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@Letharion Just back in the office, will try @JReynolds answer out
@Duikboot yo yo yo
Oi :)
@Pureferret Let me know how you progress. :) I happen to take quite in interest in questions that involve Panels. :)
@Letharion @JReynolds has fixed it
@Letharion There seems to be a split in drupl devs over Views-Panels vs Blocks
@Pureferret Definitively. Are you familiar with the concept of dependency injection?
@Letharion Yus
@Pureferret I'll leave the argumentation to other, and I'll just tell you what Panels (mostly page manager really) provides, and you can decide for yourself.

a) Typed data. Everything in Drupal tends to be an array of arrays of arrays of arrays. (Dictionary I believe, in python parlance) That's convenient at times, but makes it really hard to require certain data. It's common to have non-descript errors that are really hard to trace, because your array can get passed through a hundred functions before some key needs to be used, and things blow up only then. Page manager wraps a lot of thin
Whether you need or want those features varies, and as such people's choice in Panels vs Blocks.
@Letharion Awesome, thanks for the explanation

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