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@Jivings lets hope that there are a few more nominations, as of now it wouldn't be much of an election
15 hours later…
@Ghanima: There's just isn't nearly as much sanctification in winning by default, is there?
I'm surprised I haven't seen a nomination for @Jivings or @Goldilocks...
@Jacobm001 I overheard some conversation with @Jivings stating that he did his time... but lets hope for the best, nominations are still open
That doesn't make this sound like it will be a pleasant experience :P
@Jacobm001 as @SteveRobillard already put it I would consider it a failure if we graduate, but can't then get more than 3 people to nominate themselves as moderators. so lets hope a few more step up. Any experienced mod is sure to get my vote :)
As someone who struggled with the decision of whether to stand for election or to go quietly into the night. I can see both sides of @Jivings argument. as others have pointed out it can be a thankless job, it can come with a fair share of abuse from those who do not like our sometimes seemingly random decisions, edits etc.
It also, involves a commitment of ones time on a consistent basis. My stats show I have visited 1275 days, 601 consecutive that is approx 20 months without missing a day.
There comes a point where you want/need to pursue other goals and interests.So I would be cautious in viewing anyone who has served as a moderator from stepping down in any negative way. It should not be seen as a lifelong post or commitment. The site would not be where it is today without there leadership and efforts.
I initially thought that I would not stand for election and like @jivings (he was appointed a moderator soon after we entered public beta back in the summer of 2012) that I had served my time (2+ years). I changed my mind because no one had (at that point) nominated themselves. I thought that by breaking the ice others would follow.
I also felt strongly that at least one of us (the current moderators) should continue to help in the exchange of leadership. I know how helpful it can be to have experienced mods to confer with, address potential bias with and handle the rare case where a user is driving you mad (it does happen occasionally we are human after all). So rather than look negatively on their decision not to stand for election I would urge all of you to say thank you to them.
Steve, sure your breaking of the ice worked :)
I am also very much in favour of at least some continuity in the "staff" of moderators, which is why I - and I assume the whole community - appreciates that step
No, but at least the election will not fail for lack of candidates
@Jacobm001 re: mod nominations - see above
that being said, I can also feel with anybody and understand the rationale of moving on after having one's time served
I hope my comments will not offend anyone, just wanted to present the view behind the scenes and begin to express my thanks to my fellow mods.
Nobody would expect modding SE to be a lifelong commitment, and again I am pretty sure that the vast majority of our users appreciate the effort and dedication of our moderators
@goldilocks munchies.vice.com/articles/… do we need to ship you a personal butter suppply to get you through the Canadian winter - lol
1 hour later…
@SteveRobillard I don't think we're as bad as some of the southern U.S. states but we do like our bacon, etc.
yeah, but it is Canadian bacon -lol
FYI did you see my comment above
About mods not returning? Yes. I am going to run again after all, but my reasons for not doing so were not because I haven't enjoyed it.
wait u r or r not running
I haven't declared yet but yes. Initially I wasn't because 1) I felt giving other people the opportunity would be good; 2) I felt in light of our low high rep user count it might be better for me to just be a high rep user instead of also occupying a mod slot; 3) Because I have confidence in the 3 candidates we have; 4) Because it is a big time commitment and I was starting to feel a bit burned out, but I think I just need to be a bit more laissez faire.
I.e., Looks like it will be going to a vote!
WRT "more laissez faire" and this question:
Q: Linux Questions about Raspbian should be OK

MilliwaysWhat is "on-topic"? We seem to have a lot of new users, probably the Zero will increase this. Lots have little or no Linux experience. As a consequence they ask beginner (or even more advanced) Linux questions. Questions about Raspbian, even if they are general Linux questions should be OK as t...

Since the other mod candidates are here, I thought would be a good place to discuss not eliminating the restriction, but easing up the language on the "off-topic" page.
I can agree on almost every count.
Not because I think it is just our decision to make but because I believe only mods can make that edit.
@goldilocks that begs the perenial question of Banana pi etc
@SteveRobillard Yeah, although it is pretty distinct from that.
I'm the one that's been most vigilant in enforcing the linux one, I think.
I don't mind the linux stuff for many of the reasons I stated on that question
Alright. Some of the responses there, and tangentially this:
Q: Subject RemoveMigrationStubs to Moderator/User Approval

goldilocksI was not aware of this mechanism until today but discovered it has been around for a long time, although the paper trail it leaves may be much more recent. I noticed it because a new user on RaspberryPi.SE asked, with regard to a question of his that had been closed as a duplicate, how he could...

Have made me rethink my perspective a bit.
One trend i am a bit concerned over is the pace of change (especially with a small but voacal inority)leading the way. Are we changinfg to much too fast?
Well, I do worry about saying "fire away!" then just ending up with more unanswered questions.
Which is why I think the policy should remain, but obviously there are frequently semi-subjective judgement calls involved.
yeah, I was also thinking about the meta MathJax question
which closely followed the syntax highlighting
and yes I apppreciate the irony that 2 mod candidates asked those 2 questions
Actually the wording on the off-topic page is not that strong and already ambiguous since "operating systems for the raspberry pi" are okay.
@SteveRobillard I don't see why not, except that I don't know what SE's reasons for not doing this are in the first place.
@SteveRobillard it just happened to cross my mind that very day
I do have some memory of seeing it discussed in relation to some other site, where they implied it was only worthwhile if it was going to be used a lot.
I am not saying I disagree just think that the community is moving alot faster this last month and that concerns me a little
Yes, it is. That is a combination of the graduation and zero, I'd guess.
yeah, and all that goes with it coupled with the small numbers that are leading this community. don't get me wrong we need our leaders, but we need more people ready to step into that role..
I once had a conversation with a University Pres. who told me that she could not peomote from within after 4 years as President I told ger that I would consider that my biggest failure were the roles reversed
@SteveRobillard That is part of me feeling I should be a bit more laissez faire too. I don't want to be shouldering people out.
yeah, I wanted to put off the decision to stand for election until the last minute in hopes I would not have to make the decision and give others the opportunity. Though I have seen repeatedly that- thinking like that is incorrect if others want the role they will step up no matter who else is already there
@goldilocks I just read this in an email Shopify - When you choose “Canada” as your location, the “About” page is replaced with an “Aboot” page.
It would also, as Ghanima pointed out, be nice to have more mods, but that is probably a non-starter.
my second concern is that are we delaying the issue of continuation/continuity until next year
@goldilocks It's probably not an issue with having more mods, it's more like the sudden rise of rep levels to do many of the houseworking tasks
@SteveRobillard There was an SNL skit playing on "aboot" a few weeks ago. Accents here are actually a bit regional, but that is an infamous one.
yeah, but like u say regional aboot and skool I associate with west of Ottawa and east of BC
@Ghanima Yeah -- as I said don't hold your breath on that one.
Definitely a lot of Ontario, less so the more urban parts. The US northern Midwest (Minnesota) has some similar stuff.
yeah, but ontario doesn't have the polka
Oh, you'd be surprised.
Flamenco is what I think we really lack ;)
if we r limiting that to ontario I would add a winning hockey team
@SteveRobillard: My apologies if I came off as rude or harsh, I did not intend to make that statement in a derogatory manor.
Another thing, while we have to two of you around, how did you handle fire-and-forget questions till now. Those questions where the OP fails to deliver requested info.
@Jacobm001 I just wanted to address the impression that they had let us down by not nominating themselves
and express my gratitude to them in a more public way
they raise an interesting question that I did not fully realize unntil spending some time as a mod. when does a question become inactive - you might be amazed at thee months that can pass before some one returns
Understood, and it's probably good to have the statement voiced. I for one, do really appreciate all the work you three have put in. So, thank you @SteveRobillard, @goldilocks, and @Jivings.
@SteveRobillard three months?
wow, I would have declared that parrot dead long before
I have seen questions revived> year later
@Ghanima: I've seen that happen once or twice.
sorry I meant the number of months not three months
my arthritis is acting up and typing is tough today
ok, so three+x months it is ;)
@Ghanima lolo and that is Mr robillard 2 u lol
Ok, ok, Mr. Robillard then
Suddenly, Steve just got much older in my head cannon...
was it the arthritis or the Mr
The Mr.
My wife is 25 and has arthritis too so that one didn't really phase me.
it is a somewhat inside joke @Ghanima and I were helping a user and he posted a comment addressed to mr. and I felt old
to quote a movie I saw today i am inmature all on my own
@Jacobm001, for the record, that wasn't me, calling Mr. Robillard "Mr. Robillard". Had I known how old he really is, I would have gone with "Sir".
How old are you, Steve, if that's not too personal?
hint, the nominations page tells it
@Jacobm001 how old when she got arthrits I was in my teens and recently got a power chair
I am 48
sir is good it implies I have been knighted
nomination page only tells it if it is in your profile
When it comes to dedication on Rpi.SE you sure deserve to be knighted
She has fibromyalgia, we believe since she was 18-19, but it was undiagnosed until our daughter was born about a year and a half ago. Rheumatoid arthritis is very commonly paired with it. So, she's probably had it for about the same length of time, but she just had it confirmed a couple months ago.
@SteveRobillard yepp, but I'd assume if it is put there, it'll be correct (most likely)
I had Steve pegged in his late 20s early 30s...
I have had friends whose preganaancies made there A worse
Yeah, labor was not a good thing.
I can only imagine how preganacy and spreading hips and swollen ankles combine
Yeah, plus I don't know if you're familiar with fibro at all, but it's basically your nervous system freaking the hell out all the time.
yeah, I have a sister with it
I've been looking into power chairs for her. She wouldn't need it most of the time, but there are definitely days when I think it'd help a lot. They're prohibitively expensive right now though :(
I don't use my chair in the house I only use it when i go out. I would suggest looking into a scooter. They have a loa of advantages they come apart and so can go in a car so u can use it when travelling easier. they allow u 2 drive up 2 a bathroom and get out to go in which is easier at times. they have a lot better range and usually speed too
I did not want to give up my scooter but I needed some of the features after 20+ years of A
Oh, you mean a powered wheelchair. I thought you were talking about a recliner that helps you get out of it.
no a wheelchair I rrefer to it as my training wheels
it my seem like a little thing but those chairs can make a big difference
I've been trying to convince her we should get a scooter for her rougher days, but she really hates the idea of it.
I did 2 i fought the cane , scooter wheelchair etc. but have lerned to live with it - that is the hardest part of having A
I can only imagine how hard it must be fora new mother and I am guessing new wife
it had a devastating effect on my marriage
Relatively speaking, yeah a newer marriage. It's created some tough points, but overall, it hasn't impacted the marriage too harshly.
I still wouldn't trade her for anyone.
glad to hear that I was in remission when I met and married my wife and got diagnosed 6 months later
Did you have problems with people not taking it seriously?
A lot of people judge her really harshly. Since it's not a tangible illness like a broken leg or something, people just don't seem to get it.
@Jacobm001 Wow. I could see that with FM ("Some people just need to stop whining and toughen up") but I would think RA would be pretty widely recognized as a serious problem.
@goldilocks: Yeah, if you're older.
She's actually had people tell her she's just lazy / drug seeking / a moocher / etc.
A lot of people are under the impression that it's something that never shows pre-40s
@Jacobm001 Dismissing everyone else's problems short of cancer on drugs or drug seeking behaviour will be a topic for anthropologists of the future. Particularly in the realm of mental health. Once, we had people with problems who needed care and help. Now we just have people who need to see Dr. Phil.
Yeah I had that problem especially eaarly on (whenn it could be really bad one day and pretty good the next) I also had a box of cremes and books purporting cures copper bracelets etc. from very well meaning people
@goldilocks when you get RA that young most people don't think it is posible
@SteveRobillard Ah so of course you are faking it to excuse not joyously working 80 hours a week, etc.
@SteveRobillard: I had a slight meltdown when someone wouldn't stop giving my wife paleodiet books. Obviously she needed to stop eating gluten! We're no longer friends...
I had a mother in law who read a book and swore if I would just drink a glass of vinegar 3 times a day and did not eat tomatoes I would be cured
FYI we are not friends anymore either
yeah when I got the 1ooth cream or ointment I really wanted to say do u really think that if i rub this on my entire body I will get up out of this wheelchair and walk like some tv evangelist
Sounds like a good way to find out who your real friends are/who you want as such.
I have an over developed sense of sarcasm it must be a mod thing because I think @goldilocks does 2
I tend to lean fairly heavily in the snide / sarcastic side...
Seems really common in our field in general.
yeah though ome of those lessons you learn to cherish after many years but wouldn't wish on your wordt enely
@goldilocks: Yeah, we have both lost a few friends, but several have really shown through as being amazing people.
Hold on to that.
BTW did something change with the software to account for the rash of VNC questions this week
there is a new one
that makes 3 at least since Friday
@goldilocks with both hands
@goldilocks I try :)
@SteveRobillard I think I've seen a couple tutorials on it recently.
VNC eh? Still get it confused with VPN, lol.
Oof... That formatting :0
hello @Joan

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