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A very strange ligand from last night dream
(Attach position at bottom)
The structure is like a Cl bridge bond or a H bridge bond in electron deficient compounds, such that the upper and lower angles are > 90 (close to 140 deg) and the remaining two angles of the qudrilaterial are > 90
2 hours later…
@Secret You dream about ligands?
@Secret Have you heard about August Kekule? He had a dream about benzene and that made him discover it's structure. Maybe if you dream again, you'll get the complete picture!
Here's a mind-blowing quote by Kekule, "LET US LEARN TO DREAM, GENTLEMEN, THEN PERHAPS WE SHALL
BETWEEN RIPE AND UNRIPE FRUIT." Sorry for the all caps.

Kekule style dreams for me are roughly 1 dream per month
Most of the compounds however are found to be not energetically stable though
For some compounds, analogues of them can be found in the literature
Hey @Loong, I see that you're lurking.
Q: Temporary Suspension of the Homework Close Reason

Martin - マーチンWe have been struggling for a long time with the homework close reason. There are shortcomings to all approaches we have tried so far to change it. I believe one of the problems with this is that actually enacting a different strategy comes with the worry that it'll drastically change the dynamic...

A: Prevention of unnecessary edits of old posts.

Melanie ShebelTL;DR: Google may understand the difference between sulfur and sulphur, but give better ranking to a page with better spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Also, it's easier to read a post with beter spelling and grammar. I have been doing copious editing. However, I do not typically edit for Americ...

Hello @Martin-マーチン I'm having trouble with the homework close intricacies.
How do questions like, "Help me balance this equation," with no attempt to solve or share fit within the homework policy?
Hi @pH13-YetanotherPhilipp It's been awhile!
@MelanieShebel hi
hi! I don't really understand your question, @Melanie.
If I see a question where someone just posts a homework question and wants an answer withoutgiving any thought to it, for example:
Which of these has 4 valence electrons: A, B, C, or D
Do I mark to close it because it doesn't have any thought process to it? Or do I just downvote?
Well, if it's just copy & paste then close it. You can also downvote it. Whatever you prefer.
Okay, good to know.
Ideally you'd leave a comment explaining the decision, that's what the experiment will kind of force you to do
No worries. Haha, I'm getting the ummm
I would advocate for more voting in general, but i had a look at the statistics, and it's currently looking quite good obn the voting front
idea that people don't really like my edits, haha.
How are we on stats?
We are approaching before graduation levels again. If I find the time i'll write a state of the union address this week
@MelanieShebel I like your edits.
Is that why the site has been so popular lately?
I find them good as well
Okay, I hope they are good. I just tend to be a picky person so I have to keep that in check, haha.
I am tempted to close this as a duplicate of Editing gone wild. — Martin - マーチン ♦ 51 mins ago
We had talked about this before, but there really isn't a problem here
the homepage is not a good place to keep track of new content, it's simply not designed for that purpose
If that were the case, nothing would get answered on stackoverflow
@MelanieShebel If you need another search term, you can always fight the buzzwordy titles, and you can change any and all occurrences of "number of moles" to amount of substance. You have my complete, and unconditioned support on that. @Melanie
haha, double tag...
Will do. I was thinking of making a meta post asking for commonly misspelled chemistry words and such.
Don't like "number of moles"?
define:number of moles
doesn't work
Okay, here is one I see a lot. This is a new one, but I get this a lot:
Q: How do I write a chemical equation for the reaction between a fertiliser like Maxfeed Miracle-Gro and a plant?

NaisyI need to work out how to put the chemical fertilisers into chemical equations to find out what happens when they are used with plants and potting soil? For example MaxFeed Miracle-Gro that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, iron, boron, copper, manganese, moly...

see this a lot*
Welcome to Chemistry.SE! Take the tour to get familiar with this site. Mathematical expressions and equations can be formatted using $\LaTeX$ syntax. Please note that the proper term for "number of moles" is amount of substance. The former would be the same as referring to the mass as "number of kilograms". — Martin - マーチン ♦ 2 hours ago
I might just rip that right off of you
@MelanieShebel Please, please, please, PLEASE ...
... do that
@MelanieShebel If I was a normal user, I would immediately throw an unclear VTC on that one.
as a mod, I don't want to make the unilateral decision
What ligand is typically the most unreactive (i.e. poor sigma donor, poor pi donor, poor pi acceptor, non sterically bulky, spectator, etc.) for metal complexes

I have a computational calculation involve a tetrahedral complex and I want to just change one ligand while keeping the other 3 constant. But which ligand is the closest I can get that basically act like a test object and thus its presence does not perturb the energetics of the complex significantly (e.g. not more than 50 kcalmol-1)?
I thought CO and phosphines will be simple enough but both are a good pi acceptors, thus it will not work
and I am worried halo ligands will introduce electrostatic effects
@Secret hang on, what?
I want a ligand such that when they are introduced to the metal, it does not do much to the resulting metal complex as if behaving like spectators, cause in a computational study I am planning to use a tetrahedral complex with 4 of these ligands as the zero baseline compound for comparing trends as I vary one of the ligands
F- will seem like a good choice because it is poor in coordinating, but M-F bonds are quite polar thus it might possibly introduce significant electrostatics
H2O might also seemed good but it can introduce intramolecular hydrogen bonding for certain ligand combinations
well, i'd say you should stay as close to the experimental data you have available
chlorine is usually a good choice for many things, limited backbonding, small, and it pretty much bonds with everything
Ah I see, thanks
@MelanieShebel it’s always a while with me :D ... just ping me, if you want to talk :)
Hello everyone, can you please help me out with the comments on my answer, there's a bit of confusion going on there
chemistry.stackexchange.com/a/73881/43942 the confusion is regarding to muons (are they positive or negative)
2 hours later…
All this time, I though orthocresol's profile pic was a polar bear. It's a seal?
Q: How do I draw chemical compounds and chemical reaction mechanisms and add it to my questions?

Pritt BalagopalLots of organic chemistry questions require the knowledge of chemical structures and reaction mechanisms. We even have a tag: reaction-mechanism for it. Here, I will address the following: How do I draw chemical compounds and reaction mechanisms? How do I post these on StackExchange? In this ...

Oct 27 '15 at 20:03, by Jan
Will the real seal squeal if we steal its meal?
@MelanieShebel chemistry.stackexchange.com/revisions/74406/2 "a priori" is a Latin phrase!
The Latin phrases a priori (lit. "from the earlier") and a posteriori (lit. "from the latter") are philosophical terms of art popularized by Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (first published in 1781, second edition in 1787), one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy. However, in their Latin forms they appear in Latin translations of Euclid's Elements, of about 300 BCE, a work widely considered during the early European modern period as the model for precise thinking. These terms are used with respect to reasoning (epistemology) to distinguish "necessary conclusions from...
2 hours later…
I posted a guide to new users about how to draw chemical reactions and mechanisms. Do check it out. chemistry.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/3736/…
Q: How do I draw chemical compounds and chemical reaction mechanisms and add it to my questions?

Pritt BalagopalLots of organic chemistry questions require the knowledge of chemical structures and reaction mechanisms. We even have a tag: reaction-mechanism for it. Here, I will address the following: How do I draw chemical compounds and reaction mechanisms? How do I post these on StackExchange? In this ...

@PrittBalagopal 1,3-feeds was way faster than you: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/37562344#37562344
@Martin-マーチン This user thinks someone else is using his account. Can we do something?
@Martin-マーチン Nice! What's this 1,3 feed anyway?
@Pritt 1,3 is meta in chemistry, so this is a good naming, anyway this feed collects the new questions that are posted on the child meta of Chem.SE
You can configure a feed like this if you're a room owner, there are message feeds (like 1,3 feeds) and then there are ticker feeds (that peek from the top of this chatroom)
@BerryHolmes can you please tell him to contact us or contact the CMs, we are not going to act on indirect communication
JasonC has asked him to do so on Baker Street, I don't think he has seen that mesage
Wait what?
1 hour later…
Q: How to render Angstrom and Pats per notations in MathJax?

Always ConfusedSummary: Angstrom, Parts per thousand, Parts per Ten-Thousand ......................................................................... Prior efforts: Searched Google and Detexify. Angstrom. (The letter), (the diacritic mark). The detexify (reference) tool successfully identified and gav...

Q: I used acetone on the back of my monitor

WybremI used acetone on the back of my monitor to get rid of old stickers from led strips. However it severely damaged my monitor. Anyway to undo this or repair it? Pic: http://imgur.com/a/4Cmgv

one cannot facepalm enough
Hmm, that picture isn't even that bad...something something life lesson
You can get rid of the ugly bits by using more acetone.
If you use enough acetone, you won't be able to see them at all.
A good excuse to upgrade to a better monitor
4 hours later…
I agree that this is off topic, but it doesn't seem homework-y to me:
Q: absorption radiation in NMR

Eric Chungwhat is the reason of resonant absorption by nuclear spin only with the correct frequency of EM radiation that is applied? why it is not possible for applying arbitrary EM radiation to excite the nuclei from alpha spin to beta spin?

Should I stop editing?
A: Prevention of unnecessary edits of old posts.

Melanie ShebelTL;DR: Google may understand the difference between sulfur and sulphur, but give better rankings to pages (and entire sites) with better spelling, grammar, and mechanics. Also, it's easier to read a post with beter spelling and grammar. I have been doing copious editing. However, I do not typica...

@MelanieShebel I don't think it's off-topic, to be honest.
however, the answer is incredibly complicated
I thought perhaps it was more physics-y
it could conceivably be within chemistry... there are concepts in NMR that explain this in a handwavy way (vector model).. a proper answer would certainly be physics though
i don't know, in the months since I vtc'd that question, my stance on questions has changed a lot :/
i think your editing is fine, if it was excessive then it would be a problem, but i don't think it's ever been excessive
a few questions here and there are OK, and everybody bumps questions from time to time, I don't really think twice before doing it
hi @Mithoron
@MelanieShebel that said, if it's just a bad answer, it's probably better to flag than to waste time editing it... sometimes, just taking out the rubbish is easier than sifting through it
Honestly, I'm getting a lot of downvotes on older questions and answers and I think it's because some people don't really care for the editing, so I might step back from Chem.SE for a while.
But I have really enjoyed working with you @orthocresol @Loong @Martin-マーチン and others. :) Good times. :)
@MelanieShebel Huh? I can see only 4 downvotes on your rep data on profile
And whaat caring about editing has do do with this?
@Ezze o/
@Ezze What's up?
I don't know, guess i am fine. Exploring this chat function, looking for rooms where there is any kind of activity
That's main room here, still not crowdy usually
@Ezze There are lots of rooms on other sites of network, you can talk on all that go from same server
Well yes, I am hanging out on the physics chat room too
Just it would be nice to see some people here on the chem one too
This seems like a fine platform for scientific discussion
@Ezze It's a shame there are rather few regulars here. We can discuss sth if you have some topic in mind
@orthocresol Was Mel serious?
@Mithoron I don't actually know.
T'was kinda strange
@Mithoron thanks for the offer, but I am about to sleep. I might hang around here a few times tho
@Ezze See you soon
I hope not. I want a good night sleep :)
no work in the morning
@Ezze Well not that soon, so maybe soonish ;)
Yeah, see you around
Having a rough time at school. :(
Q: Student lied about project, no response from dean, what to do

masAn incident occurred in 2016 where a student kicked me out of a major project, lying to a lab instructor to do so. I showed text and facebook messages to the lab instructor and head professor. I reported it to the Dean of Science, never heard back. The head professor had no idea what to do. This...

Sorry link is gone, I deleted it and asked a different question because it was too long.
@MelanieShebel I'm not qualified to give you any advice, but if you feel that it's really hampering your ability to work properly, it might be worth considering the possibility of transferring
not telling you to do it, but the option has to be on the table, unless there are other real-life circumstances that prohibit it
and the usual disclaimer, as with personal medical questions, etc. etc. it's always going to be better to talk to somebody in real life than somebody on the internet, because from what you've written at least, it does feel like a pretty serious issue.
hopefully the folks over at Academia have something useful to say, though
It appears that has been co-opted for things other than its tag wiki...

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