@orthocresol Now I am getting confused myself. (I am not a chemist!) IUPAC: Kc = equilibrium constant with concentration basis (c having unit mol/m3), Km = equilibrium constant with molarity basis (m having unit mol/kg). Molarity, according to Wikipedia, is a concentration, its symbol is c, its unit is mol/m3, so it is essentially the same as concentration. Phew.
Aaaaah! I'd like to use my time-machine and go back to the beginning of the discussion. For all German-speakers folks around here, let me quote Ernst Jandl: "manche meinen // lechts und rinks // kann man nicht // velwechsern. // werch ein illtum!"
In my textbook (Chemistry Part - I for Class XI published by NCERT), there is an equation for the energy of an electron in an energy state: $$E_n = -R_\mathrm H\left(\frac{1}{n^2}\right)$$ and there is a paragraph below it with the following text:
where $R_\mathrm H$ is called Rydberg constan...
The current interest in the "homework" vote-to-close option and related matters leads me to wonder how the internals of this site work. Compare facebook, which despite a huge user base edits policies rather frequently, and often in dramatic ways. By contrast, at chem SE changing the name of one V...
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I thought I could stay out of the discussion, but I thought it was about to take a somewhat wrong term . . . so there we are again: on the battlefield of misery.