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@Mast You play Planetside 2 as well?
@EthanBierlein I used to be part of NNG on Mattherson (pre server-merge), I'm not very active at the moment.
Hi @kleinfreund
Ah. I actually just started playing over a month ago. Still learning some of the game.
Been having some good times with it too. Especially when I can get my friends on one big Skype call and then we can just go destroy a rival faction.
Planetside 2 is amazing
I used to play it for a bit 1 or 2 years ago
Teaming up with an alliance and assaulting that little fortress in the center of one of the planets with dozens of humvees, tanks and helis is so cool
Certainly when it's a three-way. One big pile of mess
@JeroenVannevel I've only had that happen once so far. It was pretty messy. It was fun as well. Didn't last long though.
No luck then. I've had fights there that lasted for hours
@SonerGönül, well this code isn't working. And Code Review wants working code. So no, I'd not recommend Code Review. — Emz 40 secs ago
400-500 people in total from all factions
The biggest fight I ever got in was the one I described last night to @Zak
Also pretty cool is when everybody takes one of those big fighter suits and you fill 2-3 transport planes with them. Then you go around capturing bases
There were only about 110 people total. 100 on the ground, 10 in the air. All at a bio lab.
@JeroenVannevel Everyone to the Crown!
Or when you hear about a convoy coming your way and you set up a trap in a canyon where they would pass through.. I've had that happen to me. Difficult to get out of
What is NNG? I feel like I am missing out D:
@Mast The crown! That's what I was looking for
The transport planes (galaxies) are pretty neat. They're rather expensive to spawn in though, and you have to make sure there are other people around.
All google says is National Numbers Gorup
@DanPantry No Nonsense Gamers, an outfit playing BF and PS2
Among others.
like Syndicate, then?
Arqade anyone?
Of course thats blocked.
Oh, that's right, I still need to join an outfit in Ps2.
or am I misunderstanding things again?
Here, I can create a separate room. One sec
@Vogel612 We're talking games here, yes. But there's no site business going on.
@EthanBierlein Good idea.
true, but ^ that
@EthanBierlein We used to load magriders on top of them ^^
when you start about games, it's almost guaranteed to become something longer, because everyone can / could contribute
I really, really want my graphics card. Now. :(
Lol, I saw a funny meme regarding mag riders the other day. I'll see if I can find it.
@DanPantry It will be there tomorrow, right?
@Mast Tomorrow morning, yes.
@EthanBierlein Create the darn room first.
beep boop
room topic changed to Gaming Chat: Polite chat about video games and such. [gamez-ftw] [planetside-2]
boop beep
> Polite chat
Change the title to "Brainfuck chat". dank maymay
@EthanBierlein NNG and AT practised with putting entire squads and/or magriders on Galaxies.
I'm sure it's quite an interesting experience, running around in one of those with an entire squad.
If you put a couple of Anti-Air MAX units on a galaxy with some engineers and one or two medics, you're a AA fortress.
And if you fly doubledecker they won't see you coming ^^
Ooh, I should try that.
What server are you on @EthanBierlein?
46 messages moved from The 2nd Monitor
Do you play as well @DanPantry?
For some reason I chose the Australian server, Briggs, but the connections are fine.
I'm part of the New Conglomerate
@Mast No :)
Heya. :)
Gaming is the topic, huh?
Welcome all :)
Chat about games, yes. :)
@JeroenVannevel What server are you on?
So I played a few hours of Shovel Knight the other day.
"Do you play"? "No" "what server are you on"
? :D
@DanPantry Huh? That should've linked to Jeroen...
room topic changed to Gaming Chat: Polite chat about video games and such. [gamez-ftw] [pc-master-race] [planetside-2]
Hm, can we please not act as if PC gaming is the only valid option for gaming?
I might do a stream of AC after I get my 970 - or a video on it - thoughts?
@Mast What server are you on? And what faction do you play as?
@kleinfreund its not the only valid option, just clearly the superior one /s
@kleinfreund Don't worry. ;)
@kleinfreund That's only available on consoles right?
@Mast Didn't check since all I have is a PC. :x
@EthanBierlein Vanu, on Emerald it's named now I think.
room topic changed to Gaming Chat: Polite chat about video games and such. [gamez-ftw] [lower-console-race] [pc-master-race] [planetside-2]
@kleinfreund Typing is hard. MEssed up.
@EthanBierlein lol
Oh well.
To be fair some console games are close to my heart
I'm going to idle a bit, preparring to get in a review. :~)
The Pokemon franchise before they milked it more than a dairy cow
@Mast I actually have a character on Emerald as a part of the a any Sovereignty. I don't ever use it though.
@DanPantry You want to talk about milking a franchise? Try angry birds. ;D
@EthanBierlein I can honestly say I have never played that game
Anyway, bbl in a little bit. You guys enjoy your nice chat. :)
@DanPantry Super Smash Brothers
FFX and FFXII were great.
I played the online variant in demo for 14 days or so, FFIV, but it costs more than I have time to play it IMO.
Oh, yeah, do you guys know Crypt of the NecroDancer?
Never heard of, but it looks creative.
It is a lot of fun, but also hard.
Hard but not frustrating, that is.
Shovel Knight on the other hand was pretty frustrating. :/
Alright, back.
I can add you guys as ROs, would that be fine?
There you go. :)
Alright. I'm going to go play some Ps2. I'll be back in a while.
I'll be playing a round when I'm back at home as well probably.
I'm going to drink a tea. Later!
@Mast I'll let you know in exactly one month when I'm back home
@JeroenVannevel I'll kill you if your colour isn't the same as mine.
no shit ;)
my faction is already different than yours, so you'll be killing me too
I probably have a character slot left somewhere, so we could even start a Code Review outfit.
of course, the Ps2 devs still haven't implemented server swaps, so some of us would need to make new characters
My colour?
Let's not make this about race
I'm the blue guys
No, it's about politics and religion.
New Coalition?
@JeroenVannevel oh yah
@JeroenVannevel Almost
@JeroenVannevel *Conglomerate
Stupid smurfs.
PS2 is basically Elmo vs Smurfs vs Spandex
Although I noticed that my character got reset. Or I had to make a new account? I don't know. But it shows that I played this game a long time ago
silly laser-shooters, we blue buddies have real guns, like real men
and I made a new acc about 6 months back to play for a few hours again
that's even better
besides, blue is sort of Code Review's thing
@EthanBierlein Agreed.
so if we all chose the new cong., then we'd be even moar CR
If we start a CR outfit, it should definitely be blue.
yah know what
let me get this outfit set up
now I just have to figure out how this is done
even my hair is blue :)
I actually have 2 accounts merged into 1. EU used to have a different account system.
gosh darnit
@Mast that's probably where I lost my account, I think. When they merged those things mine wasn't being transferred I guess
google is of no help
@JeroenVannevel You may still be able to make a request. You never know.
alright, what do we want to name this outfit? Code Review? Something like that?
> all you have to do is leave any you may be part of now, click create outfit, invite some of the people you are referencing (in other words you have to know their IGN).
Yea, Code Review is fine with me.
Unless you have a better idea?
I was thinking just plain "Code Review", or maybe "Team Code Review"
I feel like the latter is somewhat cheesy
unless people like it
Don't make it a team, make it a squadron or a company if you go that route.
ah, alright.
Code Review it is
Intergalactic Empire Code Review
Aim big
too late
@JeroenVannevel That would be if we're playing Red.
unless you can change the name
My current outfit is called Epsilon. They have a dolphin as decal...
Don't ask, I don't know either.
let me go find our new logo, we can use that as the decal
Nobody in it though, except me and a couple inactives.
@EthanBierlein Can you import logos now? That would be awesome.
hmm, spoke too soon
There's a developer thing going on where you can create your own thing and put it up in the store for sale. But afar from that.
Yeah, I don't have any DB cash though
it's on the briggs server, under the New Conglomerate
maybe if someone with some DB cash joins we can get a logo.
I think I still have some. If it becomes a thing it's definitely worth it, but let's see what happens.
alright, cool
I'll be home in 2 hours or so. Have to kick my server a little first, but I'll be there.
Wait, Briggs?
Why Briggs?
That's 300ms away from me or so.
how does one determine that
What are the server names? To know which I'm using
Well, Briggs is in Australia. That's literally half the world around from where I live (give or take).
lol, same here
America is 100ms or so, that's doable.
I notice multiple europeans and one american
gosh darnit ps2 devs, add the ability to swap servers!
European servers are 30ms for me, but I don't like having Germans and French as squad leads.
Don't worry, we've got a perfectly capable belgian right here
So I have nothing against going American, but I don't see a reason to go Australian.
I dunno, those Australians are pretty vicious from what I can tell
of course, I haven't played on any american servers yet though
actually, I just checked. Briggs is around to 260ms away from me.
i have no idea how I've been managing to play with that kind of delay
somehow I still got to level 13
meh, we can decide this later
5 hours later…
have about 2 1/4 hours to do something
Pick a server
well... that's the dilemma
Why is that a dilemma?
if we do an EU server, it'll be fast for you and Jeroen, but rather slow for me, and vice versa with the US.
if we do the AU server, then it's slow for everyone
So pick an American server and be done with it.
sounds good
My lvl 51 Vanu is on Emerald, so, I'm used to it.
@JeroenVannevel Objections?
and I guess I can just play my lvl 14 Cong when we aren't fighting as an outfit
And, who knows. I may use the outfit character so often that it'll replace my current main
Yea, who knows.
Are you East or West coast?
East is best for our ping.
I'm central.
Average 100-110ms
Which is very playable.
I chose east
let me just check and verify that real quick
So, Emerald or Jaeger
Okay, the server is Emerald
faction is New Conglomerate
And I think I'm going to take @JeroenVannevel's suggestion for the outfit's name
Alright, everything should be setup
You guys just do whatever you feel like -- I can only play in 30 days anyway
I'll join in when I'm home
my battle rank is already at 3 and I haven't done a single thing
I somehow now have 210 certs as well
Wut, shiny
Can't find the outfit, what's it named?
Intergalactic Empire Code Review
Is it open for new members?
Hmm, let me chexk
`<== MoarCannons, pass me an invie
How does one pass an invite?
Alright, I just spawned in a nice galaxy
Well shit
How does one speak in outfit chat?
/me = still noob
T? Y? U?
Those are the typical chat buttons
i got it ;)
3 hours later…
Hey @Mast I was thinking of getting my friend to join our outfit. Is that cool?
Does he have a CR account?
Get him at least an account and it's allright ^^
Right... Nevermind. xD
I think he knows how to program pretty well though.
The account doesn't have to be used much, but if we want this to be a CR outfit we should at least get everyone on CR.
and maybe once in a while we can make an exception if the circumstances are right
Power is irrelevant.
Never mind then
In NNG, we had a very good player: Vonic
When he assaulted a tower as a light assault, he made so many kills he was accused of hacking.
Overall KDA above 5, that kind of guy.
That's cool and all, but you need some teamwork to make that useful or leave him alone.
Yup. We can't have an outfit full of lone wolves

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