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@MattChan @IvoFlipse we could do a giveaway of sorts
we've already sponsored a Mark's Daily Apple 30 day challenge
with a fitbit
we could try to do another sponsored post on his blog, or a giveaway to our own users
whatever you guys prefer
Just need to come up with an interesting twist
has anyone reached out to him about doing the interview yet?
Not yet I think
i have not
Perhaps I'll be able to do some of this stuff next week when I'll have a week off
sounds good
let me know if you need help with anything
what do you guys think of the question list so far?
Well you could start by becoming a mod on our site ;P
i dont think any chaos people are mods anywhere lol
questions look good
we need to come up with some from our site we want him to answer
@Lauren Well there has to be a first for everything :P
mark's a paleo kind of guy? that's the impression i get so perhaps the questions could be tailored a bit towards that
I wish we got more users in here, so the questions would actually come from our community
we should prob read through some of his content to see what he tends to write about
I actually remember reading his blog for the first time, right when this site launched
I was curious about his diet suggestions
I want his advice for how to moderate my running, for everything I know about running and the human body, the estimations of my own fitness definitely suck
We can ask for his take on our top 'palio-ish' questions (or at least those the search brings up)
Q: How can an overweight engineer get back in shape?

Joe BlowAt the worthwhile suggestion of many experts, I have made my question much more consice, and focussed on the question I really am interested in! I am 46 yrs male, 6', good general health, but have FAT - basically a great big "beer gut". FTR I was the chubby kid in primary school, and then from ...

Q: Experience and references about intermittent fasting

Richard FantozziI have read about and tried intermittent fasting in the past few months with some great results. The only hiccup was getting sick for about 3 weeks and losing that will to continue with it, until I restarted it recently. I was wondering what others experience were with intermittent fasting and al...

I wonder what his take is on intermittent fasting
Q: Is Paleo A good marathon training diet?

Gavin OsbornI've been doing strength and conditioning training for the last 4 months whilst adopting the Paleo diet from the outset, this has yielded positive results and I'm very happy with how things have gone. I will soon be starting to train for my first marathon (eek!) and when I do my training regime w...

Or rather: for whom would paleo be a good diet?
Q: Where do I start when finding/creating a fitness program for myself?

BlakeI'm a senior in college studying computer engineering, so I spend a lot of time sitting in class and/or in front of a computer. I want to commit to a fitness routine before my sedentary lifestyle starts affecting my health. Now is a good time to start since I have free access to my institution's ...

We get questions like this OVER and OVER again
Note to self: perhaps we should give it a more kick ass answer
are other sites in the SE network struggling with questions and users?
@MattChan you mean in terms of getting users to be active?
/ just not having enough content
of the ones i'm working on
history, philosophy, linguistics
all pretty small
do you know reasons why? are they too niche?
just not very many users
haven't been very successful at pulling in experts on those topics - mostly just people who came over from other SE sites
plus they're new
Personally a big issue is that I want my questions to be legitimate, so I have to encounter a problem in order to ask a question about it. This severely limits the amount of questions I ask on sites like Movies (well its in private beta but meh), Scifi, SU, SO and even Fitness
yeah, i'm trying to postulate why we're lacking users
i figure 1) they've already found an answer or 2) they're already doing something that works for them
or people don't know about it lol
Its hard to tap into completely new users, because our only entry point is Google. So they have to find us organically and be wanting to be part of our community
@Lauren haha that too
@MattChan that's assuming they want to stick around, most are hit-and-run. They come to our site and are gone, never to be seen again
that makes sense, that's what SO is to me
In part, because we're not 'social' means its also not clear that there's all this stuff like chat and meta around it
just looking at mark's daily apple or nerd fitness, those two sites already seem to have existing communities
i wonder if any experts (i.e. nutritionists, personal trainers) feel "threatened" by fitness.se
If I were them I would start answering some questions with awesome answers and link to my blog for more information
or rather, summarize a blog post as an answer, then linking to my blog for more details
@IvoFlipse yeah you'd think it would be a good marketing opportunity for experts
nutritionists, trainers, etc
I think SO in particular has been rather 'unwelcoming' in some cases towards people who 'advertise' their expertise and that attitude resonates through all sites
Just like if I were Polar or some other fitness gadget vendor, I'd love for people to talk about my products
though in this example, I can't blame them for not knowing about us
well we have had experts try to market themselves before, but they didn't even bother answering the question
but those are the wrong kind of experts
more like "i'm an expert in $SUBJECT, visit my site!"
i think the only successful attempt at getting experts to answer questions (at least that i know of) was with nutrition diva
but she only answered one question i think
because they think they build a reputation through linking their site everywhere, but our links are blocked (or what's it called again)
maybe we should tweet some more questions at her
rel nofollow?
that's the one
so not only does spamming their link not do what they thought it would, they also get the inverse reaction from our community, because we delete their posts rather than follow it :P
@Lauren That would be an idea
our scope was in a huge debate over the summer, but i don't think that's so much a problem anymore
i wonder what fitness clubs do to get more people in
someone told me the turnover rate of customers is high
like doing a "new year's" promotion
though honestly, fitness clubs serve a purpose, you go there to exercise, but they don't "have" to come here
fitness clubs are one of the few indoor activities you can do on your own if you don't own material yourself
"read/write" also isn't really as physical as doing exercise :P
thats true
the sites that tend to be big are ones where the target audience spends most of their time on the computer
What's frustrating is not only that among those millions of SO visitors there must be a ton that like physical activities
they just either don't know about us, don't care about us or have the wrong image about our site
while I don't have any numbers, I feel that Stack Exchange's internal marketing doesn't do a great job of attracting new users
i was listening to the SE podcast #29 this morning
i forget who mentioned it, but he was saying something about the niche SE sites that are low in users or whatever metrics you want
it's small but it serves a purpose so they don't want to take that away from them, it's not a simple judgement call
Of all the beta sites, we're among the 'top' ones, so I'm not worried about getting shut down
unless Jeff really thinks we don't add any value
i dont think thats an issue
Jeff could use some exercise, perhaps someone should tell him that :P
maybe users don't have enough guidance on this site?
in what sense?
that seems to be the model when people want to get fit and do exercise
they're probably expecting or want a program... like what other sites might offer
perhaps we should try and make write a few kick ass answers
not sure if we should hijack existing posts for it though, if only because of the clutter of less awesome answers
but we could make some Fitness 101 questions where we try to write up a compilation of sources to give them the best guidance possible
and create tons of fake accounts and upvote them :P
and suggestions on what the do next
we don't need that, we have Lauren and the Stack Exchange accounts
if the post is awesome, it'll get its attention
but I think we should write it on Google Docs or something of the like
because we don't want to people to come and see an early version and mentally check out, meeh don't care
fitness 101..... maybe intro to paleo, crossfit, starting strength
For instance
how many times has berin paraphrased his starting strength write-up in his answers?
I don't know, but we can ask him to proof read it to make sure he agrees
fitness 101 sounds interesting
and Greg
would you want to do a series of blog posts?
or make it in the form of questions
I would post them as actual questions, so we have to be a bit Jeopardy about it
and we could always reblog the one that get's the most attention
a good way to do it would be to come up with a lis tof questions that would be good for that
and tag them all "fitness 101" or whatever
getting mentioned on blog.SO helps, but it has to be worth the attention
and then write one blog post about what Fitness 101 is
Good point
that sounds like a good plan
Perhaps I should spend my week off thinking about this, trying to come up with some drafts
hi @SimonSheehan :)
like "we're developing this Fitness 101 program... it will be in the form of a series of Q&A... all posts in the series will be tagged Fitness 101"
@IvoFlipse sounds awesome
other sites kind of have that "getting started" kind of thing
heya @IvoFlipse :)
@IvoFlipse and we can all help ask/answer
if you want to start another gdoc
wher ewe can throw out ideas
I mean how many users have we had that used Couch25k, but it would be great if they had the extra info that a running coach would tell you
yeah for sure
we could go through some existing questions and tag them fitness 101 as well
Perhaps in the beginning we can just compile some posts at the bottom of that doc, we can always move them to separate ones later on, but it helps give everyone an idea
well I would first come up with an kick ass answer and then deem it worthy of the tag
just to prevent a chicken-egg problem from occuring
i added the getting started question
we could paste in get fit guy's answer to that
maybe we should identify questions that would be good for fitness 101 and ask those of mark sisson
Q: Where do I start when finding/creating a fitness program for myself?

BlakeI'm a senior in college studying computer engineering, so I spend a lot of time sitting in class and/or in front of a computer. I want to commit to a fitness routine before my sedentary lifestyle starts affecting my health. Now is a good time to start since I have free access to my institution's ...

This question is a mess though, its clear that a programmer asked it
but it illustrates the type of question we want
maybe step 1 is identify all these questions, and then all pitch in to clean them up
answer them if we can
ask the others in the mark sisson interview
or reach out to people who could answer them
We have something similar on SU: superuser.com/questions/tagged/community-faq
so with fitness 101, are we running with "how to get started with fitness?" and the moving on to "getting started with weighlifting/running/capoeria/etc."?
Q: How do I troubleshoot hardware issues related to a computer freeze/crash?

KronoSWhat are some common guidelines and issues related to hardware being the issue of a computer crash? What should I look for and how do I troubleshoot these problems? What are some tools that are useful in diagnosing these hardware related crashes? I am looking to be able to isolate the proble...

@MattChan i suppose we should start with a general topic
like "getting started with fitness"
and then decide as we go what topic we want to address next
I guess that question would address the choices you have to make when picking a type of exercise
and the future topics could be tagged "fitness 101" and also "weightlifting 101" or whatever
and from there we can link to new questions that we come up with, like "getting started with running"
i like that progression, it's what i was thinking also
i really like berin's answer of getting started:
A: How to get started with exercising without any previous experience?

Berin LoritschThe biggest concern with any exercise program is finding something you want to stick to. Some of that is motivation, but a big part is what motivates you. Depending on your age, you may want to talk to your doctor first (typically for people 40 and over). You mentioned doing squats, are they b...

finding something you enjoy and defining your goals are probably the best ways to figure out what to do rather than a "have at it" attitude towards it
True, but the other answer also has some good point
and in true community wiki-ish style, it would be great if there was just one kick-ass answer
The biggest problem I think a lot of these questions have is that they lack focus
The advice you give to an overweight runner is completely different from someone who wants to deadlift 200 kg or a skinny guy who loves crossfit and climbing
we could always have two separate answers in those cases
for questions that largely depend on circumstance
it's hard to anticipate every circumstance though
@Lauren I'd make the questions more focused, because they appeal to different users (and probably should be formulated differently too)
good point
Well we want people to come to our site and get a click: "this is exactly what I'm looking for"
if the fitness jocks upvote the weightlifting answer over zumba, then the zumba ladies click [Back] before reaching the answer
That's my entirely unfounded hypothesis though :P
And also a reason why we should focus on things we like, because the love for the topic has to resonate from the post
Just like how every Paleo blog posts makes you want to change your diet completely
@IvoFlipse makes sense
it may be a narrow scope then but gotta start somewhere
perhaps that's a good thing, because it leaves the option open for others to ask their own version

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