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Hello, please ask me what your concerns are.
check this link out, this is what i want to do:
i want that new point, is ur answer in my OP doing that?
Yes, my solution should work.
for starters, what are the things you need to know when solving a problem like this?
You want a calculator for trig. functions
evaluating cosine, sine, etc.
do i have to work with matrices?
Not necessarily, my answer doesn't have matrices
in ur answer, what is r?
Matrices can simplify things down though
r is the distance from the pivot to your point you are rotating
for example, x = rcos(angle)
given in the general r^2=x^2+y^2 using Pythagorean theorem
you started with substitutions, x = rcos(angle)
My method is particularly simple
what do we do with that distance?
i want to know ur train of thought behind all of htis
Multiply it after we rotate
rotating won't affect distance from origin/pivot
Get it?
I solved mine similar to De Moivres' method
y = rsin(agnle) is doing the same thing?
yes, rotating with the distance part factored out
very easy with a calculator
so if my angle is 45degrees, i use: x = rcos(45)?
Sort of
x1 is x prime?
We use x = r*cos(45+rotation)
x1 is first x coordinate
for A, x1=4, y1=5
how do we get r?
find distance from (4,5) using Pythagorean theorem
or distance formula
(4,5) and (4,1)?
distance would be r = 4
ok just making sure
This place can really be nice, private tutors for free and all (except the tutorers here are very smart)
to calculate x1 = 4cos(45 + pi/4)?
i bet they are smart, this stuff is so new to me, im used to geometry
Um, wait
and x1 is the point we looking for?
x1 = 0*cos(stuff)
distance from A to (4,5) = 0
Are we talking about B?
er, I mean C?
nooo dont confuse me
A = 4,5, B = 4,1
x1 = 4 * cos(45 + pi/4)?
we are comparing the distance to the pivot point
that is, the point we are rotating around
x != x1?
we comparing B to x1?
wait, slow down
Imagine trying to rotate (0,0) around (0,0)
The distance from pivot is r = 0
right, so there should be no change afterwards
so x has to = x1?
that is just for A
For B, we have d = 4
and (from stuff), theta = 270
say we want to rotate it 30 degrees
so we now have: theta = 300
angle = theta?
the symbol
for our new x value, we have x = 4*cos(300)
but then....
we have to remember to add 4 to our x
because we rotated it around ("4",5)
so it is x=4*cos(300)+4
what i did was : x = 4 * cos(45) = 2.101, x1 = 4 * cos (45 + pi/4) = -.92088, x is not x1
plug into calculator
well, you have to actually find the old angle
which you can use trigonometry for
i got 3.9116
That is probably right for mine
but I rotated it 30 degrees
that 1 is urs, but now im confused
one second
When I said x=x1, I was talking about "A"
all i know is (4,5) to (4,1) = 4, the rotation is 45degrees
i dont know what to do from there
but what do you want to rotate around what?
4,5 rotate 45degrees
how do i start?
You want to rotate (4,1) around (4.5) by 45 degrees
there we go yes
We know d = 4
we know the angle/theta is 270 (from some trigonometry or looking at a graph)
oh, wait
how did u get 270?
let me tell you how I found it
0 degrees equals right
180= left?
yeah, my bad
270 is down
and 360 = right
We see that 4,1 is directly down, below 4,5
so 270 degrees
quadrant IV?
If its somewhere else, trigonometry, something I can't explain
No, note quadrants, just where 4,1 is in relation to 4,5
so we know it's 270
isnt it in 0-90?
4,5 and 4,1 are in the first quadrant where 0->90
Um, I believe we just proceed as follows:
hmm so i have to know more stuff to understand how u got 270?
no, we are looking at 4,1
no, no, no
look at 4,1 on a graph
look at 4,5 on the same graph.
4,1 is simply directly below 4,5
If I leave randomly, its because my mom said so and its late...
is that wrong? it looks like 4, -1
are we reversing y?
(-y , x) (x, y)?
why in the graph is 4, 1 located below the x axis tho?
(4,1) is below (4,5), do you get that much?
that's really all we need to know it is 270 degrees
ok deal
:D and we have d=4
that'l be homework for me, so continuing on
ok, this part gets tricky if you don't really pay attention
You can rejoin this room later and I'll receive notifications btw
Look at the x values for (4,1) and (4,5)
ok np, kk
The x values are the same, so we say x=0
The y values are 4 less, so y=-4
we know 0=4*cos(270)
and - 4=4*sin(270)
That is simply our x/y values and plugging in the knowns/found
Our new x value will be x1=4*cos(270+45)
our new y value will be y1=4*sin(270+45)
y = 2.98053305823
and that's it?
wait, you messed up
Set your calculator to degrees mode
oops :D
x = 2.82842712475
don't do y, I don't have time
2.82842712475 is the amount right of (4,5)
y = -2.82842712475
-2.82842712475 is the amount down from (4,5)
So our new point should be (4+2.82842712475 ,5-2.82842712475)
Put that into your calculator and your done
got it
ty :D
its that easy. (not sure what that means)
note that it will simply be harder to find the angle if it is not up/down, left/right
can we go over that tomorrow?
if u have time :D
Ask someone else on that topic, I have to go for tonight (don't ask it on this site, they'll downvote you like crazy)
I always find time
okay :D thanks again
If you leave messages here, I will respond.
Ta Ta for now!

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