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03:00 - 14:0016:00 - 00:00

I have no idea what jonsca meant with self-actualisation...
graduated sites do not have self-evaluation any way..
so nothing to worry about
If you find bad posts, downvote, comment, flag ...
4 hours later…
hi all
@Martin-マーチン how do you plot your nice orbital pictures?
e.g. in the SO3 thread
@PH13 this would be gOpenMol which is a horribly outdated program, but I have a couple of scripts, that make it work just fabulously
I have not found any other program that is scriptable this nicely
Hullo guys!
What's shaking?
shaking what?
A building.
A lab.
A test tube.
I dunno.
my left arm
i'll use my right arm
@santiago My man this question is very nicely formatted!
They have invented a new method of paragraphing.
@Martin-マーチン Thanks ... I'll have a look at it
do you think it is appropriate to generate a question regarding the different softwares that are available out there? I think it's broad and it's more something like a review than a simple question
@PH13 We had something in meta that asked if we should have a canonical question about software.
IIRC, the consensus was meh.
No, this:
Q: Should we have a canonical software question?

ManishEarthWe seem to get many questions like Chemical software for solving reactions and Application or website for chemical reaction emulation which ask for software that can "solve" chemical reactions. And we have a few other posts on various other types of software. It may be beneficial to create a si...

Wait there are no comments there?
@Martin we should decide about it. . .
Well, I wasn't thinking of raction solvers but more of the various quantum chemical software packages that all can do certain things and it's hard to have a good overview on all of them. I think I know a lot of them but I'd like to share my knowledge and want to gain new insights into programs that I didn't found so far
@Martin I'm thinking of writing a meta post asking for people about whether we should have canonical questions.
They're a good way to deal with octuplicates.
not so sure about that
but go ahead write some meta
@Martin-マーチン Other SEs are doin' it, it's so effective as long as it's only 1-5 questions.
a big list would be not so great, since this is awfully hard to maintain
Not as long as there are a few big lists.
@Martin we could even try having them on meta.
Bring it to the table, i don't like big lists...
ELL has a big list of references and they've decided it's better in their meta.
hard to maintain, never complete
That's how CWs are.
But no, it's not as hard to contain that you think.
yeah, I don't like the whole idea of cw
Let's fight
also ... please enlighten me what OP and cw means ...
@PH13 If you make your question specific enough, then there should not be a problem...
i have once asked a question, which got mixed votes about some software...
hang on, i'll look it up
@PH13 OP sometimes means Original post and sometimes Original poster.
CW means community-wiki.
You can make your answer Community-wiki.
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M But you should not
That way, the votes won't affect your rep.
@Martin-マーチン Yeah, unless it's terribly wrong.
There are very few exceptions, where cw is okay, but most of the time it is not
My question would be like ... What quantum chemical postprocessing software do you use to generate journal appropriate images and why do you use it? Following by a list of programs that I know containing the informations on them that I have
that's very broad but also very special as it does not concern the whole chemistry but only the computational section
If it becomes a shop recommendation thingy, it's unacceptable.
Well the computation section should not be a problem.
Make the post more specific, tell us what you currently use, why you do not like it, and what you have tried else
But in general, I think this post would be very helpful
that's what I think, too
Yes, I would upcoat it.
I'll think of an appropriate question
@PH13 I'll certainly have a look on that... make it as objective as possible
I would really love to have Geoff answer this, and tell me more about avrogado...
i am so confused by the gui...
and the lack of tutorial makes me sad
always, yeah
have you heard of multiwfn?
I like it very much ... but the graphics are odd
the main purpose of it right now is to convert f*cking molden-files to cube-file for nice orbitals in gaussview
no, i don't know it, what does it do?
it does so much ... 400 pages function background + tutorial on nearly every function
multiwfn.codeplex.com ... for free
@PH13 Y u no use cubegen????
cubegen can read molden files?
dunno... but if you use gaussian... you should have checkpoint files...
I use ORCA, Turbomole, Gaussian, ... whatever I can. But they are all not very compatible among each other
but I like the visualisation of gaussview and therefor I need to create cube-files from other programs outputs
also molcas
Okay... get it...
i hate gausview
i use chemcraft on my windows platform
and i use molden for checking most things
molden is super ugly xD
but if there is nothing else, I use it too
and for me chemcraft has an "unnatural" color code for atoms which is confusing
Cya guys!
then there is Gabedit which is very potent in reading outputs and generating inputs but fails an easy to use orbital/general surface producting system. there is always a 100 click porcedure to get to new orbitals ... that's bad for comparing as you forgot what has been when the next one is created
in chemcraft you can edit the colour schemes
i like it because of a couple of features i did not find in any other package so far...
And i love molden for it's genuine simplicity
it is fast
and it has a very nice z-mat editor
i am very used to that program
but those visualisations are always a punch in your face
not necessarily
you can adjust a lot of things too
then tell me what I do wrong g
... how to make asterisks ... oô
i thing you can now even produce high quality povray stuff
well... i do my visualisations now with chemcraft
because it is easier to use...
it has this wysiwyg stuff going for itself
when i am checking stuff i like molden, because it runs fast enough via x-win
i don't need to emulate anything
I will take a look at it
I grew up with molden 3. something... and there are hugh improvements now implemented
but best of all... for simple stuff, it has a force field module, which allows you to preoptimise structures on the go
avogadro has something similar too iirc
...hang on... brb.
I like Avogadro for simple preoptimized input. But it crashed here very often what keeps me looking for other softwares that can do things better.
i am back...
have you tried contacting Goeff about the crashes?
nope, there is no good contacting here ... but as the latest release is from 2013 I didn't think that there is still development
They are currently building the next release, i think that is the reason why they stopped developing the older ones
the next release of Avogadro 1 or 2?
Avogadro 2 was something they should have kept a little longer "in lab" ^^
they are building avogadro two i think
we have to wait and see... I think Goeff said something about next year...
maybe they already know about all the crashes
I don't know
i thought a2 was still experimental
it must be
The last thing I remember hearing from A2 is, that it is still far from feature complete...
but Geoff always points out, that you can contact him about it directly
i mean via sourceforge: sourceforge.net/p/avogadro/bugs
great, then I think about using it
If you have questions about the usage of avogadro, then you will certainly find help here...
not about using but about avoiding bugs ;D
there are a couple of users on the site and with the more complicated stuff, the developer is also around...
do you follow some blogs related to comp chem?
@PH13 A bug is a feature in disguise
not really... i am too lazy to read this stuff ;)
ok, I'm always searching for new ones
and I need one blogger with big impact to blog about some failure of at least g09 rev. a.02
Why would you want that?
that peoples out there know about this failure and how to avoid it?
do you think that everyone should figure out this error by themselves?
Nope, but are there really many people still using this?
Is the bug prevalent to later versions?
I only have access to this version so I have no chance to compare it
as it is an error withing computing the grimme-dispersion corrections only version past this implementation have to be considered
okay... what kind of error is it?
we will update our version within the next 2 yrs as we think that there must be the next bigger update to g15 or whatsoever
you can include dispersion by using the iop(3/124=...) statement ... e.g. iop(3/124=30) equals the D3 and =40 the D3BJ correction
now you can either opt and freq successively or by combining them to be optfreq
when you optfreq with iop(3/124=...) then the frequency calculation will not include the iop-statement
and as frequency calculations are something that takes quite much time it would be good to know about this issue
Yeah that is right... I never run optfreq
You are in Jena right?
Do I recall that correctly?
I am
Don't you have access to the HPC there?
I have
if you mean the cluster at the rechenzentrum
G03 D.01 and G09 A.02
so you should have access to rev d.01
that's G03
my mistake
well, well, well...
I'd use g03 then
less buggy
I would not expect a major revision this year or next year...
maybe in 2017
But you have the awesome version of turbomole
yeah .. we will wait for it as it has to contain a lot
well then you'll buy the buggy version again
sure xD
maybe we have to wait even longer then
I'd wait until rev B is out, which will not be before 2018
maybe 2019
this software is so overprized for what they deliver
but it's easy to use
7k/site license
Isn't turbomole much more expensive?
not if you have friends, i guess
but I don't have that much information on the buying process
hmmm... when I was in Marburg, there was always enough money for the latest version
it was a principle necessity
yeah .. it should. but somehow they don't want it
did you have any course with Leticia Gonzalez?
no, I was one or two years to late for her
:D She gives great talks...
well, there are a lot who can do that
and more who cannot
the comp chem courses have now maybe half the size ... don't know ... but it was a big cut when she left
I understand that, she is a big shot
i guess a lot left with her and she took a whole lot more ;)
like grants and stuff
maybe ... I have no idea about such things. but if you read what's written on her site she must have a lot stuff
I met her... she has a lot of stuff
you need a lot of stuff for the things she does
here it is usually gaussian for regular stuff, turbomole for fast dft stuff and molcas for the big things
didn't turbomole heavily improve their cc and mp2 routines?
They still have no real means to find transition states and do irc, but for all ground state this should be good to go...
you sure know more than me as I am just starting to get into everything a little bit more
You'll learn... probably fast ;)
But have a detailed look at the features of turbomole...
i really miss that program
they produce nice output. but the input is not so nice ;D
but I will have to look at it anyway
I loved define... makes you feel like an advance computational chemist ;)
sorry that I'm a little absent .. I track cells
@user4215 Hello
What books should I read to master Mcat chemistry from nothing?
what is Mcat chemistry?
the question still holds
@Martin-マーチン HALP ... chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/33916/… ... that's such a useless point
i have a look
great entertainment
that's so hard ...
how do you respond to that???
maybe "then you'd better learn for the next exam" would be appropriate
Invent the periodic table...
@PH13 ... I have to go now... have a lot of fun, I am looking forward to reading the question about visualisation :D
let's see what I can produce ... I am no good questioner ^^
Q: Where to look for mineralites?

JoelHow would one determine the most likely place to locate sapphires in Victoria, Australia. What would be the most practical way to retrieve one without machinery?

Q: How is persian blue rock salt made?

JoelHow is persian blue rock salt made and what does it contain that makes it look blue ?

Does anyone want to weigh in on the comments here. I don't feel I'm getting anywhere.
Joel is great
'I don't do chat rooms' - It gets better and better
yeah I'm following all of them
I could use all my 10 flags on him oô
2 hours later…
do i bother responding to this guy Joel to placate him?
No. I already tried.
I don't know if this is possible. But actually this conversations with him should not take place in the comments, right?
I flagged the questions for migration and the comments for deletion so we just wait for the mods to deal with it.
I asked him to come to the chat room but he refused
I know
ah, that's good - he's pretty rude...saw the chat room decline
i was going to suggest he go to a jewelry store in Victoria to find sapphire
that would be a great answer
let me answer that now...
I would leave it as a comment not an answer
indeed ... that was a joke ;)
well, i can move it
let's see what he says :)
are you both across the pond from me (i'm in austin, texas)?
over here is part of the old world
nice to meet you -
that's where all the good chemistry comes from :)
the nobel prices say something different most times ;D
nice to meet you too
I'm a little afk
hi and bye @Wildcat
@PH13, =O.O=
Hi everyone!
check out the Persian blue salt thread - a swing and a miss
hi martin
@bon please check your flag history ;)
what else is up?
Anyone know what persian salt is?
yes, just posted answer
OMG!!!! OMG!!! @LordStryker
Hi @Martin-マーチン.
I have no idea what the heck persian salt is.
it's basically salt from Persia (Iran) :)
and it's blue
somebody posted an answer about Prussian blue
the whole thing is hysterical IMO
this is one of those "let me Google that for you" deals
Well sorry, but i have to go... see y'all later ...
03:00 - 14:0016:00 - 00:00

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