> For example, with Chemistry, I see a slow, steady growth. I can't think of any reason why it would fail in the next few years (unless all the chemists dropped everything and started working on nitrogen compounds), but graduation seems very far off too.
@LordStryker Isn't that half the thrill of chemistry? (I remember a time when my hand was dotted with purple spots because the guy before me didn't clean up after himself, so I got myself a dose of $\ce{Ag(NO3)}$ skin-coloring...
Aaaand mathjax doesn't work in chat mode...
@LordStryker What exactly are you computating? :) I'll start a semester project next term and will be doing lambda-dynamic calculations on the complexation of ions and ethers in different solvents...
well just stay away from doing CCSD(T)/a5Z calculations ;P
sounds like you would fit well in the world of DFT
coupled-cluster takes forever to finish a job... but dft takes forever b/c you have to use a dozen functionals to try and validate your answers to begin with
so either route you take is still a long one
unless your work is crap
i.e. you implement one flavor of DFT and don't bother to benchmark it
since I'm more or less using the tools developed by a PhD student in the group I hope I don't have to dwell too much on programming... It's been such a long time I feel I'd never get done...