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Q: Which is the currently accepted mechanism of a Wittig reaction?

JanThe Wittig reaction is one of the most significant advances in synthetic organic chemistry in the 20th century and rightfully won its discoverer, Georg Wittig, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. A Wittig reaction is the addition of a phosphorus ylide (previously thought to be an ylene with a $\ce{C=P...

@BountyHunter Philantropist hat?
^ Chance to get a secret hat if your answer doesn’t get deleted xD
@Loong As if I ever, ever did something just for the hats ;)
ok, then it's all right
@paracresol It's rather... interesting that u seem to find ways to insult me even without really even saying anything.
@paracresol Here is an Indian-who politely asked me to get lost upon admitting that I don't speak German, mind you-who doesn't know any Hindi.
@paracresol Unfortunately boi, I don't answer to your commands. I'll translate it for you if u are able to find some politeness within yourself.
A: How do moderators permanently add Site Chat Room to main page sidebar?

UndoModerators don't have a tool to do this, and I don't believe that moderators request that CMs do it. I'm not sure when, or to whom, the system decides to show rooms in the sidebar.

@MelanieShebel ↑ That approximately summarizes what I know about that link to chat.
Q: Pin chat to the sidebar on main site?

Melanie ShebelCan we pin the link to the chatroom to the sidebar on the main site? It does not always appear. This was asked by another user in chat and discussed (I can't find it now, of course) and I thought it was a great idea, because I often also have a hard time finding the button. Perhaps it'll make c...

So is it just water, then?
Thanks, @Loong
@Jan how do you know that amino(chloro)methanol will become formamide?
I love how the wide array of available memes allow me to express nearly every thought without having to actually say anything. :P
6 hours later…
hey guys, do alcohols dissolve in non-polar solutions?
@frostedcake solubility isn't as simple as a yes or no
And ethanol is quite soluble in pentane
1 hour later…
@frostedcake depends on the property of solvent
2 hours later…
if I buy a packet of yeast, and throw it over one grain of sugar, then will the yeast consume the sugar? (no water).
Also will it make a difference if I rub some yeast together with sugar between my fingers and wear gloves so no water. Will the sugar get consumed?
2 messages moved from g-block elements
@Jan, is there a reason why you created ? chemistry.stackexchange.com/revisions/65494/2
I couldn't find anything on meta.
Also, we seem to have created , but I also can't find meta discussion on it. I guess makes sense to have if we already have , , and . However, that would necessitate some serious retagging. (On a side note I feel like should be renamed to instead, but that's something for another day. Encouragingly I find that this has been mentioned once.)
Do people here watch NileRed's videos?
@orthocresol Hmm, actually, we already have . I guess, to meta this goes.
meta seems to be still slow this week
Clearly, we need more moderator elections. :)
Well, you could step down. ;-)
A: By-elections or non-competitive recall of runners-up?

bluefeetSince the last SO election was less than 6 months ago, we reached out to some of the runners up to see if they were interested. Typically, if an election is within 6 months we'll ask the runners up. If more than 6 months, then we'll call for a new election. We use the 6 month timeframe as a guide...

@M.A.R. Your chance to be a mod!
@orthocresol Do you have an opinion about the meta question? You have several answers in this field.
I'm still thinking about it.
My inclination is that we don't need it, but I don't really have a good reason, hence I didn't write anything yet.
The question also touches the issue of cascading tags.
Mm, it does.
And I was thinking, we have never removed simply because it is a subset of .
However, eventually we may need to do so, and having stereochemistry + chirality on a question has no real benefit over simply chirality.
And the more I think of it, I see that many OPs ask these questions because they don't know what kind of stereochemistry is present. Thus, they might not be able to chose the correct tag. And if we add the correct tag, we might already answer a part of the question.
I also don't think that many regular users want to favour or ignore only one tag of and .
If you like answering such questions, you look at both tags. If you hate them, you would have to ignore both.
2 hours later…
@Copper I'm "relatively" new to Chem.SE as well ;D (I joined about 3-4 months ago)
@geta \o/
What'd you get the Trendsetter hat for?
changing hats..
i think
I've changed hats too...
But I don't have one :(
Only once though :/
@Kaumudi.H Nah, I wasn't poking fun at you :/
Q: Winter Bash 2016 - All Hats

DavidI decided to start the traditional secret hats post, but instead of just another "here is how you get the secret hats" post, to also add in all the hats. There are two answers: one for the secret hats, and one for the regular hats. Some notes about secret hats: A secret hat for correctly gue...

@Kaumudi.H And no... I didn't tell you to "get lost" -_-
@getafix Ah, I see!
But flipping through hats that often is a pain in the arse...so it looks like I won't be getting it :'(
@Kaumudi.H Sigh Alright, could you please translate it for me sir? :3
Or wait...
Hey @geta, could you translate this for me?
yesterday, by CowperKettle
@paracresol Shubh sandhya! Naya Saal Mubarak Ho, Bhai!
Good evening! Happy new year, brother!
Or "blessed evening" if you are being literal..
@getafix Thanks ^_^
3 hours ago, by DHMO
Do people here watch NileRed's videos?
Wait, @Cowper, we're brothers?! Woohoo \o/
@DHMO Hola o/
hola como estas
wie sagt man "I see" in Deutsch?
@DHMO I'm not your man for that ._.
have you ever made paracresol?
@DHMO Nope, I still haven't fulfilled my life-long pursuit of giving up Chemistry and finding a(nother) life yet. Once I'm done with that I'll think about cooking up some paracresol ;)
@DHMO Nope...
@paracresol I see
@paracresol you should watch them lol
Q: Should there be a "stereoelectronics" tag?

NotCoreyAt present, there isn't a tag for stereoelectronics (I have no idea if one existed in the past). Whilst there may be related tags (MO theory, molecular structure, sterics), I feel like stereoelectronics is quite a specific combination which potentially deserves its own tag (I bring this up becaus...

Well @DHMO @geta I'll be seeing you guys later... Gute Nacht o/
Gute Nacht
Q: Density of water does not add up?

Sarah SIf the density of hydrogen is 0.09 g/ml and the density of oxygen is 1.429 g/ml, how is it that the density of water is 1 g/ml?

@orthocresol yes, I saw that. Also note that the unit for the density of the gases is wrong.
2 hours later…
> Please ignore any answers which talk about cosmology, they're just plain wrong.
This certainly does not help to correct the OPs obvious, grave misunderstanding. — Karl 29 mins ago
How do we know what the OP actually thought, tried, and didn’t understand – based on a single sentence in the question?
@orthocresol No real reason, I just felt it fit in well.
I had been thinking for quite some time why there is no tag — but those are very diverse so I felt like having , and would be the better choice.
Then we need such posts for the correct tagging:
A: Natural Product class

JanIt’s very hard to tell for some molecules a priori. For most, there are enough indicators. Polyketides: will typically have 1,3-functionalisation patterns, so hydroxy groups or keto groups are typically two carbons away from the next one. And most methyl groups also have a nonmethylated carbon...

@Jan Yay natural products
Also sadly no
@NotCorey good answers would be too long for this format. Please add details to narrow the answer set or to isolate an issue that can be answered in a few paragraphs. ;-)
Challenge accepted... I've never had a question closed (yet), maybe I can make it happen with the first ever post
@NotCorey Seems like a really good candidate for the attempt. :-)
Help! How do I make strychnine from phenylhydrazine? — R. B. Woodward
@Loong Well, ok, apparently other users know what the OP thought.
1 hour later…
Looks like comments on nine consecutive days isn’t the clockwork trigger, either =C

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