the bond orders are fuzzy bond order (FBO), that's the "normal" thing and the other bond order is laplacian bond order (LBO) which can describe somehow the polarity of a bond as it depends on the integrated negative region between two atoms
i hoped that there would be some insight about what will attack where to imagine a little bit better what to do ... but as it is there it seems that both don't want to mess up with each other.
but the N-Cl bond and both elements charges are interesting
A proton obviously has no electronic energy, no vibrational and no rotational degrees of freedom. Therefore I think it is fair to assume, that $$H(\ce{H+})=\frac32\cdot \mathcal{R}\cdot T$$ holds for the translational degrees of freedom. I am looking for some quotable literature where they state ...
so you would have to use some localisation scheme on each of the determinants and then look how well behaved in Lewis terms they are and then you can use the csf
Or you can just use VB theory and get everything for free ;)
It's the same approach, but it ensures that you are in fact treating resonance structures
What I like to do when I talk about resonance structures, I use NBO to calculate different localisation schemes (with the choose option) and then look how good they agree with a Lewis structure
since some version there is an explicit command that does this for you, including export of a file with 2d- structures, i think
haven't done it for a while ... let's see
References: E. D. Glendening and F. Weinhold, J. Comp. Chem. 19, 593-609 (1998); E. D. Glendening and F. Weinhold, J. Comp. Chem. 19, 610-627 (1998); E. D. Glendening, J. K. Badenhoop, and F. Weinhold, J. Comp. Chem. 19, 628-646 (1998).
The natural resonance theory (NRT) module provides an analysis of molecular electron density (correlated or uncorrelated) in terms of resonance structures and weights. It also calculates measures of bond order and valency that are closely related to classical resonance theory concepts.
on your comment to the answers comment here ... can't one argue with casscf csf percentages?
I might know more about it now, but that will certainly change, too.
And science need fresh brains, always, a steady stream of them, and you will be in that stream lol
it's kind of a thing where they do some funny stuff, but they are not allowed to laugh and if they do, then they get slapped with a big gummy hammer or somthing similar
Remember when I asked a few months ago: Help us identify micro-privileges for top users? The idea was to be able to start rolling these out quickly and not take too much developer and designer time. In particular, the idea I suggested in the question, site analytics, should have been a quick turn...
Well @Martin has an special allergy about buzzwords in titles. If he asked you to edit the title next time, well, he usually does that, and I see nothing wrong with it.
all the indian people i've worked with have been very sharp and well-spoken. that said, i think we're hearing from the masses who are not the cream of the crop