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@Brian (I am sorry for the superping.) We still have not enabled migration paths and looking at the statistics, we don't really need them. There were a total of 13 migrations in 2015 - that is not too much work for the mod team. You can join the discussion here though:
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@Martin-マーチン No worries - I just have no insight into the "normal" process, I've only interacted extensively with Chem.SE. For now, flagging for mod attention is the way to go for suggested migrations, then?
And, having taken a look at that Meta post, yes, migrations are tricky b/c of the overlaps b/w Chem and Phys/Bio. A tricky question.
@Brian Yes. Best way is (1) Flag -> Off-Topic -> Custom (enter migrate to Let the community decide if it should be closed. (2) Custom flag for migration. If the question is not closed, we might not consider them for migration. Every user should have the chance to modify the question to fit for the scope of the site, like you did on the last case. And then the mod will check if the quality is good enough for migration.
@Brian It's just there are not enough questions to those pages that it's worth the hazzle... we can do it by hand. I think the migrations paths work for the flag ship sites... not for us smaller cosier sites
Yes and it is logical, too. If you would have the path, then the community would decide if it is off-topic (and if it is on topic at the target site). Without that process, all the decision would be in the hand of the mod (and the user initiating the request). No-one would want that.