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@LordStryker @LordStryker I take a similar opinion. Quality before quantity. But unfortunately quality takes a lot of time :( I really wonder how people like @ron manage to write so many, often high quality answers in such a short amount of time (kudos for that). Must be living in another dimension where time flows differently.
6 hours later…
@LordStryker Donkey... hehe... that made me chuckle...
@Philipp He's got a TARDIS!
But I absolutely agree, he does an amazing job.
1 hour later…
@Omen !
@Philipp Ron is definitely a master and I am a mere level 1 apprentice.
It's @Omen
(the one with the crazy eye)
Damn straight!
I have been posting a storm... 2 on academiia and are just finishing one on astro.SE
and I posted one on Earth Sciences a couple of hours ago
It can be addicting sometimes, that thirst for knowledge. :)
oh yes, these are all answers!
2 answered on academia, 1 on earth sciences and 1 on astronomy... so far
@LordStryker now I am targeting Chem
by the way, how did the exam go, did the scantron pass?
hmmm did my eye scare off @LordStryker
ack sorry @Omen. The average was ~70% which was exactly the avg. I was shooting for
except the answer key was messed up on one question so I'm quickly trying to fix the grades
scantron misbehaved... i KNEW it!
you got it!
i had a feeling that the scantron would decide to do its version of eliminating the human race
It's going to eliminate me if I dont get these fixed and soon
i was in a rush to get them posted by 5pm since yesterday was the last day for withdrawing without the extra paperwork trail
buuuuut my dumbass self had to mark one of the answers on the key wrong
in my haste
ahhh dang!
hello @ManishEarth!
how are you?
@ManishEarth I have been on an answering spree
I have been trying to simulate kuramoto systems
what is a kuramoto system?
@Omen um,... a thingy?
@Omen basically a system of coupled oscillators
a specific coupling, but the way the network is can vary
aaaah nice, how;s it going?
I messed up on two weeks of work :P
made an elementary mistake
that is the usual way mistakes occur
if I had a dollar for every time that has happened to me..
how long will you take to fix it?
psssh @ManishEarth can fix it in like 5 minutes if he just applied himself
@LordStryker lol
I figured out how to fix it, just need to rewrite the code and rerun everything
@Omen but yeah, 5 minutes actually not counting the tiem to rerun everything
@LordStryker can use his superpowers
This is @ManishEarth - xkcd.com/303
@LordStryker yeah lol
so far, in the past 24 hours, I have answered 2 on Academia, 1 on Earth Sciences, 1 on Physics, 1 in Astronomy... now I am attacking Chem
we're under attack!!! O.o run!
the Aussies are coming!
lol... just you wait
6 hours later…
Holy shit
grabs popcorn dis gun b gud
My TA keeps describing resonance as the phenomenon of electrons "pumping in and pumping out"
I don't even
bro, electrons lift
Sounds like electrons have sex
As you can see, theory is not emphasized
well pumping denotes motion, and electrons are always in motion
sex denotes pumping and pumping denotes motion and electrons are always in motion
therefore, electrons have sex
I think you're right
Man fuck this shit
If this is the future of chemistry education
maybe its a language barrier sort of deal?
I'm inclined to agree with the prof who said that modern chemists can't make a one molar solution of NaOH to save their ass
No this is a native English speaker
I dont know bro. I've made silly analogies in the past for the sake of comedy but that doesn't sound like the case here.
He just doesn't have the understanding to describe it any better
i'm headed out though. i'll try to jump on once I'm home.
if you're still here that is
Alright see ya
next time he says that
just say "giggity"
in your best quagmire voice
I'll play a porno soundtrack
one of those tacky 90s tracks
Man those mutton chops were sexy
electrons cant have sex b/c they repel each other!
poor things
Quote of the the year^
@Dissenter so tell me about this TA of yours
hello @LordStryker..
\o heya
how are you?
<-- just woke up
<--- just got home
playing tanks
playing what??
world of tonks!
just a bit of tankey tanks in the afternoon
just changed my profile box, to have a list of key questions that I have made
haha was on the phone with my sister
you both were on a phone - how did you balance?
can I get your opinion - physics.stackexchange.com/questions/138075/… - any good or should I delete it?
very, very carefully ;)
No I think its good. If anything I would expound on the equipment required for these types of setups. I know you linked the websites but it would be convenient to have those materials listed in your post.
but thats just icing on the cake
0 upvotes = uninteresting?
maybe not...
i should go to the gym
oh, did you solve the scantron issue??
0 upvotes? You only posted it 37 minutes ago. It will take some time to get people to read it ;)
@LordStryker I am still getting used to the system on SE... confidence is rising
I did solve the scantron issue! One student in particular is all up in arms about how unfair it was that I had to change the grades even though it was a minor change and it accurately reflects the students' responses.
but for now, I need to go to the gym and proceed to 'un-fat' my fatness
I can't even begin to explain the level of stupid this is.
Hey, I need to start lifting myself but... ugh
have fun at the gym!
I probably could understand actually.... it does not matter what you do in terms of fairness etc - someone will complain
she misunderstands 'inconvenienced' for "unfarieness"
but whatever
that is one of the most common and the other is 'no' = 'rude' nonsense
anyways I better go and get the lipids in order, using the modernised medieval torture devices that are gym equipment

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