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01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@user36790 I get 8-mbps (or 1 MBps) till 20GB and then it gets throttled down to 850Kbps (or 100 KBps). I use a DOCSIS 3 modem.
5 hours later…
I wish all the comrades here in the Table.......
A Happy Holi!
@IͶΔ echo
Echo echo echo
when being in the vtc queue, I can choose to close it or to leave it open ... do you know what happens when I choose the latter?
If 3 leave open votes are cast, the question will get out of the queue.
Nothing else happens.
do others see if there are people who voted to leave it open?
Close votes of other users remain, but since the question gets out of the queue, it likely won't get closed and the CV's will age away.
@pH13 Sure, everyone can see reviews. Very few people do though.
we have our close mafia
Go to your close history.
The link to the action you did is a link to the review.
and ... you were doing a big nowruz party?
Well it's over
that's why I did not choose present tense
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻
Q: Why can meta sites be parents of chatrooms?

IͶΔNot sure if it counts as a bug or not, but some per-site metas can be the parent sites of chatrooms. This room is a living example, where the parent site is MathOverflow meta. Here is a beautiful screenshot: 10 meta sites are selectable as the parent site, 2 of which are beta sites. As choosi...

Hello. Is anyone here familiar with quantum espresso?
better choose the arabica
puns puns everywhere
@pH13: o/
But seriously I need help...
just ask the question ...
But I guess it will be fine for the main site. This will also increase you audience.
all those "user..."s ... choose a name! :D
I mean it is not exactly a chemistry question...
I like the mystery
@user97554 There are many SEs
@user97554 ಠ_ಠ
@user36790 that's why I said that it should simply be asked here and we will see
Kicks @user9
Yeah maybe I should try the scicomp
I am the mysterious ignorant user
@user97554 o.O
Who would be too embarrassed to use my real name for
Because I am ignorant. It's a vicious cycle
@user97554 No one've told you to disclose your real name......
Would you just ask the frigging question?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The Table is unbreakable ;P
It's about mpirun
sounds like scicomp, yes
I cannot figure out how what the setting/command to get mpirun to execute quantum espresso
@user97554 Just use a good name in place of user without even bothering your actual name; that's it.
then probably it's not even about quantum espresso
@user97554 Is IͶΔ my real name?
Of course that doesn't apply on me ;P
@user97554 it's probably close to nwchem ... wait for it
nwchem is invoked in parallel by using: mpirun -np 8 $NWCHEM_TOP/bin/$NWCHEM_TARGET/nwchem input.nw
maybe it's similar for you? in this case it is called with 8 cpu
I tried using Nwchem not too great for electronic band structure...But for Nwchem someone else installed it..for quantum I am installing it with 0 knowledge on Linux and stuff. I am learning Linux by installing this thing
@user36790 Pssht, everyone knows your real name is user36790.
I did not say that you should use nwchem but only showed you how it is executed, as it also get's called with mpirun etc.
@IͶΔ HaHaHaaaaaa......
I use mpirun -np #cores Nwchem input.nw > output
True indeed ;P
Anyhow try for your advice see you later
Maybe I'll use quantum arabica if it's not taken
Thank you*
quantum arabica soya caramell moccachino
@pH13 Tell me the recipe.....
@user36790 well ... that's a state secret, sry
actually, @IͶΔ has to kill everyone in here now
@pH13 Area 51 ;P
With pleasure.
@user97 QuantumMoccachino would be a suitable nickname
Mart is there ;P
Stabs Phillipp in the orbitals
Help, Mart!
you need to @ him
@user36790 you also need a nick ... how about UltraTableFlipper36790 ?
@pH13 Nah
UTF is Unicode.
And anyway he doesn't flip a lot of tables.
it's easy to criticize ... provide a better nick (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Just 36790.
Too long.
@User3 change your username to 36790.
Changed the name!
also the dog changed :O
@pH13 No; I didn't change; I'm just using my Cross Validated account.
ah :D
@pH13 And yeh, that's my dog's name.
MAFIA36790? strange name for a dog :D
@pH13 HaHaHaaa.....
coz fluffy was too easy
@pH13 MAFIA; that's my dog ;)
@IͶΔ thought that would be the @IͶΔ priviledge?
@pH13 Yes, but I spare his life
@IͶΔ Thanks master for saving me; I owe you my life ;P
but be aware ... don't be too generous
But why didn't the name change here?
@user36790 takes some time
Q: Can it be that simple?

Padraig StapletonThe temperature of 1 mole of a liquid is raised by heating it with 750 joules of energy. It expands and does 200 Joules of work, calculate the change in internal energy of the liquid. I want to use the expression: $$\Delta U = \Delta Q + \Delta W$$ so that: $$\Delta U = 750\,\mathrm J- 200\,\mat...

Wouldn't it be tagged with homework?
@pH13 Done!
BTW @pH13 name all of my nicks.
@IͶΔ that's a hard task ...
M.A.Ramezani, M.A.R., R.A.M with fancy letters and then there have been several versions of INA
@MAFIA36790 now your name has changed :)
1 hour later…
@IͶΔ strong text
Hello :-)
Hipp Hipp ... alectryon
1 hour later…
I have both good and bad news :D The good news is that with my overhaul of the code, I can now run the bot on Cloud9. The bad news is that due to all my tests, I'm IPbanned from the SE login via the bot's URLs :(
2 hours later…
Welcome, @CowperKettle!
I don't get it. We obtain ethylene from ethyl alcohol, and vice versa! Where's the difference..
@Hippalectryon Good evening, @Hippalectryon!
@CowperKettle Aw :( I gtg for dinner just now, I'll be back in 40 mins or so :-)
No problem, I've just found a couple of pages on Chemguide, will read now. (0:
Bon appetit!
Thanks :D
Welcome, @skill patrol!
"/" not "\" :-)
Since '\' is an escape charater in python I just hope it didn't break anything ;_;
Nope, it didn't break \o/
Welcome, @SMSvonderTann!
@skillpatrol !!img/Deoxyribonucleic acid
O_o wot
Somehow it associates "Deoxyribonucleic acid" with Fluorescein
seems legit
Nothing I can do about it I guess ;_; !!table
(ര̀⍨ര́)و ̑̑༉ լਕ ̏੭ჯ ૅੁ~ɭ ɿ❢❢
Welcome, @DeNiSkA!
i think your bot is ready @Hippalectryon
hehe :-)
Hi! I'm the (for now) unofficial bot of ChemistrySE's main chatroom. Here are the useful commands I provide : (don't add the brackets)
* img[molecule's name] -> I will try and upload an image corresponding to your molecule. You can give its name, formula, SMILES, or any common identifier.
* changelog -> shows the changelog
* help -> displays this message
~ Syntax : !!commandName/[arguments] ~
I also greet new users, and have a few more less useful commands for fun. If you find me annoying, you can ignore me by clicking on my profile image and chosing "ignore this user".
woah O.O
@Hippalectryon you are awesome ..
Thanks haha :D
!!img/3-(carboxymethyl)-12-ethyl-8,13,17-trimethyl- 21H,23H-porphine-2,7,18-tripropanoic acid
@Hippalectryon nice one ... cas numbers work
@pH13 Yep :-)
what is the bot doing when entering whatever number?
It gets everything from (iirc) chemspider via some API
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
@skillpatrol DNA is too broad for it. It's a macromolecule
I'm not sure it can handle polymers !!img/polystyren
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
you forgot the e ... but that doesn't make it a polymer
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
no inchi-stuff
@pH13 That's weird, those should work. I'll check for errors. Might be because of the slashes
@pH13 is this a molecule?
The IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI /ˈɪntʃiː/ IN-chee or /ˈɪŋkiː/ ING-kee) is a textual identifier for chemical substances, designed to provide a standard and human-readable way to encode molecular information and to facilitate the search for such information in databases and on the web. Initially developed by IUPAC and NIST from 2000 to 2005, the format and algorithms are non-proprietary. The continuing development of the standard has been supported since 2010 by the not-for-profit InChI Trust, of which IUPAC is a member. The current version is 1.04 and was released in September...
(I'm gonna switch it on and off for testing for the InChi so it might be unavailable for the following 5 mins)
I love the table flipping *work in progress* stuff :D
Me too.
@pH13 found it, I was converting everything to lowercase. Inchi is case sensitive
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
@pH13 Chemspider doesn't know that InChi
it does, but not without the "Inchi="-prefix
O_o ooh I see
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
I can only identify compounds known by Chemspider ;_;
the text said, that SMILES would be fine ... Q_Q
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
@pH13 Does that compound even exist ? Google returns nothing
@Hippalectryon en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… the last example
I have no clue if it is correct :D
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
u ? what was that supposed to be ?
probably U
What no uranium or hydrogen
That's an atom, not a molecule
@pH13 New command :D !!wiki/bromine
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
The lemon (Citrus × limon) is a species of small evergreen tree native to Asia. The tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, which has both culinary and cleaning uses. The pulp and rind (zest) are also used in cooking and baking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, which gives a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade and lemon meringue pie. == History == The origin of the lemon is unknown, though lemons are thought...
Epinephrine, also known as adrenalin or adrenaline, is primarily a medication and hormone. As a medication it is used for a number of conditions including: anaphylaxis, cardiac arrest, and superficial bleeding. Inhaled epinephrine may be used to improve the symptoms of croup. It may also be used for asthma when other treatments are not effective. It is given intravenously, by injection into a muscle, by inhalation, or by injection just under the skin. Common side effects include shakiness, anxiety, and sweating. A fast heart rate and high blood pressure may occur. Occasionally it may result in...
what about spaces in wiki-links?
hmm good question I haven't tried @pH13
@skillpatrol That command doesn't exist for now :-)
@pH13 as it is !!wiki/Casimir effect
In quantum field theory, the Casimir effect and the Casimir–Polder force are physical forces arising from a quantized field. They are named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir. The typical example is of the two uncharged conductive plates in a vacuum, placed a few nanometers apart. In a classical description, the lack of an external field means that there is no field between the plates, and no force would be measured between them. When this field is instead studied using the QED vacuum of quantum electrodynamics, it is seen that the plates do affect the virtual photons which constitute the...
Welcome, @SMSvonderTann!
very nice
Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, Web, or mobile communication systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to allow fixed line or mobile phone devices to exchange short text messages. SMS was the most widely used data application, with an estimated 3.5 billion active users, or about 80% of all mobile phone subscribers at the end of 2010. The term "SMS" is used for both the user activity and all types of short text messaging in many parts of the world. SMS is also employed in direct marketing, known as SMS marketing. As of September 2014, global...
@Hippalectryon Hello
@Hippalectryon is that a bot who welcomes everyone
@DeNiSkA yep
Thanks @Hippalectryon for putting all the time into getting the bot working.
@Hippalectryon woah..
@skillpatrol It's fine, I like it :-)
There's just one issue q_q
Chemistry is a branch of physical science that studies the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Chemistry includes topics such as the properties of individual atoms, how atoms form chemical bonds to create chemical compounds, the interactions of substances through intermolecular forces that give matter its general properties, and the interactions between substances through chemical reactions to form different substances. Chemistry is sometimes called the central science because it bridges other natural sciences, including physics, geology and biology. For the differences between...
@SMSvonderTann do you need help with chemistry or do you just search a crazy fancy chat room?
4 hours ago, by Hippalectryon
I have both good and bad news :D The good news is that with my overhaul of the code, I can now run the bot on Cloud9. The bad news is that due to all my tests, I'm IPbanned from the SE login via the bot's URLs :(
@pH13 Just came in here to check out some chemistry stuff, it is my favourite science.
@Hippalectryon but why is ip blocked?
@DeNiSkA Too many requests to the login forms in too few time I guess, it's an automatic spam detection process
Hopefully I was able to switch to Cloud9 so I can run it from there
Send message to the SE team
Or a mod
It's OK, I guess after a week or so the ban will diseappear. It doesn't affect my ability to log in to the chat on my browser, I just can't run my bot from my computer
@Hippalectryon will the bot be always active or only when you are online?
@DeNiSkA Now that it's hosted on Cloud9, it will stay active for roughly a week if I diseappear (unless it errors)
I only have a free Cloud9 account so after a week or so of inactivity the servers reset
oh. i see
Welcome, @IͶΔ!
Hey, since when are we welcoming the host?
the bot doesn't know
It should. ಠ_ಠ
The bot has just become sentient :P
the bot should flip a thousand tables to @IͶΔ 's honours when he enters the room ... or sth like "captain on the bridge!"
Beware! H.R.C.S.E.H Sir h.c. mult. @IͶΔ has entered the greatest of all SE chat rooms.
Needz moar bold
@IͶΔ leave and rejoin this room
sounds promising
@IͶΔ leave and rejoin ಠ_ಠ URGENT!!!!!
You are smart. There was no other way to make me leave
_He has arrived !!! ┣ヘ(≧∇≦ヘ)… (≧∇≦)/┳━┳ ⊂(ノ ̄ ̄ ̄(工) ̄ ̄ ̄)⊃ノ~~~~~━━━┻━━┻━━━ (ノ`◇´)ノ~┻━┻ (ノ`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ (/o\) (ノ ̄□ ̄)ノ ~┻━┻ ○三 \( ̄^ ̄\) (ノω・)ノ⌒゛◆ ⊂(ノ ̄ ̄ ̄(工) ̄ ̄ ̄)⊃ノ~~~~~━━━┻━━┻━━━ (ノ--)ノ~┻━┻ (╬☉д⊙)=◯)๏д๏))・;’. __
bold failed
In chemistry, pH (/piːˈeɪtʃ/) is a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of an aqueous solution. It is roughly the negative of the logarithm to base 10 of the concentration, measured in units of moles per liter, of hydrogen ions. More precisely it is the negative of the logarithm to base 10 of the activity of the hydrogen ion. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic. Pure water is neutral, being neither an acid nor a base. Contrary to popular belief, the pH value can be less than 0 or greater than 14 for very strong...
Hey, did I break something?
no you added an extra slash
one slash too much
@Hipp alive
If I type !!alive
It will respond with a "yes" and a table flip.
Philipp is a both a family name and a given name. Notable persons with that name include: Adolf Philipp (1864~1936), German/American actor, composer and playwright Franz Philipp (1890~1972), German church musician and composer Lutz Philipp (1940-2012), German long-distance runner Robert Philipp (1895~1981), American Impressionist painter Paul Philipp (born 1950), Luxembourgian football player and manager Peter Philipp (1971-2014), German writer and comedian Philipp Bönig (born 1980), German footballer Philipp Heerwagen (born 1983), German footballer Philipp Lahm (born 1983), German footballer Philipp...
there's !!table for that :-)
(ノ`m´)ノ ~┻━┻ (/o\)
!!wiki/Muhammad (name)
Muhammad (Arabic: محمد‎) is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, مُحَمَّد‎, from the triconsonantal root of Ḥ-M-D; Praise and becomes conjugated to Muhammad, which means "The Most Praised One". It is the name of the Islamic prophet. Throughout the Muslim world, it is popular to name a male child after him. This name and its variant transliterations are among the most popular names in the world. == Lexicology == The name Muḥammad is the strictest and primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, محمد, that comes from the Arabic passive participle and triconsonantal root of Ḥ...
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@IͶΔ Sorry, it doesn't put the tables back :P
@Hipp don't forget
in Test room, 11 mins ago, by IͶΔ
Other bot-makers made a new user and got 20 rep with it.
We need a chemical bot name. @pH13 any idea?
Oh, and a profile pic.
@IͶΔ hmmmm
@pH13 No, that's not a chemobot name.
why not? :C
Hey, what about chemobot?
CC @Hipp
I wanted to tell you the same ... but I'd like a ChemBot
BCC @Hipp
It's your call :P that's fine by me
Chemobot is cooler.]
maybe in some hidden parallel universe
We'll go with "Chemobot" just to annoy @pH13.
seems legit
Welcome, @Bleep Blop!
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
@IͶΔ e_e
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
Hold tight, I'm processing your request ... ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@BleepBlop impatiently waiting
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
!!ice cream
@IͶΔ There's another pic for ice cream btw
Meh, one is good.
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
@Hipp upboated the answer. Put some fancy links there too.
K gotta hit the bed. G'night all \o
Cya @IͶΔ
<An error occured : cannot identify image file. Check your molecule's name.>
@Hippalectryon they could use this bot in the biosphere chatroom?
@Sᴋᴜʟʟᴘᴇᴛʀᴏʟ Idk, never been there. You can ask them though, if they're interested it just takes 1 minute to add their chatroom
...it's pretty quiet in there right now. Should I a message to contact you? @Hippalectryon
01:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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