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Why did I earn "everyone gets a hat" on Math SE and not on a site where I actually do stuff
Probably my fault.
I guess the people on PPCG just aren't trying to get hats
That's lame 0/10
They're all walking around with their cake hats
The Ghastly Gibus of SE
Have sites other than Math.SE gotten that hat yet?
They obviously don't understand the Winter Bash meta
@MikeMiller I don't know.
The people I see that have the hat got it from Math SE.
tbh I'm probably not going to try to get any other hats since this Onion Knight hat is so beautiful
I got it from Math
I want the unicorn helmet one
15 of my hats are from Math and not Oprah. So we would just need people to have 5 hats I don't have.
I really want that hat too :P
I'll probably get it from this grocery store challenge I have
I can't wait until PPCG increases the rep gotten from question upvotes
Newest post is 2 days ago!!!
This changes things
Yeah, it does.
Has Elan done review tasks?
All actions for last 2 hours: 5 comments, 1 edit, 2 reviews.
A 'Leave Closed' then a 'Reopen'
Will all the secret hats get revealed at the end of Winter Bash?
The 'Reopen' vote and the 'Leave Closed' vote both succeeded.
But Eran didn't do any reviews on meta before he got the badge.
So that hypothesis is out.
Absolutely bizarre.
what does timey wimey look like?
So, Sun Wukong can't come from the user actively doing anything, because Eran didn't have any actions for several hours before receiving it.
How do you know exactly when he got the hat?
But it also can't come from any conditions met on a post made during bash, because Najib hasn't made any posts during bash.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I don't know exactly, but there's a five hour gap before he posted about getting the badge.
Maybe he was gone for a bit
I don't think that is decisive
It isn't badge related, because Najib hasn't gotten any badges.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Good point.
I'm looking for a post to get Living in the Future on.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Scratch that:
@DavidG I can't be sure, but it must have happened within the last hour or two.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ I've been watching leaderboard stuff pretty actively.
I'm very sure it's in the last, say, hour.
@anOKsquirrel Timey Wimey
Making my picture
<Timey Wimey
Huge views on this one.
But they all follow roughly the same pattern - except for Eran's.
Third Sun Wukong with no rep changes or actions taken today. He has looked at stuff, but not actually done anything on the site today, I think.
And all three have gone to users with 1500+ rep.
He may be casting close votes but not in the review queue. That's not visible through the activity page.
I know Najib does a lot of that.
So I guess someone should ask @Eran if he voted to close/reopen any questions on Meta.SE today.
@MikeMiller He surely is not the only one to do that. So that's not the 'hat' reason.
I've done that today, for that matter.
It may be that with other stuff - I was asking about Eran's to see if I could rule that out completely as a factor.
New Onion Knight sighting with 6 votes on Q and 6 votes on top A.
I'd have to check to be sure, but I seem to remember that all of them are the user's top post on that site. I could be wrong about that.
And if that's one of the conditions, that could explain why Eran's was different.
Aha, that could be interesting
At least +6 over your previous best post?
Something like that I bet
Check. I'm still looking for new ones.
This is a lot more tedious now that math is giving a hat to everybody.
So I now need to get like a 21 voted question on BSE?!?!?!?
I am probably the only person even remotely inconvenienced by it.
That will be very hard
At least one of them was a first post, so it should be something you're able to do on a new site.
So at least +6 then?
What site do you all have accounts on?
I wanted the hat on math. :P
Q: What is the etymology of the term "Cockpit"?

NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇI have always been intrigued by the word Cockpit and have wondered where it originated. I have heard that it originated in the times of cock fights, is this true?

See if 6uvs works there
We're trying for Onion?
Wow, it was already answered.. upvote the answer.
Stop at six, see what happens.
Wow, that is the fastest SEing I think I have ever seen.
And hopefully it doesn't receive any comments... (if that's related)?
@JoshCrozier Not sure
I feel like they wouldn't rehash gimmicks.
Asked three minutes ago: 10 views, 4 votes, answer has 5 votes and 2 edits. Dang.
3 is too low
2 more upvotes...
Ugh.. you got a comment.
Yeah . . .
Hope it doesn't ruin it
No, comments don't affect it.
I mean, look at the secret hat post...
Just the 007 one then
hella comments
I suspect this is awarded for questions (Answers?) that get more upvotes (Or views) the day after they are posted than the day they are posted. All of the questions linked seem to have been posted yesterday. — PearsonArtPhoto 2 mins ago
No? They were all posted in the same UTC day, during bash?
Nope, that's definitely not it. It is still day 1.
Someone posted a theory about meta downvotes? I can't qutie parse it
@rnrneverdies This could be it, though it's hard to prove, since you can't see downvotes other users got in a meta site other than Meta SE, since most meta sites don't have reputation. It seems very likely this hat is related to a meta post, since Carlos Muñoz got this hat on SO without any recorded activity today (and he did have a heavily downvoted question on meta SO). — Eran 1 min ago
That partially explains it...
His question has -24 downvotes.. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/312280/…
And that appears to be his only activity..
Although this question received -6, and they don't have the hat. meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/312314/floating-menu-bar
Najib has no meta posts today.
Maybe at least 5 upvotes and 5 downvotes..
Then what about Eran?
My word one looks to be at +6, let's see if anything happens . . .
@Gwenn !
@MikeMiller That can't be it, my previous best post has 60 upvotes :P
Q: Implement a Truth-Machine

quartataA truth-machine (credits goes to this guy for coming up with it) is a very simple program designed to demonstrate the I/O and control flow of a language. Here's what a truth-machine does: Gets a number (either 0 or 1) from STDIN. If that number is 0, print out 0 and terminate. If that number is...

Q: Alex-style Addition

quartataInspired by Alex's glorious Learn you an R for great good, we are going to humbly recreate Alex's "one true R program" -- but with a twist. Alex-style Addition works like this -- it has a 90% chance of simply returning the sum of the two numbers given and a 10% chance of recursively Alex-adding ...

Both question and answer have 6 . . . let's see what happens
This user also received 5 downvotes on meta and got the hat - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/312313/…
Of course, we're no longer testing a hypothesis, because we have absolutely no idea what's going on.
Want to test and see if it works on an old post? Dog pile on something I posted on Math meta ;D
Try DVing this question of mine... it's currently at 19/2
Q: Zero delete votes remaining?

Josh CrozierAfter voting to delete some questions via the 10k review tools, I came across this: I casted the third delete vote, but the question still hasn't been deleted. It displays that there are zero votes remaining. My theory is that the question's required delete vote threshold has decreased since ...

i don't have enough rep :P
oh shoot, I can't.
You can tell it is Hats season, people are asking for downvotes o.O
I did
If it doesn't get any comments and gets +7, it should also get me 007.
Hey @Doorknob冰
Thanks. Hi, @Doorknob冰.
Both answers.
This should be worth a hat on it's own.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ: No onion?
Maybe the question needs to be featured in the hot network questions list...?
quartata told me that's not it
(and if so, there would be far more of them)
The current top HNQ holder doesn't have it, anyway
@JoshCrozier That's a different had IIRC.
How are the meta downvoting sprees going? I have a post here with... 1 downvote... the goal is 5 to confirm that the sun wukong conjecture is correct. If anybody has a meta account on one of the very few sites I have points on I'm glad to contribute.
@MikeMiller Downvote supplied.
Oh, no, not that
lol, that is my post
@Hosch250 Could you unsupply that? He made a mistake with the link
Sorry @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ
@MikeMiller Downvote resupplied.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Sorry about that.
Oh shit, I hope I didn't stop you from getting a Carl
He did it on purpose ;)
Also: I wonder if this stops me from getting a Carl
Just don't do it in a few hours, I already had gotten one today
When it resets tonight that willbe different
woo, -3
First time I've seen anyone delighted about getting -3.
@MikeMiller yes it would
how are you sure?
I've got bounties here:
Q: Siamese neural network

DavideChicco.itI have been studying the architecture of the Siamese neural network introduced by Yann LeCun and his colleagues in 1994 for the recognition of signatures ("Signature verification using a Siamese time delay neural network".pdf, NIPS 1994). I had some problems in understanding the general archit...

Q: C SIMD Matrix Multiplication

PeterI recently started toying with SIMD and came up with the following code for matrix multiplication. I would greatly appreciate if someone with more experience with these things could tell me how far off I am from a good solution. First I attempted to implement it using SIMD the same way I did in ...

Someone answer them and I'll see if they get a hat.
I'm about to win a bounty on SO... but I doubt I will get a hat from it.
I've already seen a few people who have won bounties without hats.
Has anyone looked at the possible symbolism of Onion Knight? Like how it makes people cry, or repels vampires?
We've found two references to Onion Knights.
One is Game of Thrones, a character who lost the first joint on the fingers of his left? hand.
Whoops, got sidetracked.
The other is a job type in (something I don't remember) that starts weak, but the stats boom after a while.
I feel like my use of this hat is well-placed.
@FlagAsSpam No it isn't.
It's magical.
@RikerW Wat do you mean?
@FlagAsSpam Dude, that is creepy. I have desktop notification turned on, and it pops up with the hatless image. And it looks awful.
@RikerW Beware the wat.
@Hosch250 Final Fantasy! The earlier ones were so much better and I don't care how hipster-y I sound when I say that.
@FlagAsSpam Seriously, that is creepy. (the popup)
@Pops III was atrocious. There is no defending it.
@MikeMiller Bee arr bee, asking balpha to add a "remove all hats and permanently ban user from Winter Bash" button to the mod tools.
@Pops: I mean the one that just came out in the US like... uh... wait, I guess that was eight years ago now.
Not the one we called three.
Right, naming... so, VI? II?
Yeah, VI is the good one. III is the one with the onion knight.
I guess I'll defend it in that onion knight is a cool name
Actually despite what I said, I played the FF games in a bizarre order.
Started off with FF (unnumbered, I guess we'd call it FF I these days) on the NES. Then a long, long gap until a little bit of Crystal Chronicles, but only when people needed an extra player, it wasn't something I was really into. And it doesn't really count anyways.
I love CC. But none of my friends do. This makes it difficult to play.
XII came out around that time, that was a good one, and about then I got around to VIII, also good, followed by XIII and its sequels, which I can't say the same about.
More recently I started (but haven't gotten very far in) VII, and completed the HD remaster of X (great, but frustration with the optional challenges at the end had me leave it on a sour note).
Also tried Type-0 HD, which seems ridiculous, and I guess the X-2 HD remaster is next in line.
so, what hats do we get now?
I like the XIII things. Not because they're comprehensible, or have a good plot, but because the battlin's fun. XIII-2's story is amusingly bad. Then the third one I never played but I heard it's good even for people who didn't like the first two.
X is good, the postgame stuff is bad.
I got my five downvotes. Now to find out if that's enough, I guess.
Nevermind. I'm idiot.
That is very old news
I've had it for half the day :P
So, now. How to get a reverse hairboat comment
for code review
So, Ericson?
Alright, the monkey king is not just for getting five downvotes on meta.
Downvotes on meta? MY TIME TO SHINE!
in The 2nd Monitor, 33 secs ago, by Quill
I wonder if you can get 007 as a selfie
Your hat is messed up
@Quill: I think I've seen a counterexample.

I wonder if long messages do that
if we want to test it, I just posted one
in The 2nd Monitor, 3 mins ago, by Quill
A: Image Filter client

QuilldefaultOptions: Providing a defaultOptions array is useless if you don't use any other property than imageCallback The following line is redundant if you wish to create imageCallback and not an empty object: this.defaultOptions = {}; Getting and assigning click listeners: There's dupl...

resists temptation to comment
There, your hat is fixed
I'll vote you tomorrow when I'm not out of votes.
@Doorknob冰 bruv
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ you too
I'm out too
OK, just showing you.
I'm out, you're out, everyone's out!
Hmm... Do we get Batman from editing/reopening something in the review queue?
@Whaaaaaat Yeah
oh, no, it does have to be a meta post from today.
Najib got his and deleted it.
@MikeMiller What does that mean?
Starting in Bash
not specifically this UTC day, sorry
@Whaaaaaat Your name, though. :D I really want this Batman hat.
@MikeMiller Ok
What needs to happen to it?
Do we know?
if anyone on AU can spare some goats... askubuntu.com/questions/523037/…
So very close to a Silver.
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ: New post on meta, at least five downvotes, maybe 5 upvotes too?
Najib got his hat on a +5 -5 post.
I can probably manage that
Is that main meta or any meta?
Any meta.
Trying it bravely . . .
Q: Is it ok to test ideas on secret hats here on meta?

NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇI was just wondering if we could use temporary questions to test ideas we have for how to earn secret hats here, or if that is a bad idea. They can be removed as soon as the hat is confirmed or a few days after posting and nothing happening.

@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ should I downvote :P
Let's try up first, i know some people who will downvote anyways :P
Once we hit five we need new people to turn it around I think
Can I get three more upvotes here trying to test whether 007 works for selfies
Already did as well..
Every time I get close to getting the 007, the OP comments >.<
If you have not voted yet, you can hit this with DVs now:
Q: Is it ok to test ideas on secret hats here on meta?

NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇI was just wondering if we could use temporary questions to test ideas we have for how to earn secret hats here, or if that is a bad idea. They can be removed as soon as the hat is confirmed or a few days after posting and nothing happening.

Still no response to hat purchase
Can I get 4 more DVs on this (only hats make you ask for Dvs) to get the "Sun Wukong" hat? (we can reverse the votes later.)
Downvote meta to equal zero score?
@Whaaaaaat yes it had 5 uv, now 5 dv
shouldent that get the hat?
So +5/-5?
By different users?
However, it probably has to be posted during the bash..
I doubt the questions actually have to be on meta.
I bet it's just questions that get +5 -5, posted during bash.
It's just that meta questions are polarized.
Well, it's worth a shot.
Shoot this down, give it a negative score. I am going to delete it soon:
Q: Is it ok to test ideas on secret hats here on meta?

NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇI was just wondering if we could use temporary questions to test ideas we have for how to earn secret hats here, or if that is a bad idea. They can be removed as soon as the hat is confirmed or a few days after posting and nothing happening.

Okay, I know hats are exciting and all, but all the usual site rules still apply (re using your powers wisely, not setting up voting rings, limiting sockpuppetry, &c.)
I don't have a sock puppet, but I'm afraid I've asked for votes a few times more than I should have.
I did set up a few bounties to dispose of the ill-gained rep, though.
You're not the only one. I've been letting it go so far, but, c'mon, people.
yeah, i'm guilty of votewhoring too
Here we go
Q: Do we receive hat notifications on the Android mobile app?

NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇI know hats are not enabled in the Android app, but is there a way to receive notifications when you have earned one? Similar to when you get a comment or other notification, just for hats, or has the app been left entirely normal this year?

One more hour until day rollover. And I have 4 upvotes on Parenting. Ah well, maybe another day :-)
That could be controversial
@YviDe Ah good
SE employee: hats are not awarded for meta, except for Meta.SE. Unless they're explicitly for meta sites. (source)
ok, I guess that makes sense
Has anyone tried dumping all of their stars?
Might be a hat...
some people tried that earlier
@Whaaaaaat I tried that about 19 hours ago
I did it too
But not because i was trying for a hat
I'll dump all my stars.
sandbox room for that
I've used all my stars on sandbox.
I got nothing for doing it
Re the "Researcher" hat.
You are clearly very confused. This question is completely off-topic. — DavidPostill 1 min ago
That's just search three times on a site?
researcher hat?
oh, cool
@Whaaaaaat Different days though
just searched 3 times.
It has to be 3 different days tho D:
@NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ Yeah, obviously. But that's it?
Cool :D
husky hat on a wolf avatar. Confusion ensues!
Colorized versions of all non-secret hats
@balpha posted a js command to do it
so I'm the only one with the Do You Even Lift hat atm
wow. se is such troll
Which site is "Specialist Hatsman" awarded on?
Whoops, that is Every!...

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