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@Adnan One more suggested change, make the Exit command (q) an actual exit regardless of anything else. Currently when using q inside a map (ε) for example, it's just being ignored and the mapping continues.
@KevinCruijssen I think we have enough 1-byters left in order to implement this
The exit command is indeed buggy, but it currently works that way in the rewrite
@KevinCruijssen Do you mean like something similar as a break all command?
@Adnan Yes, I indeed meant a break-all loops.
@Adnan Ah, that's good to hear. :)
12 hours later…
@everyone The rewrite of 05AB1E is now available on TIO. This is kinda like the beta test in order to identify as many bugs as possible. Please let me know if you have found a bug.
If it doesn't work as expected, you can always fall back to the legacy version of 05AB1E. This uses the latest updated version of the Python interpreter.
That's great! Looking forward to using it and I'll definitely contribute to writing its docs! I'm very excited about this
Do old links break?
Oh no, they don't: one version uses 05ab1e and one uses osabie
@Adnan One late thing: Does the new version have cumulative reduce?
@Mr.Xcoder No not yet
The rewrite is still in progress, just in its beta stage
First answer using λ!
I am going to try my hand at some challenges in order to spot bugs...
Nice one!
Perhaps I should add flags to them e.g. 1λè+ would become the full program
Whereas è is the flag that indicates the after generating the list, it pops an element from the stack and retrieves the nth element
Great idea!... But what if we don't want to do anything after generation?
Hmm, perhaps standardize to retrieving the nth element?
I just golfed my answer to 4 bytes.
@Adnan I vote for no.
What exactly do you mean?
Would, in that scenario, my 4-byter still work?
Well, if there is no closing bracket or it reaches eof, it would just leave an infinite stream on the stack
Ok, would the 1λ+}10£ example work
We can make it check that if that's the case, we just retrieve the nth element instead
Yes in that case it would
I think I need another example.
because the λ-subprogram closes and has code afterwards
I also think you can golf your submission to λ+=, since a(0) is standardized to 1.
Yes I now understand what you are saying. Yeah, that would be good
I tried to remove it in the previous version but it didn't work...?
4-byter is not valid.
I can fix it with λ=+ though :P
why is it not valid?
It only printed one 1
Oh I see
Also, just λ+ would produce an infinite stream of the fibonacci sequence
I see why it didn't work in my previous 6-byter: I had input, so a(0) wasn't 1 anymore. I really tried that
@Adnan Nice. That produces no output though, right?
erl_child_setup closed

Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump.../srv/wrappers/osabie: line 3: 12978 Killed                  /opt/osabie/osabie .code.tio "$@" < .input.tio
Weird, it used to print everything as a stream
Perhaps it only works locally but not on tio.
What IDE do you use for elixir?
Visual Studio Code
It's a pretty young language so there are not many great IDEs for Elixir
Yeah I am aware of that
but VS code is pleasant to write in
Tbh I don't have any experience with VS Code
I mainly do my work in PyCharm and Xcode
VS is different from VS Code
VS code is pretty lightweight compared to VS
installing VS would be a couple of GBs
Xcode is over 10 GB :P
oh one thing, debugging is going to be a incredible mess
because of tail call optimization and lazy evaluation
I never use debugging in 05AB1E so I don't mind :)
Well, that will definitely make things a lot easier hahaha
Now [ won't be needed that much now that we have lambda
floods main site with 05AB1E answers
Did you already update info.txt?
Yes, all changes are up to date in the info.txt
perhaps some of them described in a cryptic way
Mind if I start editing the Wiki?
Sure, go ahead!
Also, you can now also use subprogram to map stuff
One second, I'll come up with an example
subprogram... Hmm. I don't know what that is but it sounds absolutely neat
Wait, I'll try to answer this challenge which is perfect for it:
Q: RTA (Reverse-Then-Add) root of a number

sundarThe reverse-then-add (RTA) sequence is a sequence obtained by adding a number to its reverse, and repeating the process on the result. For eg., $$ 5 + 5 = 10 \Rightarrow 10 + 01 = 11 \Rightarrow 11 + 11 = 22 \Rightarrow 22 + 22 = 44 \Rightarrow\text{ }... $$ Thus, 5's RTA sequence contains 10...

That means you'll outgolf me in Pyth D::D
@Mr.Xcoder I got 9 bytes for that challenge
do you want to try it yourself or rather have me give the answer
I'd try it but I'd like to know what subprogram is
Umm. Let me see what I can do.
Oh wait I have 10 bytes, not 9
0-indexed needed to be 1-indexed
I have a solution in mind, writing it up
I suspect that has helped, right?
oh wow huh
I did not even think of that
In that case I have a 7-byte solution
Hahah told you :P
Go ahead and post and I'll write mine separately (to be clear, I won't post anything)
Here or on the challenge?
On the challenge, I don't want to see it yet
Alright, one second
I'm on the phone right now so that's going to be a bit difficult
No rush
Let me know when you do it
@Adnan Things like λ...}Iå won't work, will they?
Nope, but there is a command that acts like å on a strictly non-decreasing list
Since infinite lists is going to be a thing now in 05ab1e
I think .j achieves that
It isn't in info.txt >_>
Oh wait, I forgot to add that to the info.txt
One more thing: does default to ?
It essentially tries to find the index but stops searching when the next element is larger than the needle
@Mr.Xcoder Nope...
No, but that is a good idea
I dunno how you managed to get 7
Alternatively you can use the j flag for the λ
Wait are flags already implemented
Which returns a boolean whether an element exists in that sequence
Yes, j is the only flag that is being used
Aha! @Adnan L.ΔλjÂ+?
Or ∞.ΔλjÂ+, of course
Yes that the solution
Nice one!
If you wouldn't have mentioned 7 bytes I wouldn't have gotten even to 10 lol
I should definitely document this command elaborately because this one has a lot of edge cases
I dunno why but inspired me at first glance lol
@Adnan Make sure to do so!
Alright will do haha
I'll let you post the answer, btw. Ping me so I can upvote once you're done
Okay I will
Oh, forgot to mention: Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this wonderful golfing language once again! You've just given us a nice gift, which we'll use to squish those byte with great pleasure
My pleasure! It's kinda weird how fast the time goes, because I currently have worked on this for about a month, which I did not expect to take so long
The new version, given the major update from one language to another is seemingly extremely bug-free!
Yeah I did extensively test each command that exists and followed to principles of designing a language.
Mostly because that was taught at one of the subject of my CS class
It is checked in the Hackmd list (sorry for bugging you again), but what's the insert equivalent of ǝ?
Nice, a CS course that actually teaches something useful.
I am now trying this one.
Oh I don't think I have pushed that yet
Dang... I'll find a workaround then
I've got nothing better to do at 0:30 am so I'll start editing the wiki. I hope I'll get at least a few commands done tonight
I'll write up that answer for that challenge and then I think I'm off to bed :P
had a long day today hahaha
Have a good night!
@Mr.Xcoder Well, I have posted the answer on that challenge
A: RTA (Reverse-Then-Add) root of a number

Adnan05AB1E, 7 bytes Using the new version of 05AB1E (rewritten in Elixir). Code L.ΔλjÂ+ Try it online! Explanation L # Create the list [1, ..., input] .Δ # Iterate over each value and return the first value that returns a truthy value for: λ # Where the base case...

@Mr.Xcoder Good night :)
You should review my changes to the wiki in the days to follow after I push them
Sure, no problem. Thanks for doing this! :)
It's the least I can do to help
I'll also try to write an extensive changelog tomorrow, describing most of the changes
@Adnan Uh oh! First bug!
It is an input problem for sure, because this works
@Adnan oni > vs code
@Adnan Why were .h and .H removed? :S
And shouldn't .p be removed?

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