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My professor's excuse for not knowing organic chemistry: He took organic chemistry the year before Morrison and Boyd came out
how are you @Dissenter?
6 hours later…
@Omen Nice to have you around, new faces are always welcome, especially when they join the chat occasionally.
@Dissenter Well, I did not think it would have been within your scope. This is generally something you do in the late Bachelor or early Master years. I was just kidding.
i am enjoying myself thus far
@Martin I look forward to it!
@Philipp You crack me up man. That was gold.
All hail, @LordStryker!
Hey @Omen! Good morning (well it is here anyway)!
How goes it in AUS?
I am up to 2Q's and an answer... none in haiku though
things are great her ein Oz... it is 9:35pm here
what is new there, @LordStryker?
@Omen I'm going through a long list of worthless emails from students that I received over the weekend. Given that there is an exam today, some students still don't understand the concept of, if its in the book and we went over that chapter, its fair game.
oh, i know that feeling... my day job is as a teacher...
@LordStryker maybe give the exam questions in haiku
and they only pass if they answer in haiku
I'm not creative enough to come up with 35 haiku questions that would be considered 'clear'. I'd imagine it would be an interesting conversation with the Dean explaining why it was a good idea.
explain it to the Dean in haiku
but yeah, Dean's often don't have a sense of haiku-ness in these situations
write the questions in Yoda speak
If I were well-established and rooted in my department, then maybe but alas I'm just 'the new guy'
ah yes, best be prudent
when is the exam today?
its amazing what students will ask to get out of an exam "I haven't got much sleep or rest since Wed. can I take your Monday exam at a later date?"
LOL, I have had that one before - I usually say, sure, have the exam yesterday
oh thats good
"sure, how about 12:01 AM on Tuesday?"
been a high school teacher for 1 years...
15 years that is
woohoo my question on Academia is up to 54 upvotes
Do you enjoy it? I've often thought that teaching HS could be a lot of fun and fulfilling. However the pay sort of keeps me from actually doing that for now.
i did enjoy it once, now I am making moves to go tertiary....
55 upboats now ;)
man that sounds like a crappy situation
i even joined physics and wrote a question... experimental physics of course
@LordStryker used to be - that dude tried to force the uni to fail me in my masters...
now, he is part of my 'normal', I have 2 stalkers (one romance and one academic) and a separate nemesis... alll I need now is a mortal enemy and a sidekick and I'll have the whole set
'one romance' - ooooh la la! @Omen you ol' rascal you!
lol...what can I say, there seems to be an allure about mildly insane, fat, ugly, balding physicists
one could say that I am ugly like a fox
known her since high school, avoiding her since the next day after I met her
@Omen Sounds like a restraining order may be a possibly reasonable course of action?
nah, she does not bother me that much, and she lives over 3000km away and has no idea where I am... she has my phone number though, and she sends texts about Jim Carey...she is quite odd
how long does the exam go for?
50 minutes. Its an exam that really mainly covers material that is straight up memorization so its either "you know it or you dont". If you memorized the stuff you were supposed to you could finish this exam in 10 minutes flat.
things like "names of common polyatomic ions"
A: george, ringo, michael and bob
at the moment, I am roaming through my sites seeking old unanswered questions to answer
I am also researching band gap data for silicon
Thats good! We do really well with ~91% of questions having answers but anything to keep approaching 100% is of course better.
indeed - I answered one on Chem about ambient temperature and redox chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/7375/…
my google fu is strong
@Omen Used to be "my library catalog searching skills is strong". Google is such an amazing tech.
it is brilliant - I google just about everything
how many papers will you have to grade?
Its scantron based so I really won't be doing the grading.
For as much as I hate scantrons (i.e. multiple choice exams) I can't reasonably do a written exam because I teach nearly 400 students.
400?!?!?! scantron FTW
does the scantron do haiku?
multiple choice??? what the blazing saddles are the students whinging about?
haha I don't think this one does. Maybe I could pitch a new scantron haiku format to the department ;)
@Omen They are freshman. Just babies who are just now learning that they can use something other than their hands and shirt to wipe their noses with.
They don't like the fact that I put 'none of the above' as an option on every question.
But I tell them, you need to be confident in your knowledge
I agree with that philosophy
Plus, 'none of the above' saves me the headache of having to throw out a question due to a typo on my part.
that's what I say to my students
But of course, I never have any typos.
of course not! if there were one, blame the scantron
oh yeah, we've got lots of 'get out of jail free' cards
I usually blame the poltergeists in the photocopier
I usually just challenge anyone who brings it up by saying "come at me bro".
that's what the poltergeist said
well see, you didn't sacrifice a virgin to the photocopier gods. You have to offer up the sacrifice if you want to appease them.
the coffee machine?
speaking of coffee machine, I need to remember to begin my quest for some here in a little bit.
lol, soon I will be going to the land of nod
You say Nod and all I can think about is...
that too
bloody hell that was an epic
my best site is Earth sciences, just 3 rep up over Academia
TeX was mine for a long time. I think I've only recently surpassed that in Chem now.
My problem is that I don't contribute much in terms of questions and/or answers. But when I do I try to be very rigorous. Doesn't really add up to a bunch of rep that way but thats the way I've been rolling.
your contributions are absolutely brilliant - i remember reading your 'mini-investigation'... brilliant
quality trumps quantity
you have earned true rep
There are only a few people, that have so much knowledge to answer any question...
@Martin hey! \o
@Omen I really appreciate the remark.
hey Martin!
Good evening everybody (lol) こんばんは!
@LordStryker Well, I alway enjoy your contributions. Mostly because I understand them perfectly. (also the tricky parts)
@Martin comp. chemistry ftw! :)
heya @Waffle'sCrazyPeanut long time no see how's it hangin?
@LordStryker Yeah... (Don't remind me), When was around, I was showing off with my broadband (I was living at 64 kB/s). Nowadays, I only have a sucked-up 2G, where I've to squeal for 10 kB/s
Here's a best example...
I saw your message 15 mins ago, it took 15 mins to enter into this room *(sigh)* -_-\
So, @LordStryker how you doing?
7 hours later…
AAAAUGH! I can't stop criticizing design ideas while not being able to come up with my own! I feel like a total donkey.

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