unchecked.
Thanks. I'm not sure that's what I do, but it's a nice thought!
Well, I trust your answers, and that's important for me.
@michael_timofeev It's difficult to do that without accidentally upsetting the odd person, even if you try very hard to be friendly ...
Other people's answers are a crapshoot even if they get lots of upvotes.
Yeah, it's amazing sometimes the people that pop up and attack you around here. I call it drive by commenting.
Mari lou calls them comment snipers.
I was quite hurt today by being called a bad teacher. Came from nowehere really
I mean, you don't tell a teacher they are bad.
Some of my answers are too sometimes. Was that on the spelling Q?
@michael_timofeev No. You never do. That would be like telling a student that they were "bad". It's something that we shouldn't do.
Yes. I made the comment "Most people on ELU don;t know jack about spelling." and someone called me out for the typo and said they hoped I don;t teach my students like that.
Then they kept adding more. Then said they were just being "ironic." Of course I saw this user also being rude to some other person so...
But, it's true. Spellling questions always get blown off as "That's the way it is." by people who don;t know what they are talking about.
not just spelling but history of spelling and why words are the way they are.
I'd like to see more of those. There's too much closing by people who shouldn't be on the site anymore...they've seen it all and are grumpy.
we need some fresh blood to liven it up.
@michael_timofeev Yes, I agree. I think that it's important for Ss to understand that English spelling doesn't have a good sound-spelling correspondence though.
BTW, what exactly do you teach? Business english?
I teach everything here...meetings, email, chat, grammar, report writing, presentation.
@michael_timofeev I've taught almost everything over the years, but now I like to do just very high or very low levels. I try and steer clear of the 1-1s
General English, that is
over here 1 to 1 is common. I stay away, though because they cancel often. I am teaching at Yahoo. am there for three hours and people drop in with questions.
Our classes here are integrated, so we do modt of that stuff together ...
@michael_timofeev Online?
I don;t do online or telephone
What's Yahoo?
You can't teach that way. I'm old school. Need a whiteboard and room.
the online company. Yahoo!
Oh you're teaching at a Yahoo office?
They were big before Google took over. Before yahoo there was Alta Vista
Yes. I go to the building and sit in a room and wait for students to come in. 30 minute sessions. No prep waork!
Sounds fantastic. You're like a grammar doctor!
I'm just going for another smoke.Back in 5 if you're still around
Yes. People come to me with reports and need them proofread. So I have to explain things right away in real time. Quite challenging but makes you sharp.
I gotta get to bed. It's 01:00 here
Talk to you later. Stay outta trouble on the site. lol
Ciao then. Take care!

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