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7:38 PM
I think this was successful
Can anyone else talk in here?
@randal'thor Well, me. Being a mod, and all.
@ArtOfCode Sneaky.
Nobody else will be able to though, given that nobody else has access. Anyway, I'd better delete this before it reaches the magic 14 messages.
...waiting a moment
I just asked Ixrec to test it
that's why :)
7:41 PM
What's magic about 14? (other than being double the most magical number of all)
@randal'thor Oh wait, I'm thinking of the wrong thing.
14 messages is the threshold between auto-freeze or auto-delete.
Muahahaha mod powers.
7:43 PM
Miss me?
@ArtOfCode So it doesn't affect whether mods can freeze/delete it?
@CapyStenchbeast Hey girl, good to see you!
@randal'thor Nope. I can freeze and/or delete at any point.
I only set up this room to test chat powers, and now everyone's here :-P
heh :)
ah, I miss the mod powers in SO chat.
7:49 PM
7:50 PM
now yourself :)
I didn't remove them completely
I just changed their permissions
testing my powers again :-)
Does anyone want this room to stay or shall I press the nuke button?
You mods and your nuclear buttons :-o
Wait just one sec
I changed my parent user back to SFF
Does that change this room at all?
7:52 PM
@ArtOfCode maybe if you refresh or something?
Shouldn't do
OMG, Passerby is here too
I'm not joking about the nuke, by the way.
Sorry Passerby, you can't talk anywhere
Jokes about nuclear warfare :-/
I bet certain Japanese people would be offended by that
7:53 PM
5430772 - is that an IP or something?
or is it the chat message ID?
Nope, it's the codes to launch the nuke.
I see ChrisF is talking in TL :-)
It's actually 25430772, which is indeed the message ID.
7:55 PM
You didn't see that :P
@CapyStenchbeast Are you Capy or Shog?
@ArtOfCode I'm an RO, I can see message history.
Oh can you?
So @Ixrec and I discovered today
(we're ROs for the Doctor Who chatroom)
7:57 PM
oh I knew about it for ages, in The Whiteboard people delete messages all the time and regulars are given RO status just so they can see those conversations
@CapyStenchbeast I love how that was the most sensible thing anyone said in the entire movie
@rand aye, but just try looking at that message's history.
I wonder why Slytherincess needed to email @Capy to find out what had gone on, if she could see all the deleted messages already
unless mods can do some sort of 'hard delete'?
@randal'thor Look at the history.
I assume she just didn't realize
Mos doesn't delete messages much
@ArtOfCode So you CAN hard-delete messages!
7:58 PM
That's what mods can do.
Mods have scary powers
There we are
in The Screening Room, 2 hours ago, by Catija
Magical mods with their special powers.
room topic changed to Magical mods with their special powers.: It's ArtOfCode's fault! (no tags)
@ArtOfCode There's a tiny bit of the "C" left there ;-)
8:00 PM
There is? Meh, you can't exactly tell what it is.
room topic changed to Mods' showing-off room: It's Rand al'Thor's fault! (no tags)
For those wondering what all this history thing is about:
@ArtOfCode Did you summon a whole bunch of mods?
If you build it mention mods in its name, they will come.
@randal'thor Nope. I imagine HDE is here because the room is on WB.
8:02 PM
@randal'thor I was just curious as to why there was a new Worldbuilding room. Nothing to see here. Moving on.
@ArtOfCode Got it.
In one :)
room topic changed to Teachers' Lounge: It's been hacked! (no tags)
Wasn't sure if I'd be able to do that...
You're gonna get in trouble...
I think I'd better undo it
8:03 PM
room topic changed to Mods' showing-off room: It's Rand al'Thor's fault! (no tags)
There is no rule against it, though it may not be entirely wise.
@ArtOfCode We're from SF&F. Nothing we do is entirely wise.
@CapyStenchbeast That's disturbingly close to the truth.
How come I can't re-pin my own message?
It says "voting has been cleared by a moderator", but I unpinned it!
Because you don't believe.
8:06 PM
@randal'thor ROs count as mods when dealing with pins
There is no pin.
@ArtOfCode So I'm a mod?
Mods can un- and re-pin as they like, though.
@randal'thor For some things, when you're an RO, yes.
8:09 PM
I wish I could test my kickmute powers, but I don't want to offend anyone or get anyone in trouble
@randal'thor DEAR GOD NO
@randal'thor Lemme get a sock in here.
@ArtOfCode Or I could test it on Capy ;-)
@CapyStenchbeast Oh hello Gamow!
8:10 PM
OK, sock is here. Kick me.
You made your sockbot an owner? :-o
Aye, because it's the easy way to grant access
That's what it looks like
8:12 PM
Aaand I'm back. If you kick again, it goes up to 5 minutes.
London Pantomimers?
Maybe that's a lesson to learn for Mos Eisley: the room description should be something more ... descriptive than "General discussion for SFF.SE"
@CapyStenchbeast I run their website
The title of this tab still shows as "Teachers' Lounge" for me
@randal'thor reload
8:13 PM
@randal'thor In Slytherincess' words, "we will be exceedingly lucky if we come out of this with any chat room at all". :(
@ArtOfCode Don't want to; it's more fun this way
She's fighting for Mos Eisley's life right now.
The closure of Most Eisely probably didn't help her negotiating position.
@CapyStenchbeast Read Meta. Mos's freeze is temporary, according to Shog himself.
@ArtOfCode Who do you think she's negotiating with?
8:17 PM
from what I hear the other two chatroom closures were both a user flagging their own comments as a way of deleting them after some time limit expired; it was a very dumb move but totally unrelated to the issues that the mods are so upset about
@CapyStenchbeast Shog, I'd guess.
do we even know that Slytherincess is "negotiating" anything? that's the first I've heard of this
@CapyStenchbeast If we don't end up with any chat room at all, the main users will only congregate somewhere else.
The Screening Room, maybe
Anyway, time to find something to eat. Later, don't burn the house down ;)
@Ixrec Yes. Dumb move but also dumb mods.
8:18 PM
Off Topic closed after I flagged something (for moderator intervention) in Trash because DVK insisted I do so. Nothing was flagged in Off Topic.
@Ixrec Capy has private channels of communication with her :-)
@Ixrec I got an email from Her Highness.
sound slike we're done testing stuff so I'll go back to being a mushroom in the Cantina
@Ixrec She actually said "practically begging", not "negotiating", but the point is the same.
8:20 PM
^ hacking is fun ;-D
Someone show that to Doorknob.
8:33 PM
I've wanted to post that gif in chat for weeks.
@randal'thor - I just saw the "rename Mos" post. I agree with your answer, but I also wish I could post my own answer: "The Taco Stand". :(
@CapyStenchbeast You agree with which answer?
I'll post "the Taco Stand" if you want, but it's not SFFy and will probably get downvoted to hell.
The right one. "Mos Eisley".
I know it would be downvoted, but it still needs to be suggested. :)
I don't really want it to be accepted, I just want to post it.
I would be grateful if you could post it on my behalf.
@CapyStenchbeast OK, I will. It will get mega-downvoted though. In fact I'd downvote it myself if it wasn't me posting it :-)
Thanks, brother. And thanks for keeping me company while I'm in exile.
My pleasure :-)
No sign of Buffybot, btw?
8:43 PM
No, sadly.

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