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@Jasmine see reactivity selectivity principle
In chemistry the reactivity–selectivity principle or RSP states that a more reactive chemical compound or reactive intermediate is less selective in chemical reactions. In this context selectivity represents the ratio of reaction rates. This principle was generally accepted until the 1970s when too many exceptions started to appear. The principle is now considered obsolete. A classic example of perceived RSP found in older organic chemistry textbooks concerns the free radical halogenation of simple alkanes. Whereas the relatively unreactive bromine reacts with 2-methylbutane predominantly to 2...
1 hour later…
@hBy2Py chlorine is more reactive and less selective.
@AvnishKabaj ok
8 hours later…
@paracetamol I mean, there are lots of stupid things our government does, and people already know it's corrupt and doesn't adhere to its ideologies. Sometimes some idiots throw the idea of a rebellion, but that's just in small talk and nothing actionable
So does every Iranian hate their government right now? More or less, yes
Do they think violent action or rebellion or toppling solves it? No
Let alone it being done by US or Israeli angels
The only course of action is hoping for a better government in the future, for now
Probably a moot point
Hi. Can anyone take a look at this question please?
3 hours and no answers so far
1 hour later…
@AnuragBaundwal That's very short on the time scale of chem.se... :/
@pentavalentcarbon Can u teach me partial derivatives for chemical thermodynamics purpose
Or send me some good link for the same..
@gateprep sorry, I don’t know anything about thermodynamics
Do u knoe partial derivatives?
Pls explain me edge dislocation
@Jasmine This principle was generally accepted until the 1970s when too many exceptions started to appear. The principle is now considered obsolete.
@Abcd the principle that more reactive will be less selective ?
@Jasmine hmm hmm
@Abcd then what will be the reason ?
@Abcd but dont you think its common sense
@Jasmine I dont care about it. :P. I was just quoting from wiki
@Abcd ok
4 hours later…
@AnuragBaundwal we're got as big as mat . . . Homework.SE. Give it some time
@hBy2Py chem, IIRC. And few other sites

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