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,,, or .
Please fix it.
1 hour later…
Q: Is there a compound that contains water as a subcomponent?

Armend VeseliCan you name a molecule that contains water chemically bonded to another molecule/element?

2 hours later…
Can someone please tell me why the top amide bond is not considered an amide bond?
@Abcd You mean "not considered a peptide bond"? ;-)
Unfortunately for whoever told you that, it certainly is a peptide bond :D
^ From Voet (4e), page 70
1 hour later…
@paracetamol No, you can;t be sure still because the example you have given me validates this statement that is written in my notebook:
@paracetamol In the example you have given me the alpha carbon is attached to N.
But this confuses me furtherr^^^ . Even here the alpha carbon is not attached to Nitrogen but still it is called peptide bond.
3 hours later…
@Abcd ._.
Look, when two alpha amino acids condense, you're obviously going to have the amino group attached to an alpha carbon ._.
@Abcd What do you mean by "here the alpha carbon is not attached to Nitrogen"?
It's very clearly an alpha carbon (or am I looking at the wrong thing?) ;-)
Also, that little note you have is only taking about alpha amino acids (there are beta amino acids too, and they form beta peptide bonds)
@Abc It would help if you could frame that as a question on the main site O:)
@Mart Guess I made Wikipe-tan mad ._.
@paracetamol we only have alpha amino acids in our syllabus
@paracetamol They will downvote it on main site that's why I am not asking
Or they will just demand the "sourcee$^\infty$" from me which i dont have.
@Abcd @para This sounds like a case of conflicting conventions.
@hBy2Py how?
It's been a long time since I took biochem, but from what I recall, I was taught then that a peptide bond is an amide bond that's in the configuration used biochemically to construct proteins.
@Abcd So, the upper bond here is an amide bond, but it is not a peptide bond because, basically, the 'backbone' doesn't go N-C-C-N-C-C
I would actually argue that the lower bond also is not a peptide bond, because there's no intervening carbon between the N of the amide bond and the terminal carboxyl.
But, if a different author/scientist wanted to just declare all amide bonds as also being peptide bonds, then both of those bonds would be peptide bonds.
@hBy2Py But what's the official recognition of peptide bonds?
Is there one?
Ah, Gold Book.
"Amides derived from two or more amino carboxylic acid molecules (the same or different) by formation of a covalent bond from the carbonyl carbon of one to the nitrogen atom of another with formal loss of water."
"The term is usually applied to structures formed from α-amino acids, but it includes those derived from any amino carboxylic acid."
Sounds like the actual definition is quite general. Huh.
But yeah, it's that "usually applied to structures formed from alpha-amino acids" part that throws things.
I suspect some people strongly prefer to confine the definition to bonds between alpha-amino acids only.
And, when it comes to homework/exam marks, you're stuck with the preference of the person making the key.
Give the grader the answer they want, but don't feel obliged to agree with them.
@hBy2Py So according to this top one is not a peptide bond?
According to this, I would say it is a peptide bond, per the most expansive sense of the Gold Book definition.
The left-hand portion of the molecule could be broken down into an amino carboxylic acid
If you hydrolyze the lower amide bond, you end up with a carboxyl there
Which, actually, isn't even relevant, now that I think about it
If you hydrolyze the upper amide bond, you obtain two pieces. Each piece has both >0 amine groups, and >0 carboxylic acid groups on it.
Therefore, both pieces are "amino carboxylic acid molecules", which means they fit the Gold Book definition of the required precursors to make a peptide bond, by condensation reaction.
Waves frantically at @hBy2Py
@paracetamol Yeeeeeesss?
Nothing, just my way of saying "hi" X3
Reading what you wrote
@hBy2Py Not sure I quite understood that logic :3
@paracetamol I changed my mind halfway through
Once I found the Gold Book page
Woot! \o/
Pssst @hBy2Py Brian, any Biochem books you can recommend? O:)
I've already managed to get my hands on Voet, Lehninger and Lippincott recently...
Also, I guess you don't listen to hard bass (<--- Russian Music Genre) ;-P
@paracetamol Huh, not familiar with it.
Not surprised XD
@paracetamol None recent. I haven't actively studied it in 15 years. All my textbooks are woefully out of date.
I've only been recently acquainted with it myself O:)
@hBy2Py I see! Thanks anyway! :-)
^ You'll only begin to hear something (clearly) from 0:17 onwards
Huh - which Strauss is that? Richard?
Ah, yep. Dunno if I know that one.
@hBy2Py Yep :D
Hahahaha, nice -- I had no idea that theme wasn't composed specifically for 2001SO
A: Why doesn't water burn?

hBy2PyThis is the reaction that occurs when hydrogen combusts: $$ \ce{2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O} $$ Similarly, this is the combustion reaction for methane, a representative fuel: $$ \ce{CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H2O} $$ Water is a product in both of these reactions. Thus, water represents something that has alrea...

^ You've been 5 votes away from the Great answer badge for over a year now...how can you live with yourself? XD
If it were me, I'd go nuts X3
@hBy2Py Also, I haven't watched the movie, but I'm aware that this piece was popularized by it O:)
@paracetamol Haven't watched it either, but yeah -- major popularization.
> I had a chem prof tell me of a coworker he once had who failed to wash up prior to using the restroom after having been working with HF. Skin grafts where you don't want them. A lesson in hand washing after lab work. A very unpleasant lesson..
Your tweets are very entertaining ;-P
Someone has found my Twitter. :-)
Looks around innocently
I don't use Twitter though (but I might reconsider now :3)
> Human Brian is still evolving- Scientist
I couldn't not comment on that one.
@paracetamol What, I'm supposed to hassle friends into signing up for SE so they can upvote me to the badge? :-P
@hBy2Py thin ice
@hBy2Py Erm...if you want? O:)
Thumps @Mart heartily on the back
@Martin-マーチン EXACTLY. I don't want to be like @M.A.R., constantly half a step away from a decade-long ban.
M.A.R doesn't strike me as someone who'd end up with a decade-long ban :P
well... i guess you'll get there eventually
Or is there something I don't know about he who calls himself "M.A.R"?! :O
I'm a lot more excited about having finally gotten my first tag badge, a little ways back.
your first... was it OC?
Uhm... PC, IIRC.
I'm actually surprised I have as many answers in OC as I do. I don't really know that much about it.
Haha... I got that tag in silver... because computational stuff also tends to go towards organic chemistry
yet i am struggling to get the silver tag there -.-
It's weird and often annoying how votes do and don't get cast on stuff.
And how effort expended at answer composition often seems to inversely correlate with upvotes gained.
true, the simplified trend: easy to understand = many votes
orbital expansion is still a vote magnet even though most people here know it is utter garbage
@Martin-マーチン (sorry for the interruption) how are you finding that userscript (keyboard shortcuts)? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
@Martin-マーチン But, of course, you look askance at my charge-shift bonding take on hypercoordination. ;-)
nah don't be sorry...
I havn't had much time to spend on chem.se and also didn't use it much therefore
@GaurangTandon I'd like to have something like a popup, which shows the currently bound hotkeys... possible?
@Martin-マーチン cool, that is doable
if you say yes, i'll file an issue...
Sure file an issue
:D Man i've gotten to love github
...because it's very easy to give and receive feedback? :)
not only... it's like a notebook, too
but yeah interaction is very easy
A notebook that keeps track of everything you ever "committed" to it
<nod>, it's really easy to keep track of TODO there
Waves at noddy @hBy2Py
Make way for noddy
When I was first getting into Python ~4yrs ago, I was mainly using code-comment #TODOs. Pretty quickly just started shunting everything into GH.
i'll file issues for my own projects, when i notice something immediately, and before i extend functionality, I'll check whether i can implement it
(just googled that "noddy" has more meanings than the animated character... :/)
@hBy2Py i don't like charge-shift... I don't find the theory behind it very compelling
@Martin-マーチン i do pretty much the same
@GaurangTandon Never even heard the term, or character, before.
@hBy2Py the animated character was very popular in my region when I was very young (10 yrs ago)
@GaurangTandon mind blown
@Martin-マーチン The density/localization dynamics seem pretty clear to me, whatever the best mechanism for explaining it might be.
@Martin-マーチン gathers Martin's blown mind, assembles it, and uses it for self ;)
I dislike the idea of classifying a covalent bond as having to have two electrons, that is so contrary to everything I know
@hBy2Py those are the hardest to keep track of, but i'll admit they are useful for simpler issues (minor method refactor, etc.)
@GaurangTandon Apparently PyCharm has really good #TODO-related features now.
But lately I've done most of my dev in ~plain text editors, so I don't have anything that collects them all in one place.
@Martin-マーチン I might have leaned on that point harder than I should have...
Because in, e.g., methane, the localization basins for the C-H bonds don't all have exactly 2e- of integrated density in them.
@hBy2Py really? I can't withstand plain text editors ever since I started using VS code and VS community
@GaurangTandon I haven't tried VS Code yet, but I might give it a shot before long. Have heard lots of good things about it.
@hBy2Py it has automated git integration, the feature i missed the most in any plain text editor
VI!!!!!!! VI!!!!!111!!!
@Martin-マーチン though i mostly use vim, because I can't figure out how to exit it <jk>
@GaurangTandon I much prefer to manage my own git, at the shell.
@hBy2Py hmm...you can continue to do that, but vs code makes committing code updates easier
Q: How to exit the Vim editor?

jclancyI'm stuck and cannot escape. It says: "type :quit<Enter> to quit VIM" But when I type that it simply appears in the object body.

@GaurangTandon Lol, how?
sometimes i don't like SOX
   git commit -a
   [edit msg]
   git push
...because you don't need to type new commands in a separate shell, and you can view commit diff before pushing... All in a GUI too
I guess if it has a clean interface to the interactive git add functionality, that would be handy
(where you can indicate line-by-line what you want committed)
@Martin-マーチン thanks, i found salvation
I downloaded vim once
Wasn't able to figure out how to use it
@Martin-マーチン a classic
Stuck with sublime text
@GaurangTandon GUI... and I'm out O.o
What do you write on sublime?
C++ back in 8th grade
C also
A bit of python
@Martin-マーチン ehh :/ GUI in the sense that you don't need to type text commands in a separate shell
I used cs50
you can use the notepad++ free text editor for c++
@GaurangTandon if it doesn't run in a command line window, it's too slow for me
@GaurangTandon that's my goto on windows
@Martin-マーチン i'll encourage you to try the git integration first...I hope you'll find it fast enough
the problem is the graphical part... anything that is producing more than just text in a terminal is too slow
i'm not writing code on a local machine
The GUI shows more information too...
@hBy2Py Penguins, eh? 8D
Waves at everyone in chat
@paracetamol Yeessssss, penguins indeed. What else!?
D...d...dark chocolate? O:)
@GaurangTandon I get that, but i'm no coder... I write a bit of bash and that's it, I don't need the fancy
it's like i like writing my latex... pure and simple in the vim :D
@Martin-マーチン <nod>, I don't even use addins &c. with vim. ~Plain vanilla.
@Martin-マーチン alright then :P
...and moths ._.
@GaurangTandon if I get cs in a decent college I'll use that
I have tried editors before, they confused me with their automation, I need highlighting of code, and vim does that quite well
@AvnishKabaj counterstrike? ;)
@Martin-マーチン how does the syntax highlighting in vim differ from that in other IDEs?
don't know
i mean stuff that they insert automatically, like when you type \begin{sth} it automatically ends it...
@Martin-マーチン You play Counterstrike? :D
@AvnishKabaj you don't need to get cs in a decent college to do that. As long as cs is your interest, you can do it in any dept of any college
@Martin-マーチン i didn't knew you knew that!
or you type frac and then there are {}{} and you jump around with the cursor...
@GaurangTandon I played waaaay too much CS in college
counterstrike was a thing when i was young
And got waaaaay too angry about it....
i might still have the cd somewhere...
Hmm i dont know about latex completion in other editors, it might be there, or might not
I got rid of mine - it's all on Steam now.
@Martin-マーチン Don't worry, you're still young (enough) ;-)
@hBy2Py hehe, it's very popular in every college
@hBy2Py :O
@hBy Ever played Fallout? :D
@paracetamol Nah, after my time. I haven't played videogames with any regularity for over 10yrs now.
I did play some Descent a couple years ago, after I discovered that somebody went back and re-implemented it with modern video rendering.
Never heard of it, sorry XD
actually my computer never was fast enough to play it properly
@Mart I hear you :'(
at work we played openarena.ws/smfnews.php
okay it's beer o'clock... see y'all soon
@Martin-マーチン you guys play at work o.O
Later, @Mart
Hehe, I played Halo with a couple of guys on and off for a while during grad school
@hBy2Py Yay, I did too, but single player
I played the single-player campaign, too.
The save structure was good for me -- I have a tendency to cautiously over-save in FPSes
I've heard the multiplayer version is more fun though...
See ya @Mart! o/
@hBy2Py Tried anything from the ARMA series? :D
No, never heard of it, I'm afraid.
Military/Warfare sim ^
Hmm, played any GTA?
Some GTA2 (top-down run/drive), a bit of one of the newer FPS-style ones.
I see :3
Scratches head trying to come up with some good titles
Q: Is there a compound that contains water as a subcomponent?

Armend VeseliIs there a molecule that contains water chemically bonded to another molecule/element? Could someone provide an example or two?

Oh phooey, it got closed :(
One I sort of wish I'd still been playing actively for was Bioshock
That looked really sweet
Never heard of it until now XD
Doom 3 was the most intense FPS experience I've ever had, though.
They did a hella good job with it
^ Ah, I've heard of that one!
Boris plays Doom (2?) every now and then ^
And then there's the whole slew of old games I've played
Commander Keen, Doom, Gunship, Kings Quest
@hBy2Py Yeah, judging by the emphasis on "old", I'd imagine most of those were from before I even existed X3
And some really obscure ones... Fire King
@paracetamol Most likely. :-)
^^ Sounds familiar :3
Wait, that from a movie?
Monster House is a 2006 American 3D computer-animated family horror comedy film directed by Gil Kenan, produced by ImageMovers and Amblin Entertainment, and distributed by Columbia Pictures about a neighborhood terrorized by a demonic house. The film stars Mitchel Musso, Sam Lerner, and Spencer Locke. The characters are animated primarily utilizing performance capture. Monster House received generally positive reviews from critics and grossed over $140 million worldwide. == Plot == The parents of twelve-year-old DJ Walters leave town for the weekend, leaving him in the care of his babysitter, Zee...
Could've sworn that's a line from there ^ X3
Oh yeah, I should've mentioned the last video I posted contains some cussing and...erm... something else, hence NSFW ._.
@paracetamol Oh, probably... but more than anything it's a general Americanism for crotchety old men yelling at kids.
^ That too O:)
Interesting going-ons in Ohio I see ;-) rt.com/usa/434916-judge-ducttape-prisoner-williams
@paracetamol Doesn't matter what you have to say. If the judge tells you to stop talking, you stop. Talking.
Yes sir! :O
^ Made me crack smile O:)
Ah well, I'm off then! See ya @hBy2Py! o/
@paracetamol Have a good one!
1 hour later…
> I'm not worried about getting an IUPAC name exactly right, becuase nobody actually does that.
Wow, I'm amazed I didn't find that wiki article previously! However that seems to be a salt of this particular molecule, not the thing itself. — iammax 1 min ago
@Loong That gold tag badge? Totally illusory.
@Martin-マーチン Well, if he would have tried some IUPAC name, he would have found the Wikipedia article.
We need a I-am-too-dumb-to-use-google close reason
but, but, but, the new CoC ;-)
@Loong hmmm i googled bis pyridine iodine and found it
also... if your not into text, you can draw it at chemspider
Fifth Google result under "pyridine iodine" is an article on ResearchGate (from 1971!) about the very thing.
and then there is the issue of trying to benchmark something of off it
@hBy2Py hmmm that depends on your usage of google
it's not for me
Ah, results personalization differences, maybe?
it sometimes gives preferences to stuff you click more often...
Why would anyone want to ban such a cool guy as I?
@Martin-マーチン somealwaystimes
@hBy2Py I will need you to Google stuff for me in the future
Brings up a question.
off topic; migrated to google.stackexchange.com
Is it fair to call out noobs that haven't researched their question if they only got porno results searching for "nucleophilic attack"?
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ This whole scenario suffers from an array of verification difficulties.
Couldn't find google.stackexchange.com
The Q&A site google.stackexchange.com doesn't seem to exist…yet.

You can vote for it to be created through our democratic, community-driven process at area51.stackexchange.com, or see a complete directory of all our Q&A sites at stackexchange.com.
Oh poor guy looks like Hugo Weaving
@Martin-マーチン Go suggest it, it'd be fun
democratic? community-driven?
more than in other places
Yeah these censorshiupz modaratorz
@Martin-マーチン true
Voting in Switzerland (called votation) is the process by which Swiss citizens make decisions about governance and elect officials. The polling stations are opened on Saturdays and Sunday mornings but most people vote by post in advance. At noon on Sunday (Abstimmungssonntag in German), voting ends and the results are usually known during the afternoon. Switzerland's voting system is unique among modern democratic nations in that Switzerland practices direct democracy in parallel with representative democracy, which is why the Swiss system is known as a semi-direct democracy. Direct democracy allows...
Holy sh!t
How do you even pronounce double s and double n one vowel apart?
@Martin-マーチン how did you know
@GaurangTandon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AvnishKabaj They have COD colleges here
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I thought 10 year olds played cod
10-year-olds go to college here
Q: Why doesn't Carbon Monoxide has a dative bond in Lewis Dot structure

PlopMonWhen drawing Lewis Dot Structure for Carbon Monoxide $\ce{CO}$ , what would be its correct structure? In my textbook the structure of $\ce{CO}$ is given as $$ \ce{{:}C\bond{#}O{:}} $$ [where the colons represent lone pair] Here is the structure Which I think is right: I am not convinced w...

How on Earth do you answer something like that?
I mean, the title's grammar is all wrong
OP uses overwrite power for the dark side... chemistry.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/85191
There is a special hell for that.
it has a tiny bucket with supercritical water in it; there they bathe
21 q in the CVQ O.ô
@Martin-マーチン That's what happens when I stop reviewing CV
It just got too hard to decide, and I usually don't

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