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@Martin-マーチン What to do with this troll? chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/104840/9961
9 hours later…
@Mithoron I don't know. The usual I guess, flag, flag, flag again. Can't believe he got away with that corn answer...
4 hours later…
@orthocresol Thanks for the reply. I have another question regarding use of grignard reagents. I was inspired by this question: chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/104856/…. Why don't grignards deprotonate alpha Hs of ketones and instead perform the nucleophilic attack on the C=O?
1 hour later…
@TanYongBoon there’s a question about this on Chem.SE. Maybe it’s not about Grignards but rather organolithiums. I can’t remember.
I think, perhaps more importantly than whatever that answer says (if it exists), there’s a catch about Grignards: they tend to act as single-electron reductants. It’s not always accurate to think of them as just being sources of nucleophilic or basic carbanions.
There’s a fair amount of evidence that at least for some Grignards and some ketones, the ‘nucleophilic addition’ is not actually nucleophilic addition but rather a radical mechanism.
princeton.edu/chemistry/macmillan/group-meetings/CRJ_Lies.pdf There’s some references in the middle of this set of slides.
But it also depends on the exact substrate, e.g. pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.orglett.5b01893.
Oh 刺激!
Hey, @Mart -- connection on Twitter asks: "Hi Twitter friends, anyone have chemistry connections in Japan? I’m in touch with a student who’d like to get involved in green synthesis."
If you're ok w/it and might be able to connect them somewhere, I can introduce you?
2 hours later…
@TanYongBoon Google translate gave me stimulate?
Looks like it's not good for Chinese
1 hour later…
@orthocresol o/
4 hours later…
@AvnishKabaj It's supposed to mean "exciting". Yes, it can also mean "stimulate". It can be used as both a verb and an adjective.

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