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@Jan You also gave a hat to the other upvoted answers.
@Loong Guess that’s one secret hat solved, then xD
How do you get hats?
@MelanieShebel The regular hats are described here: winterbash2016.stackexchange.com
Lot of people from Pittsburgh on Chem.SE, I'm noticing. Do Carnegie Mellon or Pitt (or Duqu... I'm not going to attempt the rest of the name) require their students/staff to join Chem.SE? Bahahaha
And there are also some secret hats.
ooh, I love secret hats
@MelanieShebel For example, there are two secret hats for editing old posts. You should be able to get them easily. ;-)
Is there something like Chem Draw that's free? I have a license for chem draw, but it won't install properly. :'(
I want to edit this post with hand drawn structures with pretty chem draw, but I can't.
@MelanieShebel There is a free version of ACD/ChemSketch: acdlabs.com/resources/freeware/chemsketch
@Loong Hm, it’s not as simple as editing one old post though, so it seems =C
@Jan yeah, it could be more than one old post. One hat might require a removal of tags and/or remove some of the text. The other one might require that you add something to the text.
Anyway, I have got both hats without editing 100 different old posts. ;-)
Perhaps it might also require the last community bump not having occurred recently.
ok, yes, "old" could mean "inactive since …" here
@hBy2Py Spent my 5 years in Bldg 18
1 hour later…
The hats are here!! yay
And I finally collected fanatic
@Zhe Makes sense!
Also, HA. Google Maps apparently thinks 66 no longer exists:
When were you there? I was 2004-2011.
I think I finally figured out what you were talking about, @penta. How's it now?
@hBy2Py you were at MIT too? So cool
@MelanieShebel No, actually I don't know of anyone from CMU or Duquesne (pronounce it like "do-cane") on here, just me and Geoff.
For a free ChemDraw alternative I use MarvinSketch.
@hBy2Py I think it's much better. Now I'm not so sure it's meaningful, though, because most of the time data isn't presented that way (shifted).
Ah, just noticed Pittsburgh a lot, haha.
So you are at Pitt? My research advisor went there.
Are you in comp chem, @pentavalentcarbon?
Oh, I'm loving this MarvinSketch! Thanks~
4 hours later…
@Jan & @hBy2Py True indeed; I really don't need the reputation... and it's getting difficult to get rid of it again. Plus, due to the bounty and the attention the question got, I already gained a lot of reputation. And I thank you for that :D
@Melanie I did. And I was the one who specifically told the OP to post four questions instead of one, as they are dealing with different concepts altogether and deserve to be treated separately.
(Therefore if anybody has an issue with this, please bring it up with me, not OP.)
I personally don't think there's anything wrong with posting multiple homework questions in succession and don't know why all questions got downvoted to -3. The policy is very straightforward: if effort is shown, then it is fine, and if effort is not shown, then it is not fine. Perhaps, the only argument is that the "effort" provided is minimal. If that is the case, then the community should vote to close (fine by me).
Now, I'm going to ChemDraw-edit everything and they're going to get upvotes.
(And if you guys upvote them, you may get a secret hat ;)) (Of course, you don't have to. Votes are your own choice.)
@orthocresol NOW I GET IT!!!
won a secret hat! yay!!
shucks, my cover's been blown
and i take my last exam for the year tomorrow..
Isn't that a good thing?
Sigh of relief hah
@getafix When does your year run?
arghh... something is broken in my computer...
i want to hand out a bounty, but nothing happens when i click next :'(
i meant calendar year not academic year
but from oct to first week of feb
and then from april to end of july
@Martin-マーチン try a different browser/device?
@getafix wait, you are in GMT +5:30, right?
Oh god, why am I doing this.
Why can't I just ask "which timezone are you in"
+9.00 here in japan
funny cause india is +5.30 haha
Yes, I was getting very confused, as you can tell T_T
You got the sun badge. I have the moon badge...
ah i see.
Why aren't you wearing your hat? haha
i for the life of me don't know why I wont the secret hat though lol
I'm waiting for an appropriately seal-y hat :D
haha lol
fair enough
None of the ones I have now seem to fit me very well
Where in the World is a weird hat, I can't figure out what triggers it.
yeah all i did (around the time the hat appeared) was answer a question, and got a upvote from it
I've managed to trigger it reliably by upvoting two questions. I now have the hat on Chemistry, Meta.SE, Academia, Physics, and Music.
hmm interesting
ah shucks..speaking of physics.
I have 5 assignments over due
totally forgot about them
there go my plans for the week/weekend/christmas
b-b-but we all love doing chemistry and physics
I don't mind the assignments actually..I hate exams.
unfortunately, because of said exams I kept asking for extensions on the assignments, and now doing all of them all at once over christmas break seems like a pain haha
one of them is like 5 weeks overdue or more.
oh... that's a nasty backlog
fortunately, it's all with the same professor..two separate courses though..but anyway, he's a cool guy
and he understands
Ah, that's good.
I've been very lucky, my tutors have all been very nice people
yeah I like professors like him, who value learning more than enforcing deadlines. It is kinda pointless if i meet the deadline, but do a shoddy job because I had too much on my plate
for instance i hate my ochem professor..her exams actually. they are laughably easy sometimes, but so long. It's not really a test of organic chemistry knowledge, but of how fast you can write.
I have literal cramps in my hands afterwards lol
and then she is pedantic when she grades..oh I can't read what you wrote there..boom, minus points
sounds like a bio exam (which is a shame cause I like biology)
that's not pedantic, that sounds like being nasty for the sake of being nasty
2/3 of my bio profs were really good
I stopped taking bio courses because after second year, they were taught by mostly japanese faculty
and their teaching philosophy is..memorise every single word in these hundred pages.
the biology professors i had up to second year were pretty cool, and gave really interesting exams/assignments
Meanwhile, Wolfram just sent me 10 emails. They send me one email for every version of Mathematica I have ever had on every OS I ever downloaded it on.
set of versions = (,,,,
set of OSs = (OS X, Windows)
lol haha
I still use version 10. Should I get a copy of 11?
I think they were trying to send me a new activation code because the old one expired or something. re. 10 vs 11, I don't know, I don't use Mathematica much at all, so...
ah I see.
I wouldn't count myself a heavy user, but does come in handy every now and then.
2 hours later…
@orthocresol hey, @Jan ever shared it ! :P
@MelanieShebel yes and yes
Q: How does composition of air affect vapor saturation limit?

feetwetSuppose we hold temperature, pressure, and gas composition (say, a standard atmosphere) constant. Then we know that if we allow the water content of the air to vary it can range between 0 and some saturation limit S g/L. How does that saturation limit vary with the composition of the air? For ...

@Loong I will wait for somebody to write a good answer, then I will write a slightly less good answer.
@Hexacoordinate-C Oops, I don't remember... Hahha
@orthocresol Hat abuse!
refunds all bounties
Seriously, I would do that SeO2 one, but rather short on time now.
It will take time to make a very great answer for the equilibrium of water in air
I need to look at the Perry's

Thanks for the email. The search function is currently not working.
It will be a couple of weeks before I have a fix. I suggest using google to do the search in the meantime

i.e. to search for stability enter ‘stability site:goldbook.iupac.org’ in google

In case you're wondering about the malfunction of the good book
@Martin-マーチン But why would you want to get rid of it? =D
@Jan If you can't answer that question ...
Okay, which site’s rep should not exceed your chem rep? xD
I only participate regularly here, so that's a no problem. I just want to give it to active people to climb up the ladder faster and help out more, or encourage them to stay... that's all.
Q: What are modern approaches to describe and/or quantify aromaticity?

deus ex machinaI know that Schleyer described an approach for evaluating aromaticity by taking the 13C chemical shift into account (see e.g. Chem. Rev., 2005, 105 (10), 3842.) quite some time back. I also somehow have the feeling that there should be a more direct way to describe aromaticity than via chemical s...

@BountyHunter @Martin-マーチン If you offer another bounty on Jan 1st, and award it on Jan 8th, you get a hat.
(Technically, just have to award it on the 8th; but since we like leaving bounties open for 7 days, that means putting it up on New Year's Day.)
This is too complicated, I'll forget that.
I really need a success story for my bounties now... the last one was a no-show...
@Zhe I am trying to find a parking spot in Alewife and will definitely be late.
Q: Organic Chemistry by Clayden

Abhijeet VatsJust to give a little relevant background here, I'm a 15 year old and I've completed General Chemistry, having used Zumdahl, and I did start on Organic Chemistry by Maitland Jones and Steven Fleming a few months back. I'm also doing Physical Chemistry by Levine as well as Physics so I believe tha...

Maybe, primarily opinion-based, thoughts?
ohhh title... noice
@orthocresol My apologies for earlier. I removed comments and upvoted. They appeared to rapid-fire samey questions.
@orthocresol Yes.
I'm so sorry. I hope the user is not upset.
@MelanieShebel No worries. He got answers to all his questions anyway, so everybody wins here. ;)
"inb4 primarily opinion-based"
Again, I realize that book recommendation questions are subjective, I'm not stupid, and I realize that there will be someone who will remind me of that, which isn't particularly helpful. — Abhijeet Vats 54 secs ago
but cut through the unnecessary wording, it boils down to 'Is Clayden a good book to start learning for Organic Chemistry?'
Which is subjective, obviously, but strangely i would say this question - while not ideal - is ok.
@Martin-マーチン I thought it was "I am 15 and I want to tell you that I am reading university-level chemistry books."
that's what I meant with 'unnecessary wording'
It got updated:
Again, I realize that book recommendation questions are subjective, I'm not stupid, and I realize that there will be someone who will remind me of that, which isn't particularly helpful. I'm just looking for the opinions of someone who has gone through organic chemistry and has used Clayden. I want to see what these people say about the book and how useful it would be as an introductory text. So, if you have nothing of that degree to say, with all due respect, stay away. — Abhijeet Vats 4 mins ago
@pentavalentcarbon no worries
tbh. Clayden was the only OC book I read (completely)
Turns out, it's very good
Stuart Warren designed the undergrad org chem course at Cambridge.
Oxbridge for the win
I can't stand Atkins, though.
Yeah that diet sucks!
@Zhe ok. Train leaving now.
@orthocresol We know. ;-)
Sep 25 at 16:18, by orthocresol
@Loong I just wanted to tell you I hate everything of Atkins.
Sep 25 at 16:19, by orthocresol
He donated free copies to the library.
Lemme see if I have the pic.
@orthocresol hmm... Deleted...
@pentavalentcarbon I'm next to the life sized Android statue whenever you get here
my phys chem by atti was the perfect size to give my monitor the eye-level it required :D
If you always wanted to know what happens to the photon when it is absorbed by a molecule:
A: How does a photon travel the speed of light while it is absorbed in a molecule?

John Duffield How does a photon travel the speed of light while it is absorbed in a molecule? By going round and round. Since photons always travel the speed of light and continue to exist after they are absorbed in a molecule that they hit, then what are the mechanics of a photon traveling the speed...

@Loong The wheels of the photon go round and round …
That reminds me of my current meta question. What would we do with such an answer?
@orthocresol Ah, never mind, I can't.
Kill it. Kill it with fire
@Loong Guy's retired from chemistry. Now he just spends his time being an atheist.
@Zhe Put in downvoting hell but keep it alive. (aka Mart’s answer)
Best friend of Richard Dawkins, also from Oxford.
@Zhe (Please vote on the meta post if you haven't already ;))
Oh, I did find this in one of the Oxford Chemistry Primers.
@orthocresol Now everybody is looking for a meta post about Oxford.
signs of a disordered mind
@orthocresol Is that supposed to be a bell?
It looks like a lantern to me.
A paper lantern is a lantern made of thin, brightly colored paper. Paper lanterns come in various shapes and sizes, as well as various methods of construction. In their simplest form, they are simply a paper bag with a candle placed inside, although more complicated lanterns consist of a collapsible bamboo or metal frame of hoops covered with tough paper. Sometimes, other lanterns can be made out of colored silk (usually red) or vinyl. Silk lanterns are also collapsible with a metal expander and are decorated with Chinese characters and/or designs. The vinyl lanterns are more durable; they can...
Man it's been ages since I played with one of these.
The Mid-Autumn Festival (traditional Chinese: 中秋節; simplified Chinese: 中秋节; Vietnamese: tết Trung Thu) is a harvest festival celebrated by ethnic Chinese and Vietnamese people. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night, corresponding to late September to early October of the Gregorian calendar with full moon at night. Mainland China listed the festival as an "intangible cultural heritage" in 2006 and a public holiday in 2008. It is also a public holiday in Taiwan, and in Hong Kong. In the Vietnamese culture, it is considered the second-most...
I am now a taco =D
> Imagine getting your question closehammered by a 1-rep user, that would be funny... (orthocresol, 2016)
Posted here for posteriority.
@Jan Strictly speaking, the comment is not correct. Even moderators need 5 rep in order to participate on a site meta.
@Loong So community cannot participate on meta? How sad =C
At least community has a hat.
Yes, you need a site mod to change it.
Oooooh =D
Does community have access to all hats?
Community collects hats like any other user. It has 6 different hats from various sites right now.
So some hats will remain forever locked to community by the looks of it.
I am now 2 for 2 in meeting extremely nice people from Chem.SE in real life.
@Jan if I give an answer to that awful boron aluminum question will you bounty me?
Real life … that’s the place where the pizza guy is from, isn’t it?
@pentavalentcarbon Which one?
The one I think you have a 400 rep bounty on now
Why is it awful?
(The bounty’s Mart’s)
It's not actually awful, just...ehhhhhhhhh
@Jan nice answer on the CDCl3 splitting question
@Zhe Hat incoming (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
@Zhe @$\widehat{\mathrm{Jan}}$
srsrly, widehat?
A: Formatting Sandbox II: please test stuff here

Jan@$\widehat{\text{Jan}}$ This is just to show off the wide hat.

Thanks for the link to the sandbox
4 hours later…
I found a paper by Barbosa in my list of references. I wonder if I can also find J. Sparrow.
@Jan maybe something about rum?

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