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@Martin-マーチン Done
A: How to determine the angle between non-bonding electron pairs?

hBy2PyYes, there are ways one could claim to calculate an angle between two non-bonding electron pairs. BUT: As Mithoron points out, this Chem.SE question illustrates how quantum chemical calculations and photoelectron spectroscopy both demonstrate the non-equivalence of the lone pairs of $\ce{H2O}$,...

2 hours later…
1 hour later…
@AvnishKabaj #MeToo? Darn... you have my condolences ;-)
@hBy2Py orca 3.0.3 and multiwfn 3.3.7 – never update a running system :D
2 hours later…
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp Darn straight.
At least on Windows (serial for ORCA) version-swapping both of them is as easy as renaming a couple of directories
The runorca script on my Linux box is a tad more complex... has to export the right OMPI to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
I have a very long-running series of calculations that's still platformed on v3.0.3 and a v4.0b pre-release, for consistency.
Other than that, I'm all set up to use and later for new calculations... am ready to switch!
@Loong Weird, that was definitely not there when I last looked... :(
I'm guessing I screwed up in some way
2 hours later…
@hBy2Py interesting
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Magnetic, or magnetical? Optic, or optical? Electric, or electrical? Dynamic, or dynamical?
@pH13-YetanotherPhilipp Remember: 8 cores, one node.
<--- Tortoise
@hBy2Py A lot of quality research has been done with less ;)
It's a good thing I don't have to publish this in time for a tenure review, though.
Dunno if it would make it. :-)
(Or if it would make a very good tenure case...)
@hBy2Py our old cluster has many 8- and 12-cores, many calculations were done and are being done on them :) my master thesis was done on such nodes :D however, I never looked back, since the new cluster is available
2 hours later…
Hi everyone! Haven't been doing the rounds on SE for a bit, how's life so far?
@JavaScriptCoder Not too bad. Site seems pretty quiet lately.
Don't forget to move.
Almost out of time.
oh yea
@hBy2Py yeah, mainly im on worldbuilding and SX if im on SE at all
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ It was not the point of my question.
3 hours later…
@hBy2Py I just finished it today, actually. :)
@hBy2Py Your nickname should be Elf.
@orthocresol +1e9!
Congrats! Huge relief?
@pentavalentcarbon Hmmm...... maybe so.
What would my avatar be, though?
(Not an endorsement of that movie, which I haven't seen and have no desire to)
Haha, too obscure, though. He'd have to be wearing an isosurface plot as a hat or something.
As re the movie, I understand why people like it, and I'm fine to watch it when everybody else does.
But I definitely am not as crazy a fan of it as many are.
I don't think he's very funny. Not my brand of humor, at least.
I usually either really like his roles, or really can't stand them.
Shoot, what was that one..
With the author writing his actual life.
It was a weird kinda downer at the end, but I thought it was really well done, written and acted.
Stranger than Fiction, I think?
I'm looking at his filmography and I haven't seen most of these. I liked Wedding Crashers but not his character. I think I liked Land of the Lost.
I saw the cowbell skit way too many times...
He's a pretty skilled actor, I think.
I agree. I guess I just find his characters irritating, not his actual acting skill.
Will definitely give you that. :-)
Btw I like your answer. Now I have to read why the lone pairs are not equivalent.
I'd strongly recommend watching Stranger than Fiction
Ok, I'll add that to my list...
Not often I can make a movie recommendation -- hardly watch anything anymore.
I'm going to see Solo...tomorrow night.
@pentavalentcarbon Thanks -- I don't really know how widely accepted the QTAIM/ELF analysis really is, but it so often ties in quite neatly with qualitative paradigms of chemical understanding.
Oy, I'm several movies behind in all the Star Wars stuff
Haven't seen anything since EIII
Kids, man
None of them are exactly works of art but they're all fun, IMO.
I expect to enjoy them, at whatever point. Far more than I-III, at the bare minimum.
I like them all, even I-III. Contrary to popular opinion when I watched IV a year or two ago, I don't think it's aged well.
IV-VI were filmed in an era of radically different expectations of film
Sort of like a bunch of the classic SF literature, actually
The older stuff can be kind of hard to read.
How old? I'm starting to read again. I don't know if I want to reread Foundation, but I might just because they're so short.
Mm, well, depends
The first half of Foundation (the series) was great
Then it tailed off into weird.
Are there more than 3? Because that's all I own.
At least six
Plus a prequel, IIRC
Same spiral-off happened with Dune, at least as interpreted by my high school self
I haven't read any Clarke, Heinlein, etc. Really should.
I've never read Clarke or Heinlein. I have the first Dune book but never read that either.
Highly recommend the original Dune.
I think it was by book 3 or so that the series lost its way.
I'll definitely get to it. I've heard the later ones are bad.
I also heard the later Orson Scott Card books are bad, but I'm not sure I even liked Ender's Game all that much.
But I read that in middle school so it's been a while.
I only really liked Ender's Game
Everything after that was just ... slog.
As I remember it, anyways
I know that feeling, life is too short for that
OTOH, there was a trilogy... ~origin story of Mazer Rackham, and the first time the Formics came to Sol... that was really good.
As soon as I read somewhere (the very obvious) "you can only read a finite number of books in your lifetime" I recycled half my unread trade paperbacks
These ones:
I borrowed audiobooks from the library -- they worked quite well in that format.
Neat, thanks.
I've been avoiding audiobooks. Whenever I'm listening to something (music, podcasts) I always need to be doing something else with my hands or eyes, and I'm years behind on podcasts.
<nod>, similar here
Also, I find that if I'm going to be listening for long enough in a row, audiobooks start to overwhelm my ability to absorb the story.
The segmented nature of podcasts works way better for my listening.
Gotta run, but I'll leave you with this:
Do you feel as though you should finish any book you start? I used to, but I changed reading philosophy. Here’s what I read this week. I also started and abandoned four books that I decided not to finish. #GretchenRubinReads

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