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Q: Will MOXIE get clogged or chemically degraded by martian dust?

uhohMIXIE, the Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment is an experiment on the Perseverance rover currently on its way to Mars, that will test solid oxide electrolysis as a way to extract oxygen from atmospheric carbon dioxide. As such its solid oxide fuel cell (run in regenerative mode, i.e. "backwards" to prod...

I don't know what perchlorate is exactly but it's a reported constituent of martian soil in some places at least.
4 hours later…
What is the most appropriate way to approximate in chemistry numerical for jee like while solving percentage constituent to empirical formula how to properly take approximation for getting correct ratios
@sheltonBenjamin It's just ratio and proportion
The more shortcuts you find right now
Just be prepared to memorize all of them before the exam
8 hours later…
@sheltonBenjamin I have no idea what's being asked. Are you looking for shortcuts to calculating the arduous multiplication of big numbers or?
3 hours later…
@M.A.R. no i am asking for appropriate way to approximate things by the way i found after solving so many numerical that if you take three digit after decimal then answer almost everytime doesn't deflect is it correct?
1 hour later…
@sheltonBenjamin just go by significant figures
Q: How do we get g and E values for various levels to calculate electronic partition function

Fast AlexWhen we calculate electronic partition function using the formula: $$q_\mathrm{elec}=\sum^\infty_{n=1}g_ne^{-E_n/k_BT}$$ How can I get the $g_n$ value and $E_n$ values for $n=0,1,2,3...$ levels? I need to calculate the $q_\mathrm{elec}$ for various species like $\ce{H, H2, OH, H2O, O2, O, O+, H+}$.

How does the positive question record work? I still don't have it showing maintained. Does it have to be continuous days? Like I post a good quastion on day 1 then bad question on day 2, good question on day 3. Does the streak show 1 or 3 days?
@Safdar 1 day
Q: Ways to determine the concentration of alkyl halides in organic solvents

Raul LucianoI have a volatile alkenyl bromide dissolved in hexanes. I have to use the halide in a Grignard reaction but separating it from hexanes is hard (the bromide is light sensitive and very volatile). I would like to use the solution of the halide in hexanes but I don't know how to determine its concen...

@Safdar No, both criteria for the badge have to be maintained, other than that, I think it's consecutive questions with a score above zero and that's it
Maybe not even consecutive
@M.A.R. Consecutive ques above zero do not work well...either it has to be all of positive votes or zero vote.
Well the only types of complaints I remember about the Curious et al. badges in people shitpost a dozen questions and then wonder why they don't get a badge
A: Why was the "curious badge" badge not being awarded?

quidIt seems you do not fulfill all criteria, namely you miss the 'positive question record.' You are informed about this when you click the progress bar. This may be due to you having some deleted questions; from those visible it seems you would fulfill it but it is close enough to be plausible th...

@Safdar genau
So other than that, maybe it's just caching
@Safdar so your issue was positive question record or?
@M.A.R. Yeah, I need 5 more positive questions as of now to even get it to zero.. :|
@Safdar youre at negative?
@AnindyaPrithvi -5
Meh, if you're aiming to be active, recurring badges are much easier to aim for
@Safdar how? did you delete quesrtions?
Post good stuff that gets 10 votes. Much better than Curious
@AnindyaPrithvi I have 2 closed, 1 D, 1 N (just one question is 1 C, I N, 1 D) So i need 8 to balance it out.
@AnindyaPrithvi My first question.. It got trashed almost immediately.
@Safdar same
@Safdar closed as duplicate
@M.A.R. There aren't many good stuff that isn't googlable at my level since it has already most likely been asked before..
Shakes head newbs. You should post clickbait HNQ crap instead.
whats HNQ?
If you're going for badges, that is. Maybe possibly there's a more noble goal in mind.
@M.A.R. I've made HNQ crap.. All you have to do is upvote the question poster after posting your answer..
@AnindyaPrithvi Hot Network Questions
@Safdar Keep making HNQ crap!
How do you think I have so much rep so quick on Chem SE?
Multiple acc?
Because you're handsome.
@AnindyaPrithvi nope. If you pay respects to the question poster after answering with a proper answer.. It automatically puts it in HNQ unless there are 2 questions from the site already.
@AnindyaPrithvi That's a minefield
@M.A.R. whats a minefield when you can fly with onions
Only works on Chem SE and on completely new questions that have a positive score.
That does not seem like a great idea either. They're not aerodynamic.
@M.A.R. you didnt understand an onion
To avoid detection, you either have to be so slick and slow that not having socks to help wouldn't change much, or you'd be discovered one day
Simple: There's a barrier for voting, limits to the number of votes, and the detectors at least check how many times a user has voted for any other users on the site.
@M.A.R. Seems like an advice from an experienced guy/girl! ;-)
@AnindyaPrithvi I admittedly did not
@M.A.R. unregistered ID are abandoned in 30 days, you need pretty less Rep to upvote ....sooo
@FakeMod Experienced in smelling burnt noses, but mine's intact
Btw, how do you get an unregistered account?
@Safdar ask a question
on incognito
Unregistered accounts are tied to cookies
@M.A.R. Nice analogy there, really turned on my visual cortex.
But dont do it with the same device, even if you do not interfere with primary account, there will be a log about that
@M.A.R. Tails
If an account's deleted, the votes are transferred to Community and any rep gain is lost
CMs make an exception for certain accounts.
@M.A.R. +1 vote is enough to attract more votes if its a decent answer
@M.A.R. If You were to delete then?
@M.A.R. Will they make for mine? O_O
@AnindyaPrithvi Not as strong an effect as you think. Unless the site is ELL or something.
On Chem, we're grumpy and would downvote it even more
@FakeMod I don't think it gives you the rep back. it just doesn't recalc for others I think..
@M.A.R. seen people on MS
@AnindyaPrithvi Not true!
@AnindyaPrithvi Math?
@FakeMod for chem se...MSE
I have seen wrong answers at +5
correct was at 2
@FakeMod I've always seen groupthink thrown around as an argument on metas, but there's rarely any evidence for it.
@M.A.R. I did as well
@AnindyaPrithvi That proves nothing
@Safdar Yeah, I won't get my rep back, but would all my votes get thrown off? (I know they will, but dunno how high you need to get to assert your votes' permanence)
@FakeMod +160 is not good
@FakeMod Pretty darn high. And there's no algorithm for it, the CM would have to make the exception manually
And it's been happening much less frequently AFAICT, preservation of votes.
@M.A.R. TBH, there are many drive-by votes on active sites (Math, SO,etc.) Not really common among the peasant-sites.
@M.A.R. So if ron were to delete his account what would happen?
@M.A.R. Ah, Skeet level!
@Safdar he is a mod i thinl
@FakeMod Drive-by yes. There are idiots who'd upvote anything in the proximity to get vox populi and suffrage
@AnindyaPrithvi nope... He decided not to stand..
@AnindyaPrithvi What +160?
@M.A.R. thats what i said
But I haven't seen any evidence it's a substantial effect.
@AnindyaPrithvi Groupthink is different
@FakeMod 16 upvotes on a specific profile are not enough to preserve votes
Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Cohesiveness, or the desire for cohesiveness, in a group may produce a tendency among its members to agree at all costs. This causes the group to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation.Groupthink requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking...
@M.A.R. At least they would stop once they get the badges. Few folks are, however, chronic drive by (up)voters.
@AnindyaPrithvi Meh, that's just the Chemistry profile.
There's always the risk of blind leading the blind, wrong answers getting upvoted etc. But each site has a core userbase of answerers and editors that also happen to vote the most.
Physics profile nearly has 2000 votes.
@M.A.R. The saviours!
What if @Mithoron deletes his account? Where would the downvotes go??
They often quench most of the possible effects of bad voting. Bad voting often happens to be signal noise, not the pervailing phenomenon
@Safdar Gone, reduced to atoms
@AnindyaPrithvi He has 21 K downvotes
@Safdar Attributed to the community, although people would want his votes preserved
@Safdar They would be transferred to the Downvoting Devil's account! Bwahahaha....
@Safdar 42000 rep change of Chem se...in a single day
just for downvotes*
Well, most of that is 1 rep folks who were downvoted into oblivion gaining 0 rep from the reversal
But it'd hamper Roomba's function.
"Upvotes are too mainstream, try downvoting!"
MSE is mostly positive
Everywhere upvotes dwarf downvotes
there was a time on CSE when I say negative questions on home page
rather say non-positive
Well, TBH, I don't really have a low enough up/down ratio. Mine is 3.5
@M.A.R. We have -28000 deficit according to data SE.. so I wouldn't say so..
You can run a few queries on SEDE. Chem would only be exceptional in its closing rate
@Safdar Hah, really?
@M.A.R. Do you close a lot?
No, I don't participate on the site much these days
@M.A.R. PSE and MSE both have good closing rates as well
Also why do you guys (above 3000 rep) not use all your close votes?
@M.A.R. Oh, not specifically you, rather the site (since you said it's exceptional in its closing rate)?
@Safdar 1Q/day
@AnindyaPrithvi You have 20 votes I think..
@AnindyaPrithvi 24 CV/day
@FakeMod Last I checked, a year and a half ago, it was 50+ % closing rate
We were the second site in all the network
@M.A.R. Hmm... Higher than I expected. PSE must have a lower rate.
@M.A.R. That's an achievement in itself. Great!
IIRC closing rate correlated fairy well with how moderation-prone the site is.
Math was higher than I expected but the influx of crap was showing
I don't remember, 23% maybe
@FakeMod Eh, I was of the opinion we close too much
Will probably arrive at the same conclusion today.
@M.A.R. Closing rate highly depends on policies and the userbase, (question askerw and closers) IMO.
We have to both filter some questions before they're accepted (ban HW forever? Probably too drastic) and not close whatever we think sounds rudimentary
@M.A.R. we have less bad questions showing b/c of that..
Or at least be consistent in doing so.
@M.A.R. TBH, I like closing bad questions. Assuming that you guys also closed bad questions, you did a goid job of keeping the site clean.
I also like closing bad questions.
It's about nuking the bad stuff and keeping the good stuff, there's no disagreement here.
Ban complete HW sounds too strict to me. Ban shitty HW, sure!
@M.A.R. Only the radioactive stuff stays behind
Last I checked though, which was long ago, quite a few questions were closed as homework that weren't obviously HW.

Nvm this was completely skewed. This included bounties.

According to Data SE upvote:downvote = 304304:90489
Problem arises when one of these rudimentary questions ends up being popular and not getting closed. It's morally itchy.
@M.A.R. And then that question goes for a bounty
@M.A.R. Yeah, that's a problem when the policies aren't objective.
Well, bounty shouldn't stop nothing. Mods can remove bounties from questions and spank the author.
@M.A.R. And it serves as an example for all future meta ranters to show, whenever their (similar) question gets closed.
@FakeMod They're never going to be fully objective, that's why you need humans closing questions. We can always make decision making more straightforward and more easily consistent, though
@M.A.R. "spank" Why are you so visual? :P
@FakeMod Organic chemist?
@FakeMod btw, aren't meta tags burninated? PSE still seems to use
@M.A.R. But it is good this way, I think. At least better than any other radical alternative.
@Safdar Meh, I am just guessing, but around 50% of the meta questions on disputed closures would be about HW questions.
@AnindyaPrithvi Yeah, makes sense. Nucleophile spanking the electrophilic carbon. Makes a lot of sense.
@FakeMod I dont know if it was sarcasm
@Safdar perhaps, wasnt able to put it like click here
@FakeMod well, it's easier to be critical than correct. We tried coming up with a solution for four years, I'm none the wiser
@AnindyaPrithvi No, I was just trying to be sarcastic and, at the same time, acknowledge the truth of your comment. Confusing move.
@M.A.R. True!
Can mods see what you have deleted?
@Safdar Mods and room owners, if you're referring to chat messages
Mods have a way of ICBMing stuff so no one except mods sees it. And they can move the messages to a private room and then delete the audit message.
@M.A.R. So you can see then? I assume you are one of the room owners since you've been here for the longest time. You've been here since private beta right?
@AnindyaPrithvi Too mainstream! ;-)
@FakeMod Stop, you'll leak our plan!
@Safdar People with italic names in chat are ROs, mods have blue names.
Room owners cannot probably see deleted messages.
I think transcript would preserve everything?
No, deleted stuff doesn't show up on transcript
Well, AFAIK, I can't see them in the room where I am an owner.
@M.A.R. Why does that scare me more?
@FakeMod You're not squinting hard enough
@M.A.R. You stole that from jcole, didn't you?
@FakeMod Yes
You can see message history for deleted messages.
If not generated automatically, like for messages that don't get edited, you'd have to type the URL manually.
@M.A.R. oh! Never did that!
Or you can run a full time log script on Chat.SE to preserve everything
@AnindyaPrithvi Such marvelous things you can do with wasting your HDD's space
@M.A.R. and texts wont take that much
@AnindyaPrithvi Well that's even a more marvelous waste
@AnindyaPrithvi Honestly it isn't worth the work..
@Safdar well if youre curious u have to work
Hey @M.A.R. Mind writing a message in this room and deleting so that I can see whether I can see the message or not?
Much obliged
what did i write'
Yoo!!!! Thanks people, I can see the message!
It doesnt show you active there?
@AnindyaPrithvi DeSpAcItO
@FakeMod Was that a room for you and @JohnRennie
@FakeMod Is this $$\Huge{\text{Latex}}$$ ℑ𝔣 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔒 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔒, 𝔑𝔬𝔫'𝔱 π”΄π”žπ”°π”±π”’ 𝔱𝔦π”ͺ𝔒, 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔱𝔦π”ͺ𝔒 𝔦𝔰 𝔴π”₯π”žπ”± 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔒 𝔦𝔰 π”ͺπ”žπ”‘π”’ 𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔣.
@AnindyaPrithvi Unicode.
Moreover, \mathcal or \mathfrak could produce something close to that.
@FakeMod ℑ𝔣 𝔢𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔒 to π”΄π”žπ”°π”±π”’ 𝔱𝔦π”ͺ𝔒, 𝔱𝔦π”ͺ𝔒 𝔦𝔰 𝔴π”₯π”žπ”± 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔒 𝔦𝔰 π”ͺπ”žπ”‘π”’ 𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔣.
Hey @Mithoron..
25 mins ago, by Safdar
Also why do you guys (above 3000 rep) not use all your close votes?
@AnindyaPrithvi you dissin' me? :P
@FakeMod $$\Huge {\mathfrak{NO}}$$
rotated bracket?
Kind of.
@Safdar Only if user had small number of votes, they're gone when account is deleted
lemme make the eyes
@Mithoron Small as in?
$$\Huge{\text{O O}}$$
O \quad O \\
\huge{\smile} \\
@Safdar Mine looks like a healthy human
$$\huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile$$
@FakeMod code?
oh wait, unrender...
$$\huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile$$
Just in case...
$$\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile$$
you can make a smile matrix, just in case
Wait, we can make this better...
$$\Huge{\circ} \hspace{-10pt}\huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile$$
$$\begin{bmatrix} {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\\{\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\end{bmatrix}$$

The smiley-atrix
@Safdar I don't know what's the threshold
$$\begin{bmatrix} {\begin{bmatrix} {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\\{\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\end{bmatrix}} & {\begin{bmatrix} {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\\{\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\end{bmatrix}} & {\begin{bmatrix} {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\\{\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\end{bmatrix}}\\{\begin{bm
\cdot \quad \cdot \\
\small{\angle} \\
\huge{\smile} \\
Oh, my gosh, you turned on this chat mathjax... I never did that so won't appreciate your wacky experiments...
Therapist: What are you afraid of? | Me: The smiley-atrix | Therapist: The smiley-atrix is not real, there is no need to be afraid from it. | Me: $\begin{bmatrix} {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\\{\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile} & {\Huge \cdot\quad\cdot\\\huge \smile}\end{bmatrix}$
@FakeMod The above is a monster
How does it look @mithoron?
Can we downvote on chat?
WTF! So much heavy MathJax slowed down my tab.
@AnindyaPrithvi nope
@FakeMod Bookmark my mega smileatrix LOL
You gotta make it look classy...
yeah.. its too big
Anyways, 'night!
yeah $$\Huge{\mathfrak{Night}}$$
2 hours later…
@Safdar Huh? I just see the code.

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