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hi all
6 hours later…
@dskanth Ave.
9 hours later…
posted on May 25, 2011 by Drupal Security Team

Advisory ID: DRUPAL-SA-CORE-2011-001 Project: Drupal core Version: 6.x, 7.x Date: 2011-May-25 Security risk: Critical Exploitable from: Remote Vulnerability: Access bypass, Cross Site Scripting Description Multiple vulnerabilities and weaknesses were discovered in Drupal. Reflected cross site scripting vulnerability in error handler A reflected cross site scripting vulnerability was discov

2 hours later…
@kiamlaluno : Are you still there ?
@nyoz I am always in some places. :-)
As you are here : I'm very new to Drupal (started to use it last month), but there's something I still don't get with Ctools AJAX classes
Yeah, I linked the feed for the security advisories here. If you miss one, you can read about it here.
like the ones about collapsible div
: it works perfectly in the CTools AJAX Example demo page, but in no way I managed to make it work outside...!
I don't use Ctools, but the AJAX part in Ctools has been included in Drupal 7.
(thks for the feed btw, otherwise I'd have forgotten to update my core)
So, U mean I just need to attribute an "AJAX reactive" class to a div to make it "work"
@nyoz I don't know in Ctools, but in Drupal 7 you use the attribute "#ajax" for the elements for which you want to enable AJAX.
As I see from the example in Ctools, you should use functions like ctools_ajax_text_button().
I wish there would be more documentation about Ctools.
@kiamlaluno: (Me too) That's one the points I don't get with Drupal : can we use those functions outside the templates and modules? For instance if I make a block with Views and I want it to be collapsible...
*one OF the points
@nyoz If you implement it in a module, I guess you can.
Views for Drupal 7 depends on Ctools. I guess it uses some of the Ctools functions for AJAX.
oops ^^
@kiamlaluno But in that case not, as it's already in the D7 core (I'm talking about AJAX CTools Possibilities) ?
Ah ok
@nyoz Part of it has been merged in Drupal core, but I think there are parts of Ctools that are not in core.
Ok, I'll try to do my bolognese and then if it crash I'll come back to Drupal Answers... Thks !

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