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@CapyStenchbeast You better see this too
15 hours later…
room parent site changed to default (no parent site)
@MonicaCellio Is changing the room parent site a mod-only power, or can ROs do it too? I looked, but couldn't find a way to do it.
I'm beginning to think I should change the title of this room ... it's attracting a lot of mods and isn't really that interesting :-P
@randal'thor I believe it's mod-only.
I saw this room on the list of Worldbuilding rooms but it looks like SFF spillover (maybe?) and doesn't seem to be about worldbuilding. I don't want to confuse our users so I removed the parent. That shouldn't affect your use of the room in any way.
@MonicaCellio Originally it was an experiment to see whether I could set up a Gallery chatroom on a site where I have less than 1000 rep. Then Art and I got to showing off our RO/mod powers, and only later there was some discussion of SFF stuff. Anyway, thanks for the parent change! :-)
You're welcome. Have fun.
3 hours later…
@randal'thor See what? And why didn't you tell me Monica was here? I would have come to say hello.
@CapyStenchbeast Loong and I were discussing certain suspensions, and then Loong deleted the conversation except that message.
Have you seen Buffybot's message in the Screening Room?
in The Screening Room, 23 hours ago, by Buffybot
Just a quick drop-in to let you all know that I have now received a second email from the SFF moderator team to advise that my suspension will be extended a further 90 days beyond the 7 days that were already imposed. I will now resume lurking. No further messages will be responded to, at least in the near future while I consider my next actions.
Well that sucks. I have no such email.
(The fact that I have no such email doesn't suck, the fact that he has one sucks)
Oh, just chat?
Just chat, thank goodness.
Mine is ending in 1 day, 8 hours
I'm guessing both of them argued against the suspension?
No idea.
Or the powers that be agreed with Ana's assertion that I have been a very good dog lately.
Neither has said anything in public except what I just quoted.
I guess I have a better recent track record, or I know enough to not argue against punishment when I deserve it, or what I did wasn't as bad as what they did. I dunno.
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've always thought you have more trouble with arguing and not knowing when to shut up and back off than either of them do.
room topic changed to Room for Rand al'Thor and Capy Stenchbeast: Mainly for testing RO powers [dogs] [suspensions]
Better to make the title unclickbaity when we chat about such things :-)
@randal'thor Then you haven't been paying attention lately. The arguments I get into now aren't about flag-worthy subjects.
The thing with DVK in Off Topic was a lapse of judgment on my part.
@CapyStenchbeast I didn't say anything about flag-worthy subjects!
Oh, yeah, I love to debate everything, but I've been sticking to harmless debates lately, except the thing I just mentioned. And I never argue against being warned or punished.
If we weren't on SE right now, I would explain some behind the scenes stuff.
I may be wrong.
Of course I don't know what any of the suspensions were for specifically, but I imagine arguments in general are frowned upon and not just arguments about gun control or abortion.
^ those two messages showed in the wrong order for some reason
@randal'thor I think arguments about off topic stuff, politics, SE politics, user behavior, etc, are frowned upon, but stuff like the argument DrRDizzle and I had about zombies is perfectly acceptable.
It's SF&F, why shouldn't we argue about SF&F tropes?
@CapyStenchbeast I'm not sure what you mean, but it's easy to find my email address in chat if you really want to tell me something outside of SE.
To find it, or to write an email if you had it? :-P
To find it
My email window is already open because I am chatting with Her Majesty.
E.g. here.
Interesting, thanks.
I'd imagine the same idea applies to both of our friends.
"about the same time" - and about the same sort of thing?
After all, the "A Day in the Penalty Box" post says that one of the reasons for suspensions is "Refuses to learn over time".
@randal'thor I believe so, but that was left unsaid. Privacy and whatnot.
I recall you mentioning you had one, but not the surrounding context or what else had been going on then.
(let me know if I should delete any of these messages)
I think we're okay. Back to email for a moment.
Yes, I thought at the time that 1 and 2 were involved (and even said so in Mos)
So, the lesson is: If you get in trouble, learn from it and try to change.
Don't say "No I didn't, here's my side" especially when it's just a stupid week.
I know you disagree with me there, but I think it has helped me. It also helps that I believe every action taken against me has been largely valid. I deserved it. And I need to keep improving.
@CapyStenchbeast Sure, a week isn't much. (Personally I've had unjust suspensions for a month and a year; only the week-long one was justified.)
Honestly, I miss Ana, and I want to talk to her after I come back so she can tell me what I need to do to improve in the future. And the first thing I will do in Mos is apologize for my part in getting the room frozen. I feel terrible about it.
On a slightly related note, I wonder if each SE has an official Suspender Mod?
I know of four people on SFF who've been suspended by the same mod, and none who've been suspended by any other mod.
I dunno. Maybe Keen is more comfortable than the others in suspending people - or being the "face" of suspension - or maybe it's a coincidence.
All the mods are cced in suspension messages.
Just emailed Ana, btw.
Yes, and some/all of the CMs too.
I'm trying to remember if I've heard of anyone other than Doorknob and CMs handing out Puzzling suspensions ... I don't think so.
I'm a bit surprised that the two people with extensions are the two who haven't been chatting since Friday. I take that as an indirect sign that I haven't been doing anything wrong by chatting with this account.
The best way not to get yourself suspended is by sucking up to those in charge.
Or maybe that doesn't matter, or maybe it has shown that my attitude is "meh, I screwed up, suspension is what I deserved".
I don't suck up to those in charge. I argued openly with Shog. But I genuinely think that, aside Shog occasionally losing his temper, the CMs and mods are competent and fair, and I trust them. And with Ana, I don't just trust her, I adore her. She's frigging awesome. Shog, when he's not angry, is hilarious and cool.
^This is why I love Shog when he's not pissed off.
Being able to make the occasional joke doesn't necessarily make somebody a nice guy.
Btw, was it you who had a pet peeve about "y'all"?
These people - the CMs - got their jobs because they are competent, they care about SE, and they can handle people well.
@randal'thor Yes
I didn't say Shog was nice, technically, but I think he usually is. But he is also the hammer of SE.
@CapyStenchbeast I've heard a few widely differing views on CMs from people on SE. Some of which would probably get me flagged if I repeated them.
I compare Shog to the guy at the airport who works in the "Lost Luggage" room. Every time he has to intervene, it is because things have gone wrong. So everyone he deals with in those situations is already pissed off about something he himself isn't responsible for. That would put anyone in a bad mood.
Just like the lost luggage guy's job consists of being yelled at by strangers who are angry about something he didn't do.
@CapyStenchbeast I think I've been turned off "y'all" because of Shog9, more than the other way round.
But we probably shouldn't be sitting here discussing CMs and their personalities, even if this isn't an SFF chatroom.
Hey, I'm not the one bashing them. :)
"Every person that comes in, you have to go "Uh, let me guess - you're angry?""
I have noticed that the actions of the people in charge (mods, CMs) tend to seem more reasonable when you know all the details of what really went on.
I always suspected as much, and it was confirmed with the Himarm fiasco.
Although I still think Praxis did get the short end of the stick.
He didn't do anything.
So in some ways it seems self-harming for them to enforce this "don't talk about it in public" rule.
If everything was public, people might have a better opinion of them in general.
It is unfortunate, but necessary.
On the other hand, it's also used to cover up some massive abuses of power.
I don't think people think badly of most mods and CMs. A lot of people are terrified of Shog, but I've noticed that the people who don't get in trouble seem to like all the CMs.
And I get in trouble but I like them all. I'm wary of Shog, but I like him too.
Like when I got my big suspension on Puzzling, and various mods (including ArtOfCode, whom I've later got to know as a nice guy) were saying "just trust the mods", even though the mods were completely wrong.
I like ArtofCode a lot.
@CapyStenchbeast So do I, now. But the first time I encountered him was when he validated a stupid flag on me in Mos, and the second time was when he was saying "just trust the mods", so we got off on the wrong foot :-P
@CapyStenchbeast I'm beginning to think we need a new chat meme...
From an anagram of coat to an anagram of slow ... that could work
I discovered an eerie similarity while looking into the heavy handed Jesus metaphors in Man of Steel last night.
First, the obvious:
Then this:
Notice how the lights on the helmets kind of resemble a centurion's toothbrush helmet?
The soldiers' positions even match up, except the guy on the far left.
Zak Snyder, y u no subtle?
I have no idea what Man of Steel is, but I can certainly see the similarities there!
Man of Steel is Superman, obviously. That's all you need to know.
I actually groaned in the movie theater when this came onscreen
The scene with Superman in handcuffs was obviously meant to be semi-comedic - the guy can move planets, mountains, etc - if he's in handcuffs, and he hasn't torn them apart, it's because he's humoring you.
Which I suppose applies to Jesus being crucified, for those who believe Jesus is god.
@CapyStenchbeast Stalin, surely?
@randal'thor That too
I actually want to write the director to see if he modeled the handcuff scene on the photo I found.
It's just such a perfect match
The thing with Richard and DVK getting extensions has me nervous. I keep checking Wad to make sure the time hasn't increased.
This user is suspended on the parent site and cannot chat for 1 day 6 hours.
@CapyStenchbeast I keep doing that as well, and also checking Capy to make sure you haven't been chat-suspended too!
I wouldn't be here if Capy was suspended, right?
On another note, when Wad is back, I'm going to merge these accounts. I've been voting and stuff, and I don't want to inadvertently vote on something twice or repeat some other action.
@CapyStenchbeast Well, I'm not checking now, but any time when you haven't been chatting for a while.
@CapyStenchbeast That will make your comment conversation on Puzzling seem even weirder!
@randal'thor That occurred to me, actually, but there's no way to avoid it.
Well, there is: you could just delete the comments.
I'd rather confuse people.
Ack, fanfiction:
Q: Identifying Harry Potter fanfiction

KatieYears ago, I read an HP fanfiction on fanfiction.net. It was really a very long, well thought out story, so I'm wondering if it didn't get published. It started with Harry living with the Dursleys. Vernon and Dudley were abusing him (I remember him being stabbed with a fork) and they beat him to...

@randal'thor Kill it. Kill it with fire and downvotes and hatred.
@CapyStenchbeast The answerer did some impressive sleuthing though. Considering that DVK failed to find it.
And suddenly nothing is funny.
One of the leading Republican candidates for president has just suggested making Muslims wear special badges on their clothes for easy identification.
I don't want to live in this world any more.
I need to not be on this continent ever again.
(I'm looking at you, Ireland)
@CapyStenchbeast Sigh.
It's terrifying.
They're trying to close the borders to refugees.
(I'd better not say that even in quotes, in case it gets flagged)
All the leading republican candidates have said it, and most of them have even said they'd turn away a five year old.
@CapyStenchbeast Is Europe much better though?
Anti-Islam propaganda is rife in this country too.
Heard of Melanie Phillips?
We're headed towards a repetition of our horrible mistakes from back then.
Btw, this is exactly the sort of thing you probably shouldn't say in Mos Eisley :-)
@CapyStenchbeast She writes for the Daily Mail, and has also written what looks like a horribly anti-Islam book: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
Yeah, I looked her up.
At least she isn't running for office.
The same can't be said of Trump.
Lookit his little hands!
Plutopots are adorable.
@CapyStenchbeast Is that a hedgehog, or something more exotic like a porcupine or echidna?
@CapyStenchbeast Platypusses are the weirdest mammals in existence.
Porcupines aren't exotic here.
They are shy though.
You have both hedgehogs and porcupines over there?
I almost bought a pet hedgehog, until I found out that they frequently foam at the mouth and rub the foam all over themselves, which looks even more disgusting in person than it sounds.
I wonder what happens if they get in a fight.
@CapyStenchbeast What about a pet froghopper?
@randal'thor No, only porcupigs.
That looks like a tenrec!
Streaked tenrec, AKA baby chicken/anteater/hedgehog.
I don't like the idea of exotic animal pets, but I can see the appeal of a streaked tenrec as a pet.
Not even parrots?
My ex had a couple of sugar gliders. Adorable but very high maintenance.
@randal'thor Only if they're not threatened/endangered, but even then I wouldn't want one.
What about a red-billed quelea?
(the most abundant bird species in the world)
I'm not a bird guy.
You seem to have a thing about owls...
I wouldn't mind rehabilitating injured raptors though.
@randal'thor They're just cool. I don't want to enslave them and make them live unnatural lives, though.
Part of the appeal is their wildness.
Hedwig was no slave!
The only Hedwig I care about is Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
Now I'm wondering why fantasy authors have a thing about using non-pigeon birds to carry messages (owls in HP, crows in aSoIaF).
Maybe I could get a good SFF question out of that...
Hedwig and the Angry Inch is a 2001 American musical comedy-drama film based on the stage musical of the same name about a fictional rock band fronted by an East German genderqueer singer who survives a botched vaginoplasty performed to allow her to marry an American man and escape East Germany, only to get dumped a few months later. Hedwig subsequently develops a relationship with a younger man, Tommy, becoming his mentor and musical collaborator, only to have Tommy steal her music and move on without her. The film follows Hedwig and the Angry Inch as they shadow Tommy's tour, while exploring...
@CapyStenchbeast Oh. I assumed it was a Harry Potter fanfic.
It is one of the best films ever made.
Hyperbole alert!
Musical with a song based on Plato, anyone?
Crap video. One moment.
The Symposium (Ancient Greek: Συμπόσιον) is a philosophical text by Plato dated c. 385–370 BC. It concerns itself at one level with the genesis, purpose and nature of love, and (in latter-day interpretations) is the origin of the concept of Platonic love. Love is examined in a sequence of speeches by men attending a symposium, or drinking party. Each man must deliver an encomium, a speech in praise of Love (Eros). The party takes place at the house of the tragedian Agathon in Athens. Socrates in his speech asserts that the highest purpose of love is to become a philosopher or, literally, a lover...
The song is basically a musical adaptation of Aristophanes' speech from Plato's Symposium.
Not sure what I think of turning ancient philosophy into pop music. It seems a bit too much like demeaning something that used to have dignity.
@randal'thor Correct me if I'm wrong, but I had the impression that you're a conscientious supporter of the LGBTQ community. As such, I think you'd enjoy Hedwig.
@CapyStenchbeast Hmm ... I wonder how you got that impression? :-)
well, the Symposium was a play, and Hedwig was originally a play (and still is), so not much of a change, really.
And Hedwig is beautiful and tragic and powerful.
I usually try to be non-committal about my views on such sensitive subjects. It enables me to get along well with more people!
I'm a hetero cis ally and proud of it.
I occasionally lapse into inadvertent heteronormative language, but that doesn't change my affections.
And Hedwig is one of my fictional heroes.
The premise of the story is a trans genderqueer woman/victim of a botched gender reassignment being left with "an angry inch", so to speak, and becoming a minor rock star.
@CapyStenchbeast Yes, I just read Wikipedia's summary.
It's funny and sad and beautiful and moving and the music is incredible.
Doesn't sound like my kind of thing at all, TBH.
Neil Patrick Harris just finished a run as Hedwig in the Broadway/Off-Broadway show.
I don't watch many films, but they tend to be either SFF or historical.
@randal'thor I would have said the same until I saw it.
But to each their own.
I may have overtaken you in rep in the last couple of days
(depending on how much you've gained this week)
Good for you!
You deserve it.
Richard is still ahead of me in the week
He has...
That guy is inhuman
I still laugh whenever I read his meta post about "Rep, glorious rep - it is the fire in which we burn, it is the purpose that defines us and in the darkness binds us"

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