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Q: Analysis of post-HF wavefunctions

permeakraHartree-Fock method introduces electron (spin)orbitals and they are commonly used for qualitative rationalization of many molecular properties. However, MOs have meaning only if we ignore electron correlation. Post-HF non-DFT methods build correlated wave-function, but due to correlation extracti...

3 hours later…
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3 hours later…
@sweetandtangy was thinking of reading it at some point in time. but for now I'm on Hitchhiker's Guide. :-)
I'm reading Broken Earth.
It's mesmerizing
4 hours later…
@Mithoron I think it's going to be more like things you mostly already knew organized into presentable chunks. Like the resistance book Winston was reading in 1984.
That's often a worthy end to pursue
You can't build on knowledge you can't express, so once you do, the world broadens.
3 hours later…
@orthocresol aah, hitchhiker's is a classic! next time someone asks me what yield i got on a rxn, i will say 42% haha
@Buttonwood I emailed Jimmy Stewart once upon a time and he was very responsive.
@Mithoron how do you have more downvotes than community? 21K deserves an award :P
Jul 30 '17 at 15:55, by M.A.R.
@MelanieShebel we do have a dupe-finding bot.
Jul 30 '17 at 15:56, by M.A.R.
It's called @Mithoron
Well, you do stand out from the crowd..
@Mithoron how do you do this?
@Safdar What "how" would you like to know? Obviously one can have lots of votes by voting a lot for a long time.
@Mithoron how do you find the dupes.
@Mithoron 21 K seems a bit too much even then..
@Safdar Well I'm here for quite long young padawan and for some time I checked every new, open question on the site, downvoting big part of them
In particular I don't like homework.
@Safdar As far as duplicates are concerned, I think i can sift partcularily good through search output and like to dig through site from time to time.
Also long familiarity help. "Related", linked and "popular" questions are also useful
@Mithoron Why have you not stood for a mod position then? Since all you do nowadays is moderate..
Site is community moderated, "mod-helpers" do a lot. Diamond moderators do more sensible stuff - have more power, but therefore use it much more carefully and leave a lot to mod-helpers.
So, technically you become a "mod-helper" after 3K or 10K? since 10K gives mod tools, where 3K gives you access to all review queues.
You need only flagging really.
Yay.. so I am a "mod-helper" who epically fails at flagging anything but effortless Q.. :P
@Safdar And you think why I called you young padawan ;D
You already flag, vote and edit quite a bit - so far so good
A lot comes with practice
This whole mentorship is so touching sheds a tear
I love the . . . chemistry . . . between you two
8.4 IMDB
@M.A.R. :D
@Mithoron @Safdar in semi-official terminology, "curators". Mods are always few, and working like submarines so no one notices them. Their work is mostly just dull work that requires a high degree of responsibility, so you only have few people doing it. It's like an important governmental bureaucrat that just mostly signs letters.
Except the trolls and possible harassment, that must be fun.
@M.A.R. Depending on your def. of fun ;)
@M.A.R. There are people in these bureaus so there must be something in there though..
Everyone else would help with flagging, reviewing, and voting. You don't have nearly enough mods for any of those, and it's a known phenomena that if high-rep users don't burn out, they switch instead to moderational activities for a while. Their helping/repository-filling sense has been satiated, and it takes a lot for newer questions to excite them.
@Safdar deleting socks, the occasional spammer, suspending the occasional robo-reviewer or self-voter
Trust me, it's dull. We just let them think they have any power, but it's as much as a nuclear waste disposal company can do
And a requirement of investment and leadership
Anyway @Mith Gateway has just the right amount of science it needed, it was awesome.
@M.A.R. Hmm.. that's true. mods lose the close vote ability [other than for the dup and effortless Q].
What I don't enjoy about it is the randiness, also probably a natural consequence of those trips
But that's easily forgivable. It's all around us anyway. Writers can't do without a sex appeal.
@Safdar Wha, no, they don't lose anything. They can clear the queue as much as they want. But then the community would become lazy and stop close voting, so the site looks totalitarian and apathetic at the same time
There was an SE this happened to, I forgot.
In fact, normal users get 40 close reviews and 24 votes or something like that, but mods can do it indefinitely.
@M.A.R. I saw a post on MSE which ranted about a mod closing a post that OP agreed had to be closed (just not by the mod alone).. which escalated slightly.
Normal limits don't make sense with people you sign a PII protection contract with
@M.A.R. 40/day?
@Safdar Hah, with meta.SE you just set back and relax people setting off mines in a minefield.
I vaguely recall something like that. It was someone taking the rules to be too rigid.
@M.A.R. pretty good to lurk on.. there are a pretty large number of fun posts.
You get "y mods close question" five times a week at meta.SO. Except it's often not mods and just 3k users.
In fact, there is (was?) one today.
Q: Can Aluminium form blue-colored solution in liquid ammonia?

JayadithyaI am a high school student and in one class,my inorganic chemistry teacher told IA group elements with the exception of Lithium and IIA group elements with exception of Be, Mg form blue-colored solutions in liquid ammonia.What are the conditions for a metal to form a solution in liquid ammonia,a...

@Safdar Just 20 :/
Right, it's 40 at SO
@M.A.R. Large SE? what does that actually mean though?
What mean? Stack Overflow?
@Mithoron It seems as though ELL, SO and a few other (don't remember) exactly have a larger quota for votes. What makes it large? user base/ traffic?
@Safdar Stack Overflow? They have this volume problem so the close vote queue goes up to 10000 and the reviewers are pissed and come to meta so the company does something about it and it goes down, rinse and repeat
@Mithoron uh oh, don't want to get the whole homework can of worms opened again
@sweetandtangy Eh, nobody likes homework
That's not a can of worms really
Whether we should ban it entirely was something people were reluctant about
@M.A.R. for me, there is a fine line between homework and self studying problems. I have posted questions before that were basically "I thought it was this, but how do you complete this problem?" then again, my questions didn't get closed, but I suppose as people have said, it is about the effort and if you know how to ask a question correctly
Yeah, nobody contests that either, whatever the labels

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