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Q: Meta Event -- Shoutout to Chem.SE contributors

JavaScriptCoderWith an average of one downvote for every three upvotes, and with a 51.4 badness ratio (we're #1!*), we're a pretty positive site... right?? $$\color{red}{\text{WAIT... I SHOULDN'T BE CELEBRATING}}$$ Let me try again. With an average of one downvote for every three upvotes, and with a 51.4 badn...

2 hours later…
> If I rub a balloon on a cat (as I am wont)
oh dear
Q: Eletrolysis of water

GranadeThe electrolyser used in the process at 25°C and 10.0 bar exhibits a global yield of 82% with a potential of 1.481 V. Determine the electrical energy that can be electrolyzed by year in order to get molar flow of hydrogen: $F(H_2) = 12.016 \times 10^6\ mol/h$. So, can anyone help with the calcula...

2 hours later…
Q: Software to name compounds

Gaurang TandonBackground: I study from a book that happens to have numerous errors, and they matter greatly especially in the chapter on IUPAC naming of compounds. I hope there was a service that'd enable to cross check those names without having to post a new question for every new compound. Also note that w...

Doesn't this question belong on Main? Why is that on meta?
2 hours later…
A: Mirror reaction - avoiding silver nitride

Professor Dr Susai Rajendran165 deg c. Preparation of Tollen's Reagent; dilute sodium hydroxide is added to a dilute solution of silver nitrate. a brown precipitate is formed. it is dissolved in dilute ammonium hydroxide solution(1) Add this solution to a reducing sugar, for example glucose. heat this solution in a test tub...

This answer makes me feel uncomfortable
4 hours later…
@PrittBalagopal perfectly close-worthy question as "too broad". If I saw such a question on main, I would CV it immediately
Same can be said of the resources post, tbh.
Maybe it should be merged into that post, under software, I don't know.
@orthocresol it's locked :/
Yeah, it is, but I have the powers
@orthocresol but it originated after internal community discussion, not out of nowhere by a <1k user, which I was when I made that post :P
@orthocresol oooo maybe it's time to show some magic here ;)
I'm not sure. I think merging it with the resources post makes sense to me, but we'll see if anybody else has an opinion
why is the CV queue in double digits these days? every morning I find it at 16-17. is any regular CV reviewer AWOL?
my rep these days is so, so sad :( i should get back to posting some more Qs and As, but dang I am super lazy :/
(this is a shameless plug to let you guys know I NEEDZ MOAR UPVOTES)
Pls post highschool orgo questions
Need 3K
I was busy for a little while, I'll check it now
First time ever my meta participation got upvoted
Downvoting homework questions/bad content is good citizenship.In my opinion the community has a pretty positive environment. — Avnish Kabaj 13 hours ago
:' )
> the community has a pretty positive environment
I disagree
3 pipil agree
well I agree with the first part of your statement, so there's that
> Nice
I'm actually surprised that thing hit −8. I don't think it's a solution that would help at all, but I think it's true that there is generally quite a lot of negativity.
Good for me that comments can't be downvoted
The main problem I have with that post is that "positivity"/"negativity" is too vague and unspecific. A meta post consisting of regular users praising one another is not going to help with the rather snarky comments directed at newcomers every day. In other words, it's a feel-good solution.
@JavaScriptCoder ^
Honestly, I find those -8 votes surprisingly quick. Seems like (sadly) @JavascriptCoder's meta post just hit the HNQ...
1 hour later…
Q: Survey of users to judge quality and culture of an SE site

DanKWithout getting into specifics, I've noticed an extreme difference in the overall experience of a number of different Stack Exchange communities of which I am a member. Likewise I have personally experienced what I felt was a decline in quality and/or culture of some SE sites that I have been a m...

maybe this is the real solution (taken from here)
> Stop answering questions in the comments section you absolute bastards!
or here
Q: Why do people from other places understand the questions better than people in the StackExchange communities?

pipelineWhy do people in the Stack Exchange communities have difficulty putting common sense to the questions? and why this does not usually happen in other communities like Reddit or Linuxquestions? just for putting a couple of examples. If your rating to this question is negative, what is your reason?

@pentavalentcarbon maybe I'm dumb, but I have absolutely no clue why people do that. They even miss out on the repz received when posting an answer!
I know why. It's because they think the question is bad, and if it gets an answer, it will be harder for roomba to come by and nuke it without manual intervention.
Well, if they find the question to be "bad" (below their education, not worthy of receiving an answer by them), ideally they should just ignore it and move on. Answering in comments is a half hearted attempt that not only gives the OP an incomplete, confusing answer, but also borders on misusing the 600char freedom suppose to ask for suggestions.
Or if they really are adamant to see it roombaed, they should just downvote it
you don't need to tell me that
Ofc, I know. I was addressing it at the users who often tend to answer in comments
people who never come into chat...
and me
Questions answered in the comments appear to be trivial, and sometimes the slightly decent questions get closed as "homework" due to this
@pentavalentcarbon this should be embossed into the background of every SE site's homepage
@pentavalentcarbon true..
Understandable, there's no need to chat.
accordingly there are few of us
"and me" doesn't bait unsuspecting OPs...
@pentavalentcarbon I miss the context for this "and me"? :/ was there a meta post?
He's saying I don't bait unsuspecting OPs.
What does that phrase mean? Baiting OPs to do what?
With an "an incomplete, confusing answer", some snark, or both.
Oh, ok, understood
@pentavalentcarbon have you had much experience with multipole expansions?
you are usually my go-to guy for questions ^^
yes, but if you mean something like implementing FMM/CFMM, no
that would be a fun project
Q: Accuracy benchmarks for atomic multipole moments

obackhouseThermochemical accuracy is regularly quoted as 1 kcal mol$^{-1}$, or 4.2 kJ mol$^{-1}$. I'm expressing some data and I want to use benchmarks like this to validate them, however, they are not all in units of energy. My analyses involve various ranks of a multipole expansion. I have found a refer...

not an implementation question
but yeah FMM is cool... but I heard it's not really useful for small systems
Correct, things like FMM and LinK are not useful for anything except large, spatially-extended systems because of the cost of screening
As for your question, that is interesting...
Yeah I always figured that I wouldn't be able to run calculations for systems that are so large with my own code, as they'd be slow
so no point in spending time
I see value in it from a pedagogical point of view, so you understand why linear scaling algorithms are quite slow, and there are very few implementations
FMM is on my long list of things to try someday
too busy writing my dissertation atm to do side stuff
ya, I didn't get much else done when I was writing mine
I can't guarantee anything, but I can look.
Part of the problem is that I don't know what to benchmark against, because I don't know what the experiment is, but I might have a book with experimental references
Some things that are easy to calculate are notoriously difficult to experimentally measure accurately or at all
I've built a predictive model which analyses whether certain properties are transferable between different sized clusters
water clusters that is
if that makes any sense
I think so
it's nothing complex but it has its place in the larger project of the group I worked in - basically trying to report the accuracy of the model
so for energy properties, if the RMSD is < 1 kJ/mol then they're predicted well (hint: they're not)
So I need a similar measure for multipoles
So it's similar to a convergence study?
Yeah pretty much
> Experimental values were taken from refs 22 and 23. As experimental data are most reliable and widely available for molecular dipole moments, we only report benchmarks of these moments, although quadrupole and higher moments can also be computed
Ok, I found some good stuff I'll try and write up.
ah sweet, thanks
Five more days and I get fanatic
I have this irrational fear that I might not make it
Like forget to login on the 99th day
@AvnishKabaj Then you could get it few months later.
Is "Streptavidin labeled with horseradish peroxidase" the same as "HRP-conjugated streptavidin"?
Is 'labeled' the same as 'conjugated'?
I feel I'm fed up with SE ;/
Hello @CowperKettle welcome back :)
Havent seen you in chat for a while
@Mithoron question quality, or something else?
@PrittBalagopal Subh Ratri!
Cheers from Russia
The bicycling season has just started here
The snow has almost melted away
Jogging in Russia.
This is part of the worldwide ParkRun movement ))
I registered on their website and joined in
I finished at place 9, out of 21 participants (0:
@orthocresol I guess mostly question quality
Though I think that reading a bit of last meta activity and related chat transcript... sigh...
@Mithoron you don't need to be here everyday
If it feels boring or disappointing, just take a break
And come back when you miss my nonhumor humor
And @ortho's humour
Which is really, "hiyumaaaaaa"
I can't see images either because it's blocked in Iran. What ortho said. Trying using a VPN instead. — M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ 21 hours ago
Ugh, someone please edit that auto carrot mischief
@Martin-マーチン I think that's partly because many folks (including myself) checkout new questions from the CV queue first, and then from the front page, and do not open the ones they've already VTCed in the CV queue. The lack of downvote buttons in the CV review queue is possibly the reason why they don't get downvoted enough. — Gaurang Tandon 8 hours ago
@Gau's spot on
Just this once
I can't see images either because it's blocked in Iran. What ortho said. Tryed using a VPN instead. — M.A.R. ಠ_ಠ 21 hours ago
Is this better?
I will hunt you with a sniper rifle in a badass way. And in mating season so it'd be illegal
@GaurangTandon Hated Network Questions, right
@pentavalentcarbon why do you judge their name?
@NickAlexeev nope, would be closed still, because the answer is either "yes, you're right" or "no, and your handwriting sucks"
@JavaScriptCoder well, there is some unwanted negativity, but it's almost always in the form of comments, not in the form of downvotes to well-thought and well-researched posts
I have an idea: An event where you shame and throw snarky remarks at someone so they improve their future posts
This will definitely help site content
I choose you, @ortho
@CowperKettle Wow nice to see the snow melting! As much as snow is pretty, it really does get in the way most of the times. Also I really want to eat that cupcake, argh.
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ people with less than 7k rep have no business talking to me
> How is the molecular orbital diagram of the SO molecule?
> It's fine, thank you.
@PrittBalagopal try biting the screen
@orthocresol elitist
I should star that
I hope you weren't talking to me, because you shouldn't be.
On a more serious note, I am getting fed up of flagging all of Uncle Al's answers as NAA.
> "in excess of 2000 litres of water... per gram of dessicant [sic]."
> 1) What is the volume of one gram of desiccant?
> 2) What is the volume of 2000 liters of water?
> 3) What is the cognitive dissonance?
Who needs the comment box for snarky NAAs when you can simply post a snarky NAA as an answer?
I thought I was only elitist in real life, not on the internet!

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