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Ok another solution.... few community members among us can downvote stupid comments justifying downvotes ... say if 3 community members decide to downvote the stupid comment then their downvote gets nullified
And you're missing the primary point of why we downvote things.
The primary purpose of voting is to signal quality.
When Mr. Expert McExpert visits, he sees the question with the -3 and already thinks that it's not worth his time.
No the primary point of voting is to signal quality as well as give a feedback to users...
@Rubisco Nope, it is worth my time.
Thus the questions that do deserve that answer, the ones with effort, clear grammar and formatting, and interesting concepts behind them get the answer.
Worth my time to open it and downvote it one more time.
@Rubisco did you read this " Ok another solution.... few community members among us can downvote stupid comments justifying downvotes ... say if 3 community members decide to downvote the stupid comment then their downvote gets nullified "
Too much clutter.
@ZOZ You're adding complexity to a system that doesn't to improve in the way you want it to.
Well how doesn't it improve? Can you please explain ?
It's already a complex system...much complexity won't increase
Right now, the only problem we might call as real is a LACK of downvotes.
Not the downvotes out of spite. Not the serial downvoting.
Those get a lot of whining dedicated to them on metas.
No.The real problem is we do not have many users
But the fact is, 0.00001 percent of the votes are cast out of spite.
As users increase downvotes increase
@ZOZ That's not a problem. That's a reflection of where in the site's evolution we stand.
@Vedant Howdy
@ZOZ But not proportionally. SO suffers a lack of downvotes way more than us.
We're evolving.
Thus our problems are soft.
Much softer than theirs.
whoa heated arguement??
wat r we talkin about
The site will evolve the way we wanted it to.
@Vedant Hot, but not heated.
SO suffers from lack of downvotes! Please prove it
I don't believe SO lacks downvotes
@ZOZ Go to SEDE, find a query, and see the number of upvotes versus the number of downvotes, and then take a look at how many good users have already left SO because of the overflow of the crappy homework questions that get answers, not downvotes.
whats SO
noobie look
@Vedant Stack Overflow, the biggest beast of this land
I've been here almost everyday for two years @ZOZ. I know what I'm talking about. Right now, only perhaps one out of a thousand new SO posts is high quality.
Obviously upvotes>>>downvotes...no one likes negativity! That's true even in real life.....no idea why you vouch for downvotes.... -3 is sufficient to nullify any question/answer
oooohhhhhhh! sorry for the dumb question
@ZOZ You still haven't understood what downvotes are for. Let me find more posts for you.
Even I've been there for 2 years there...more questions implies more dumb questions obvioulsy
so u on SO too @Rubisco
@Rubisco who doesnt know what downvotes are for????
@Vedant I've never posted there. I only help moderate.
@ZOZ But not necessarily a larger ratio of dumber questions.
@Vedant I bet you don't either.
A: What is the purpose of downvotes on questions?

RubiscoClosure and downvotes are meant to be very different things for very different purposes. Closure is the process that stops some questions from getting answers. Closing is the official "sorry, this doesn't fit our model and hence we refrain from answering it" response. It's not related to how use...

This is philosophical.
@Rubisco i do
@Vedant Yay. The problem is, most users don't. Or they won't bash downvotes so much.
Necessarily a larger ratio of dumb questions because average people do not care much for quality
and we have huge number of average users
>>>>quality users
in number
@ZOZ Let's define average people.
It's users that only care about themselves.
Sometimes, they think they're above the rules.
srry if its alreadt mentioned
Sometimes, they've been lied to too much, they think they're the next genius the world will bow to.
No, it's okay.
Yeah number of such people in the world is huge...more than you can imagine
that justifies lack of quality
And lack of quality justifies downvotes.
You're rating the post, not the person.
You're not saying 'you're ugly', but 'your post is ugly'.
You're not insulting anyone.
@Rubisco hahaha
You're not attacking anyone.
You're just indicating the quality.
and when it is downvoted one must also point out why they are downvoting
See, @ZOZ?
@Rubisco thats correct
so that we can improve the quality of average users
I was an average user once
@ZOZ Why?
Why would a signal need extra explanation?
@ZOZ that is how it should bedone
it should be compulsice actually
When someone is honking, do they need to add a comment on why they honked?
Don't get me wrong, ZOZ.
To point out the mistake they are making
It's very nice if people explain their downvotes.
@Rubisco but on SO you lose rep
That's clear to everyone.
To correct them
To teach them
I was an average user once and because of the feedbacks i'm improving
People that risk getting revenge downvoted and comment on their downvote are heroes, ZOZ.
But not everyone is a hero.
Sometimes, people are just normal.
@Rubisco That will also help the person answer or the the asker
@ZOZ Yes, and this is very nice. But why should nice be obligatory?
That's more like a dictatorship, ZOZ. You MAKE people nice.
@Vedant We're not fighting.
Just to force them to improve! One must improve! Call it dictatorship or whatever but everyone loves to become a hero and everyone realizes that being nice is rewarding(after they transform)
I am enjoying this conversation.
http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/252677/when-is-it-justifiable-to-downvote-a-question THIS SOLVES IT PEOPLE
@Rubisco @ZOZ
@ZOZ Well then I have to disappoint you. SE is a democracy, as much as that could mean online. We don't dictate things.
People go away, and your site fails, if you dictate.
@Vedant I've read all of those posts more than ten times. :)
@Rubisco whoa somebodys gettting angry
@Vedant No, the 'you' is generic.
You might pick it up in your future English lessons.
@Rubisco dude i aint a kid
Anyways those who post low quality content go away after sometime...Well in a democracy we should have an election then whether to have silent downvotes or not!
stop acting bossy @Rubisco
@Vedant ? What does learning English have to do with being a kid?
Those people who leave...leave anyway...but we must help those improve who linger on
future English lessons. @Rubisco who are they for
We must help them by feedbacks
@ZOZ Let's clear something up here first.
We're NOT here to spoonfeed homework answers to people.
@Vedant For learners of English, like you and I.
This site is meant to help people.
But how will it do it?
Of course not...homeworks deserve a downvote and a comment
By becoming a source of knowledge.
Not a silent downvote
Good job @orthocresol
@ZOZ A silent downvote is not that useful to the asker but it's certainly useful to others visiting the question.
@ringo hi and what>>
No...a commented downvote is even more useful to both asker and viewer
EVEN MORE helpful
@ZOZ Homework vampires are the ones that linger on, man. This system is designed to attract experts. The ones that flee, the ones that MATTER, are experts.
@ZOZ Again, why would we want to dictate this?
It's like a hellish heaven.
No man...i was a homework vampires once converted to a better user now
We are not dictating
Even a democracy has rules man
A heaven you didn't opt for.
A heaven you're not free in.
@ZOZ But we are, if I don't want to comment and you make me.
@ZOZ But there is no oppression.
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oops i didnt mean to do that
@Vedant Where do I click 'accept' and move on?
Telling someone to comment for their downvote is oppression ?
@ZOZ Making them is.
@Rubisco down right corner you have to click show more
@Vedant I know, I was kidding
@Rubisco i know that too, you playful *****
I do not believe that is oppression...I live in the world's largest democracy....but still I am forced to vote for elections...is that oppression?
Nom nom curses
Everyone has some duties
@ZOZ If you're forced to vote in the elections, that's oppression.
@ZOZ But it's NOT my duty to explain my downvote.
@Rubisco what??
@ringo Meh. A lot of questions can be cleaned up, I just can't be bothered most of the time.
Then India is not a democracy? Well I just cannot agree with you. Sorry
@ZOZ Is anyone forced to vote in the elections in America?
In Iran? No.
In a zillion countries around the world? No.
So if you are forced, and we're not, I guess that makes us a superdemocracy-freedom-giant thing.
Well you can see the America situation. Meh :-P
Okay lets agree to disagree as I said.
Heh, I wondered when he suddenly disappeared.
@Rubisco you indian too
@Vedant No.
@ZOZ Let's rethink about what you were proposing.
He is Iranese :-)
@ZOZ :)
Imagine what happened if you had to pick up an injured bird whenever you saw it on the ground @ZOZ.
You were made to do it.
@Rubisco CASED
You were made to fix the birdie's wing every time.
Well you know...such a stupid rule will never be approved in a democracy
in a democracy people fix the rules
so lets conduct an election
What election?
You want a poll on meta?
yeah poll
Well, you have to write the post I'm afraid.
sorry for the wrong word
ok i will
Since I don't want a -5 post on my record.
A: Reasoning or commenting before downvoting

RubiscoThis is literally the most asked question on the meta history of SE. Almost every per site meta gets it and the mother meta – meta.SE – well. Just as I said in my comment: Votes are meant to be anonymized and you shouldn't be to find out who voted how on what. People would post useless comment...

This one is -5 FYI ZOZ
And arguably, it doesn't have many downvotes.
This idea comes up every now and then on meta.SE.
Every time bang shut, with a score worse than -15.
that was not a poll
It is a feature request.
Votes on feature-requests indicate agreement/disagreement.
Consider also, that it was posted at a time when we thought we were being too harsh on the askers on the main site.
ok i will take the downvotes
The atmosphere on the meta was like that.
Now it's much different, and we're much more focused.
So you might break a -10 record. ;)
@ZOZ I see. You want to be heard. Fair enough. But I don't think you will be thrown any other arguments than I already did.
Maybe someone somewhere will be inspired and start commenting on downvotes
Rest wont
I've been doing this for so many times, I already predict the outcome of meta posts ZOZ. When you get to be the top meta participant for such a long time, you get to pick up a few things.
@ZOZ The ones that will, do already.
See Mart, for instance.
He won't comment on a homework crap with 0.0001 percent chance of turning into something salvageable.
But he will comment when he downvotes ron.
True story. You can ask @Mart
Sometimes, posts just CAN'T improve and you have to accept that.
There is close option for them
which cant improve
Not everything is closable, and you didn't give what I wrote on meta a good read.
yeah i did'nt...i'm bored now
maybe i'll just accept things as they are
and just do my job
See also
We have a bunch of misunderstandings here. Downvotes are on the content we provide, not on us. Everyone gets downvotes. I do. You do. Ortho does. It's ideally because someone didn't deem the content we contributed as high quality. There are other reasons, one of which, and a really minor one, being spite. Sadly, sometimes people take downvotes way more seriously than they should. That said, we should be somehow discouraging you, from rashly asking. SE should be a last resort. You should always try Google, textbooks, and Q/A sites first. — Rubisco Oct 2 at 16:02
And the comments under it.
fair enough...cant read anymore
bye now
i'll think of it
im too sleepy
That was a refreshing chat. I'll bookmark it.
yeah :-)...goodbye

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