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Ever warsh a furret in yer warshing machine?
@Pureferret Watership Down came up for heated discussion if it was on topic just because it had talking animals. I figured the best compromise was to make all talking animal stories except Watership Down on-topic.
FYI: the actual consensus was that it was on-topic, not because it had talking animals, but because one of them way psychic or something.
one of them had (accurate) visions of the future, slightly different
Q: Was "Sleep No More" the first Doctor Who episode without the theme music and credits?

Meat TrademarkThe Doctor Who episode "Sleep No More," season nine, episode nine, only had a brief highlight of the words "Doctor Who" on the screen, not the usual theme music and crazy title-sequence. Is this the first time that's been done on either the new (2005) series or the old (1963) series? I can't reme...

though I still think calling Watership Down sci-fi or fantasy is a bit of a stretch
I bumped four or five more Sorting Hat questions. Remaining are the three closed ones scifi.stackexchange.com/q/105267/4918 , scifi.stackexchange.com/q/11442/4918 , scifi.stackexchange.com/q/64458/4918 , plus probably like five more questions that I haven't found yet.
@Ixrec I find that saying one whole book or one whole film is on or off-topic is to large a brush
you'd prefer to judge each individual rabbit separately?
In a ferret-based tower defense game you build Furrets to defend against invading predators
A Furret Maze
@Pureferret I agree, lets go page by page.
"I'm sorry, Chapter 4 of A Feast For Crows is off-topic because the writing is terrible."
@MikeEdenfield That's not page by page.
Ooh, if we go by the page we toss out most of LotR
a lot of Batman goes out the window too
as do the random romantic subplots in everything ever
@Ixrec Wheel of Time becomes a single, reasonable novel.
@CreationEdge wheel of time wasn't that bad
@ryan Well, if you go page-by-page, most pages don't contain magic.
They're more likely to contain descriptions of livery or sigils
@CreationEdge I liked that though, made me feel like I was in the world
Not just following a narrative of some crazy dudes actions.
Hey, I love the series, but the descriptions of "the help"'s clothes made me snooze
I just can't retain details like that, so I'd gloss over any time that'd happen
Q: Why was Sifo dyas part of the separatists

Jack RadforthAfter watching the star wars films I read some extra background details which said General Grevious was Sifo dyas. When the cloners are questioned about who ordered the creation of the army they said "Jedi Master Sifo Dyas" so were they decieved or did Sifo Dyas turn against the Jedi order?

@CreationEdge Fun Wheel of Time game: count how many pages are spent in which one character or another is bathing and/or brushing their hair, vs. how many pages the uber-wizards spend casting uber-magic.
To be fair, bathing and hair brushing is more common an activity than uber-magic.
@MikeEdenfield I do wish there was more of Rand doing stuff like saving that army in the borderlands
Yeah, there needed to be more Rand destroying stuff
Lost a repcaps worth of rep today
Like that fight with the Deathgates.
@CandiedMango ?
@CreationEdge too many upvotes :(
@CreationEdge deathgates were scary
like not only are you perfectly chopped in half, but then you fall through a gate into nothingness
still alive cause the power sealed your wounds
@CandiedMango Oh. I thought you meant lost lost, not wasn't able to earn
@ryan you mean when he re-invented a half dozen new weaves on the fly because he could?
@ryan there definitely wasn't enough of that.
@CreationEdge Lost to the ether
@ryan Didn't the gates just return them nearby, but since they're Shadowspawn they just die, even if otherwise unharmed?
@MikeEdenfield When he saved Rodel Ituralde
I thought the deathgates were spinning, too.
Finally remembered his name
so they would have chopped you up to pieces
@CreationEdge shadow spawn would dissolve cause it was a gate, but darkfiends could fall through them
@MikeEdenfield they were spinning, but parallel to the ground not perpendicular
i misread then.
They open and close quickly, and move, but I don't think they spin.
and my understanding of gates was that they were like super thin
Wiki says output location is random
@ryan They are 2-dimensional, essentially
@CreationEdge yea
couldn't be seen from the side
Though the description of Aviheda pulling one apart was pretty cool
@CreationEdge I'm pretty sure this wiki page isn't complete
And of course the deconstruction of a weave wasn't ever used again
"The familiar silvery-blue vertical streaks appeared, spaced out not far from the manor house, ground Rand knew well, rotating into—not openings, but the misty back of a gateway, four paces by four. Rather than remaining open, they rotated shut again, opening and shutting continuously. And rather than remaining fixed, they sped toward the Trollocs. Gateways and yet not. Deathgates."
Ah, the rotation... It's how gates normally open, right? But it's like how a propeller rotates, not how a top spins.
@CreationEdge yea
they are always described as starting out as a line and then rotating open.
That whole section using the word "spinning" a lot, but it's in reference to spinning weaves/webs, not the gates themselves spinning. Just that opening rotation
@CreationEdge huh, that's probably what I'm remembering then
And to be fair the deathgates are cool, but what happens with the male a-dam is the important part
I need to reread everything post-cleansing again.
Anyway, I'm headed home shortly. Seeya later.
@ryan Have you seen the patch 2.4 for D3 notes?
@ryan I always imagined them as a vertical line that "spins" open as if it was rotating vertically.
and that the Deathgates were "spinning" in that sense as they moved.
like a 2-d flat plane spinning in 3-d
@CandiedMango I haven't, I've been playing GW2 lately
@ryan that's not true; at least 3 people tried to deconstruct a weave IIRC;
@ryan I'm like level 9 on GW2 I played it once and enjoyed it but have just never found the effort to pick it up again
@MikeEdenfield I think I pictured them the same way but for some reason deathgates I pictured opening parallel to the ground.
@MikeEdenfield oh? who were the other two?
Aviendha did the first one and it worked.
then I think Elayne or Egwene tries to do one and it fails miserably and blows up and the Children of Light think it's some kind of weapon
well worked as in blew an entire valley up
you've finished the series, right?
Aviendha tries to do a third one at the end and she messed up and turns Graendel into a vegetable
Oh yea
forgot about that one
last several books have so much stuff in them
need to read them again
Though here's something that's bothered me... do you think that R. Jordan would of had Egwene die like that?
Yes. Absolutely.
I'm 100% positive that scene was practically written already. it's too important
and too perfectly parallels balefire
"Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope. [...] Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose... against statistically long odds."

Read more: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/KnightsOfTheOldRepublicIITheSithLords#ixzz3rhNftbvF
@MikeEdenfield That's true
Morning all; your friendly Command EMH reporting for duty!
Q: Harry Potter and the Snake at the Zoo

Sarah FisherI watched the harry potter movies before I read the books and just realised on my second read of the philosopher's stone that harry has 0 reaction to being able to communicate with a snake, unlike in the film where he says "can you hear me?" with slight shock (this under-reaction bugs me too but ...

Seems quiet here.
I will be in and out for a few hours. I will leave my chat panel open if anyone needs me.
Q: Why the "doughnut gambit" saved Dresden?

YasskierIn "Small favor", Harry has to fulfil the task for Winter Queen Mab and save Marcone and Archive/Ivy. At the same time the Summer Queen Titania sends her assassins champions to kill him as a payback for the death of Summer Lady Aurora. When confronted by the Eldest Gruff (that seconds before swa...

@TheDoc Quick, guide me home commander
@CandiedMango Second star on the right and straight on till morning ;)
Oh wait - it is morning!
Send help!
@CandiedMango Sending help...
@Can there is a nice healthy dose of help ^
@The cat is totally planning his revenge
250 rep lost to the cap
Are you sure that a cat @Can plan revenge?
@CandiedMango, got distracted, so was there anything cool in the 2.4 notes?

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