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Q: Feasibility of another product in peroxide effect mechanism of propene

RinSamIn the Chain Propagation step of the reaction of propene ($\ce{CH3CH=CH2}$) and hydrogen bromide ($\ce{HBr}$), why is $\ce{CH3-\dot{\ce C}H-CH2-Br}$ free radical formed when a more stable, resonance stabilized allyl free radical ($\ce{\dot{\ce C}H2-CH=CH2}$) is possible? Source : https://www...

5 hours later…
To those who flag comment chains to be moved to chat: We're only doing that in extreme cases with ongoing conversations. There is absolutely no point retaining something in another place, where it will get even less attention. If it is not worth retaining on the site, it is not worth retaining in chat if the conversation has died down already. I usually just purge the entire chain. So please, make double dead sure whether it is needed or not, and only flag of it's got to go.
9 hours later…
Q: Products formed on cleavage of epoxides using HI

RinSamThere seems to be multiple forms of HI used to cleave epoxides: Conc. HI, Anhydrous HI, Cold HI, Hot HI, Cold conc. HI, Hot conc. HI, etc. So, does concentration of HI and temperature have any significance in determining the product?

I've edited the question to make it to the point. Will that 'on hold' be removed?
1 hour later…
@rin002 This is chemistry. Everything matters.
3 hours later…
@Martin-マーチン nice, people are hunting Marshals
Better than hunting Steward

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