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Q: Positively charged gases

ED9909Theoretically, if you could could have a positively charged gas say O$^+$ enclosed (by a sufficiently inert material) around a conductor which is grounded, what would the reaction be at the conductor if the conductor was made of; 1) Tungsten, 2) Stainless Steel, 3) Copper. Would the gas gain ...

4 hours later…
@M.A.R. something like:
> Loong deleted his Stack Moderators Team account and his Meta account (including access to the new Teachers' Lounge)
maybe after
> 30. Cashed in his chips: J.R. on English Language Learners
3 hours later…
Oh dear, the tornado is still blowing.
@M.A.R. Maths you say?
A: In Mahjong , what is the chance to get a hand that allows a player to finish on their first turn?

JanNote: I am basing this answer on Japanese Mahjong rules; Chinese rules will probably lead to a different outcome. Tenhou, Chihou or Renhou hands must be valid hands, i.e. they must satisfy the requirement of having four groups of three and one pair; except for Chiitoi (seven pairs) and Kokushi M...

7 hours later…
Q: Pyrolysis of calcium chloride dihydrate

Just A Young ArtistDoes the pyrolysis of $\ce{CaCl2 · 2 H2O}$ give $\ce{CaCl2 + 2 H2O}$ or $\ce{Ca(OH)2 + 2 HCl}?$

2 hours later…
@Waylander @MathewMahindaratne Please never vote to migrate to Chemistry Meta if you want to move the question to a different site. We have no customised migration paths, so please use a custom close reason instead. Close the question first, then via a custom moderator flag you can ask us to check whether it can be migrated. Thank you, and I apologise for the intrusion.
1 hour later…
@Loong Hi :)
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp hi
@Loong oh, thought you meant a literal horizontal line. This is awkward. OK, I'll get to it when I'm back on PC
thank you
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp y u no hai me :'(
@M.A.R. because you haven't been around
@M.A.R. Hi :)
How are you two doing these days?
Surprisingly, the end of the year is coming. So a lot of work to finish
if just one could know that before, but there is every year again this nice surprise :D
1 hour later…
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp Busy procrastinating. You?
@Loong Done
@M.A.R. I'm trying to understand a lab exercise from our lab course for the bachelor students that I had to supervise this year
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp That sounds terrible. Are you OK?
I'm tired, but else I am fine. It took us quite a while to understand what we see in the exercise to now more and more find out that I should have searched a little bit better before trying to understand it by myself. :D
However, the exercise is not as easy as it is suggested by the current manual and that is rather distracting.

However ... at least we found during the last month that the "newly" bought conductivity electrodes are not precise enough. :'D
Oh tell me about it
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp Bah psssht, not precise enough in Germany?
@M.A.R. obviously. :D

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