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@randal'thor - many a question limited to "we should keep it" vs "we should Chan it"
Chan? You mean @alexwlchan?
Oops I just repeated a previous message
@steelerfan i didnt drink more then 3 beers last night, it was a dam shame. Ibe been hiding out from chat till this all blows over though haha
@randal'thor lol sure
@All, whoa, where have I been?
@ThePopMachine You missed all the 'fun'?
Better go and check meta. Hopefully it should tell you all you need to know.
Q: Are Nerdanel,Maedhros, Amrod and Amras the only Redheaded Elves?

FingolfinAre the they the only Elves or at least Noldor that bear Red hair?

@randal'thor the problem is that we're never going to agree on any other name because there's not enough of a majority of any one fandom.
having said that I'd go with The Ta'veren just because.
I also love how more people upvoted Shog's meta answer than actually use chat
@MikeEdenfield YES!!!
Now why didn't I think of that
because it's silly and perfect
@MikeEdenfield what measure are you using for people that actually use chat?
@MikeEdenfield TARS/Napoleon said we should come up with a name that's not fandom-specific, but nobody's managed so far (aside from the boring "SFF chat")
@MikeEdenfield Probably a whole bunch of foreign mods.
I think The Nexus, The Dark Tower and The Ta'veren are all non-fandom-specific
unless I'm missing references
@Ixrec Yes, you are.
Ta'veren is WoT
And I think the Dark Tower is a specific work too (Stephen King?)
there are a lot of works that have a Dark Tower in them
that's like saying The Nexus must be a Starcraft reference
True (including LotR)
The word ta'veren was invented by Robert Jordan though
I concede that one is not as generic as it initially looked to me
Q: What language does Neri from "Ocean Girl" speak?

tmhIn the 1994 Australian sci-fi series "Ocean Girl", the main character Neri comes from a different planet, along with her sister Mera and possibly other characters (I don't remember exactly). Were there any scenes where Neri, Mera or other characters from the Ocean Planet speak in their native la...

A Mortarboard badge on meta? I'm surprised that's even possible.
@randal'thor I did that on MSE the other day.
@ArtOfCode Yes, but MSE has rep. Per-site metas don't. If you can't earn rep, how can you hit the repcap?
virtual repcap?
@randal'thor OK, it wasn't MSE. I know I got a Mortarboard on a meta
There is virtual rep, yeah.
it certainly tracks how many votes you get on your meta posts
Is there any way of tracking how much virtual rep we have?
wow, someone flagged a picture of Hitler in another chat room
and said it portrayed another user's personality
yeah that bit was bad
it hadn't happened yet when I first said that
Aaaaaand they got their room shut down.
I don't think "they" did, nobody knows who flagged 90% of those messages just now
Someone is STILL flagging.
Maybe the Mos Eisley flag-troll moved over to GameDev?
which just shows the flagging system very badly needs a way to remove people's ability to flag
anyway, we are mushrooms, let's go back to talking about sci-fi
What's the best sci-fi book about mushrooms?
Mushrooms from outer space?
Sounds vaguely Wyndham-esque...
@Ixrec just that I've never seen more than ~30 people in chat at once and that included a lot of outside mods, yet 41 people upvoted.
oh it's at 41 now
yeah you're right, that's gotta be way more people
even if you account for the people that move in and out during the day I'm struggling to come up with 41 regular chat users
@randal'thor I'm trying to think of an ST or DW episode involving mushrooms but coming up empty
Googling "Doctor Who mushrooms" just gives this: tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Halitosis_Mushroom
Sorry, didn't mean to kill chat by linking to one of the most hated episodes of Stargate ever
my Stargate experience is very piecemeal so I must've missed that one
It's dreadfully slow, but an interesting concept.
They didn't try anything quite like it again, though.
Too sci-fi, not enough action
Can you see flags in any chat room?
@SSumner 10k+ users and mods can see offensive flags anywhere.
Mods can see offensive and mod flags anywhere.
Room owners can see offensive flags in their room.
this feels like the first time in quite a while I saw more than 2 flags in a single day
Today is a busy day for flags.
Q: A Book I Read as a Teen

Stephen JohnsonSo around 20 years ago I read a book and hope to find it again. I have very slight memory of what happened except one scene. This will be paraphrased. A young boy is at a relatives house. The house goes dark and he gets a flashlight from on top of the fridge. He finds a pull on the table and tak...

@ArtOfCode Is that 10K chat rep you mean?
@CreationEdge 10k network wide rep, yeah
@CreationEdge yes, chat/network rep
What other chat privileges are there?
none, afaik
flag validator, room owner, mod about covers it
Sounds about right
and you can be any combination of those three
There's also the ability to make 'gallery' chatrooms
I think that's a per-site 10k ability rather than overall 10k
plus of course the ability to chat (20?)
@randal'thor 1000 network rep
@randal'thor yeah, 20
@randal'thor aye, 20 network
@ArtOfCode Are you sure? It's listed as an ability on each site.
@Obie interesting question
@randal'thor Um. shrug - it might be per-site. Chat can certainly do per-site privileges. But it's definitely 1000.
We had a lot of Aussie kids TV in England
@ArtOfCode Tempted to change my parent site to Worldbuilding and test it...
@randal'thor Try it.
This is the printer one I remember
A: Live action Australian/New Zealand superhero kids show from mid-2000s

PureferretThe show is Legacy of the Silver Shadow. Josh, Alex, Campbell and Gretel are thrown together when they discover the underground headquarters of the Silver Shadow, a long-forgotten dead superhero. Although defeated in the 1950s by his arch enemy, the Crab, the Silver Shadow lives on as a digi...

@ArtOfCode I changed it, but I can't remember how to set up a room...
@randal'thor I've just refreshed your profile, so now it's definitely on WB. On chat.stackexchange.com/rooms, scroll to the bottom and find create a new room.
@Obie is this two questions?
@ArtOfCode Thanks!

 Room for Rand al'Thor and Capy Stench

Mainly for testing RO powers
It's been just me and blues in here for the last while
@Ixrec Just to check, can you talk in that room?
I cannot
I have humbly requested permission to talk in your glorious room
hammers accesses
The awful, noisy, partying neighbor across the hall was evicted.
And since then our upstairs neighbor has seemingly decided to be a lot more noisy.
that's a bad thing?
oh more
not sure how I misread that
Yeah. It almost seems intentional, too. They knew the person who got evicted (although he technically wasn't on the lease, and shouldn't have been there at all), and I feel like they're being noisier almost as a revenge thing?
I dunno. I'm just paranoid. But the upstairs person had like 2 parties this whole semester before that, and has one each weekend since then.
I have 5 votes left today on meta. All I've voted on is the renaming chat room question -__-
How do you see remaining votes ?
I think it's on your profile somewhere?
It will just give you a notification when you vote when you only have a few remaining
@CreationEdge You get auto-messages when you have 5 or less votes remaining
I don't think it's on the profile unless you wanted to manually count them
right, I'm thinking of flags and other stats
Here's a question: do you get more votes if a post you voted on is deleted?
I don't like the new name question as it stands. People upvote the question, which means "Yes, we need a new name", but then there's an answer that's "No, we don't", and then a bunch of answers that get a split of the "Yes, we do"
@ixrec - yeah, and flags are weird cause you get more of them the more you flagged. So if you flag a lot in one day, you could conceivably get extras on that same day
Right now the question itself is tied with the "No, leave it alone" answer. What does that mean, then?
@CreationEdge yeah It's weird
I'd still be in favor of deleting the "leave it alone" answer and moving the yes/no aspect to a separate question
then you still have the existing unambiguous votes on which alternative name would be best
That's what I think needs to be done, too.
@randal'thor You appear to have been outvoted
Of course, we can't do that now
Because people who want it to stay Mos Eisley have also been downvoting everything else to oblivion.
Since it was all coupled together.
If I want to find specific information from J. K. Rowling interviews, it's easier to search Sci Fi SE than to search interviews. I declare this site a success.
You can't uncouple it and keep the same results.
@b_jonas That's good! Interview databases can be hard to search.
Theoryland has a decent one for Wheel of Time, but it's still pretty clunky and returns too many results
This is specifically for JKR interviews. I don't know about any other author.
Also, I like how we now have questions about Dexter's Laboratory and Powerpuff Girls.
@b_jonas Thanks to @Himarm.
I'm trying to come up with a Power Rangers one that doesn't seem like I'm just too lazy to get the info myself
@b_jonas ive got more coming up!
Even though I'm just too lazy to get the info myself.
@Himarm great
@randal'thor Yes, I missed all the fun. What is up with people?
@ThePopMachine Read the pinned messages over there ---------->
and the recent posts on meta
and check the list of users ranked by total reputation (I know you're not interested in rep, but believe me, do it)
@randal'thor That doesn't really work on the main site.
@CreationEdge It has Thaddeus on the top.
That's enough to say a good deal that we shouldn't really talk about.
@randal'thor scary, yes
I hope this won't last too long
Only a week.
I may have to start posting again, if Richard is going to keep on repcapping.
I suspect his fans may be upvoting lots of his stuff to keep him 'in the black'.
Anyway ... moving swiftly along ...
I see at least two high-rep users are temporarily suspended
hi everyone :)
@b_jonas Three 20k+ users. Only for a week though. And we shouldn't be talking about it :-)
Howdy Mac
@randal'thor Sure. Ok, now I'll spend the time wondering who the third one is.
hows it goin'?
@MacCooper We're surviving.
Trying to talk about SF&F, for the most part.
I know one high-rep user had left the site, but that was way before this problem.
hah :D i popped in the other day, was planning on showing up in chat more regularly, and then stuff happened. figured if i didnt jump into chat soon i never would xD
If I see someone unfamiliar with high rep, is there a way to check what their previous usernames and/or avatars were?
Greetings and well met, gentle sentients.
I think I'm mostly familiar with the people who post about Harry Potter.
@b_jonas, news to me that one can even change on'es username xD hey there thaddeus
@MacCooper You can. And many people do.
@randal'thor, okay, I have gleaned two.
The suspensions are neither an issue to be discussed, nor are they for very long.
Let us dwell on more interesting and less scandal-laden ones.
such as whether Keen suspended himself for science or not? :P
@b_jonas In chat you can, because old usernames stay visible there: you can find years-old chat posts by "a Slytherin" instead of Slytherincess, for instance.
On the main site, your best hope is to look for comments notifying them, since those will say "@[old-username]".
@Thaddeus Sure, let's get on-topic :-) Has anyone read the 5th wave series?
If so, would they recommend it?
@randal'thor Ok, I'll try that.
5th Wave. Sorry, can't say that I have.
Should I?
Ok, now I'm ashamed. That user has a chat reply to me from 2013, yet I don't remember him.
A chat reply about Harry Potter.
Looking at the plot synopsis from Wikipedia, I would probably pass.
It is favorably linked to books like Twilight or the Hunger Games, series I did not personally enjoy.
@Thaddeus I don't know. I answered a question about it on the site recently, and wondered whether it's good.
(Under the same username as now.)
hmm, should I watch more Parasyte or more DW...
@Thaddeus I enjoyed both of those (only read Twilight some years ago, admittedly). As Slytherincess would say, YMMV :-)
@randal'thor i love when that happens. Answered a question about a book you've never read xD i did the same with a LOTR question and felt guilty for the rep haha
If I have to read about one more dystopian, apocalyptic future where a teenager saves the world, while adults stand around wondering what to do, I might have to cut somebody.
@Thaddeus have u tried Un Lun Dun?
No. Is it more of what I just described?
@MacCooper That's my speciality :-D
@Thaddeus I totally feel you on this
no, its quite the opposite. sure, i mean a teenager does do MOST the big stuff on account of it being a YA, i mean we follow through her eyes, BUT the adults are incredibly active and do a lot.
Then I may consider it. The clueless adult meme is just about done in my book.
and without the adults the protagonist would be utterly utterly useless and dead haha. yeah i just had to read it these last couple weeks for uni, was pleasantly surprised
<mutters to himself> Hundred year old vampire chasing a teenage girl. Ugh. Disgusting AND disturbing...
Q: What has happened to intelligent dethclaws?

YasskierFallout 2 introduced an unexpected twist: the dangerous deathclaws after exposure to FEV were becoming intelligent,with average intelligence level of human 8 year old (but i.e. Goris seems to be smarter than average human). Fallout Tactics were extending this idea, introducing those deathclaws as...

@Thaddeus That's the best thing I've read all day.
@Thaddeus sometimes I watch you while you sleep, in secret. - Bella - you are so romantic!
@Thaddeus we had a terryfing lecture about Twilight at beginning of the year, tangentially. was terryfing because the lecturer was Will Self. One does not argue with Will Self
Although, I do enjoy the YA genre. The point is that the adults are clueless, from the youth's perspective, and that's why it's appealing to them.
I am writing a YA serial and the adults are NOT clueless. They are terrifying and without their help, the young protagonist would not survive the night.
The only criteria to call something YA is the main character is 11-18 years old.
@CreationEdge I've always assumed this is why that trope is omnipresent, but it really makes me worry whether there's some truth to that perspective or if most young adults really are that biased against their elders
But it helps if the adults are also clueless idiots.
Hey @JackBNimble, I have an essay I want to put on the Blog...would you like to look at it?
@Ixrec I think it also represents the idea that our children, or youth, will surpass us, and in such books they do what we can't. Their the culmination of us.
this is an interesting place to hang around, considering I have coursework due in soon :P
So from the YA's perspective, we're meant to do things that our parents couldn't. To be better, or take action.
keep talking, pretend im not taking notes ;)
that I can totally get behind
It is lazy writing, @CreationEdge.
@Thaddeus yes.
but that doesn't require the adults to be totally useless
imo Star Wars is an example of the young guy surpassing the old guy, with the old guy not being useless
As a writer and a parent, I can freely admit, my goal is to make my son as awesome or even more so than I am.
But such ability does not happen on its own.
It has to be guided, trained, and prepared for.
@Ixrec Old guy was pretty much useless, and died right away.
Clueless adults produce clueless children.
@CreationEdge he saved Luke and the other characters multiple times before dying to Vader
Harry potter adults are neither clueless nor worthless.
Except in book five ( harrys opinion)
No they are not. Which is why I did not include it in my list of offenders.
The adults in Potter are stellar.
Oh I didn't see the lid, and I'm on mobile
Yeah, I dunno where the adults are clueless. I haven't read much YA lately, but generally the adults seemed to have purposefully created the situation where the children have to take center stage. That was the plan.
I hope a series of unfortunate events made your list. Almost unreadable for an adult
I think what makes Un Lun Dun so good in this regard, is that the kids go into this sorta otherworld (ala Alice in Wonderland). So they're utterly dependant on the local adults on being somewhat useful. Their own parents do utter bugger all (tho they know nothing of the situation and are around for maybe 4 pages)
@JackBNimble - here you go: quora.com/Superman-creative-franchise/…
The Wikipedia notation for Un Lun Dun made it seem interesting enough for me to seek it out.
might be back later guys gonna go shower. cyas
Take care.
and yah i would recommend it. 66pence at waterstones market :D tata
Q: What was wrong with the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back?

Dr R DizzleFor large parts of Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, the Millennium Falcon in in pretty poor condition. Han and Chewie are desperately trying to fix it in Hoth while the Empire is attacking the Rebel base, and throughout the rest of the film it struggles to go into Hyper Drive. But w...

Update on my Star Wars viewing: We've finished all of the Originals (Eps 4-6) and have now finished Ep 1 as well...
Not bad...
@Mooz I watched the OT last night. Was much better than I expected it tobe!
@Obie Chewie's just welding a damaged lifter isn't he?
Ahhh..the smell of Arc welder and singed Wookie hair...
@DrRDizzle Yah, I didn't fall in love with it, and now I wish that I had watched it when I was younger... I could totally see myself loving it becoming a huge fan. [Not this type]
@Thaddeus that looks like a great article, I think I would be great on this site as well
@Mooz You're ahead of us! Only had my wife watch 4 and 5 so far.
@Mooz Shame about the prequels though. Still, I'm pretty pumped for December 17th now!
@CreationEdge "They" say you should watch it in Machete order. Now I wish I had...
Machete order?
Q: Reading order of Warhammer Fantasy Time of Legends Books?

Anthol KinsidiousAnyone have a reading order for the time of legends books?

A: In what order should the Star Wars movies be watched?

Owen BlackerI just read a very good blog post arguing that Machete Order is the best way to watch them: Next time you want to introduce someone to Star Wars for the first time, watch the films with them in this order: IV, V, II, III, VI. Notice something? Yeah, Episode I is gone. The blog post its...

Glad you like it @JackBNimble
@Mooz I'd just recommend not watching the prequels. They add literally nothing to the story.
Answer to all order questions, by length longest to shortest
@DrRDizzle Lol. We've watched Ep 1 so far. I'm not dissatisfied so far. Although, I was expecting it to be horribly horrible.
@JackBNimble Alphabetical, duh!
@Mooz "No pod racing." But that was a fun game!
@Mooz I've said it before and I'll say it again - the majority of ideas that Lucas had for the prequels and the overarching concept for them isn't bad. But he is a bad director and a worse writer, and as such the execution of the prequels... leaves something to be desired.
@DrRDizzle I see. It helps that I'm expecting something shockingly-bad. Lower expectations and all...
@DrRDizzle I do fine the pod race in Ep 1 fun.
And young Anakin in general.
@Mooz I don't think you can actually lower your expectation enough to make Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith an enjoyable experience, but I wish you the best of luck.
@DrRDizzle The Darth Maul v. Obie Wan and Qui-Gon was fun to watch.
@DrRDizzle But... we see Anakin fall into lava in a fight with
how can that be bad?
I enjoy the original trilogy, but I don't by any means think that they're great, or even great stories.
We were astounded at how good the graphics and stuff seemed in the originals... 1977 was Ep 4.
@Mooz So badass. But it isn't Star Wars.
I think my enjoyment of them was bolstered by the EU, if anything.
Do you have plans for episode 7 yet? I'm going to watch it after Christmas.
@Mooz £10 says you watched the digital remasters.
@b_jonas Released day for me. I want to review it ASAP
@DrRDizzle The one with Obi Wan's force ghost appearing in the celebrations?
@DrRDizzle I think so...
@Mooz Was there a scene between Han and Jabba, with Boba Fett nearby in Mos Eisley?
@DrRDizzle I want to watch it together with my brother, and that's when he visits. (He visists for Christmas, but we can't go to the cinemas during Christmas, so it's after.
@b_jonas I can't remember. I watched the theatrical releases last night, for the most part.
@DrRDizzle In Ep 1?
@Mooz In A New Hope.
The jabba and HAn scene was cut in original theatrical release...
Who shot first?
@KerrAvon Yup.
@b_jonas Lucas
@DrRDizzle In some ---aeroplane spaceship hangar?
@Mooz Yup.
@DrRDizzle Yes there was.
And then Kirshner
@Mooz It's just - - - without the spaces either side.
@Mooz Yup, digital remasters
@b_jonas Totes looked like the other guy (alien)
@Mooz In the original, Greedo didn't even shoot. Han just murders him. It's badass.
And then marquand
@DrRDizzle Now I don't know what to believe. I feel like I've been tricked or something.
@Mooz You have. By George Lucas.
Aren't there three different versions of ep4 though?
Is Ep 7 by George Lucas as well?
@Mooz not in the slightest
He sold off the rights and company
Reportedly he's refusing to see any of it until it's released
@b_jonas Loads more. The theatrical release was tweaked as time went on, never mind the countless additions and subtractions and remasters and rereleases since.
@Pureferret Ha! Interesting... Interesting...
@DrRDizzle I see.
@DrRDizzle Keep in mind that some tweeks where for the better....
@KerrAvon Like?
As for episode 7, is it known whether R2D2 and C3PO has significant roles in it (as opposed to only a cameo)?
...blacker space scenes in composite shots.
@KerrAvon I cannot imagine that mattering either way.
..gave depth to space in cockpit scenes.
...hmmm...s'pose so - but when you see before and after, I for one appreciated the re-master.
I hope they will. That would make it feel connected to the series.
@KerrAvon I'll happily take slightly poorer special effects in areas if it means the story isn't butchered, and important shots altered to include things that no one asked for. As for this monstrosity, the less said the better.
@DrRDizzle Amen, brother.
It's a win-win situation though. Where the film is good, you enjoy the film, where it's bad, you enjoy Darths & Droids parodying it.
Oh! Now I know who the third suspended user is.
With very high rep, that is.
@b_jonas Yupp, and remember, it's best not to talk about it (at least until they're back).
Sorry, you're right.
most of the changes that were for the better (excluding effects cleanups) were restorations of scenes
like biggs
the addition of more aliens and bustle around mos eisley were generally good too. it made it feel like the spaceport it was supposed to be.
@b_jonas Nah, all good. I'd hate to see you (or anyone) fall into [easily avoided] controversy.
@phantom42 I'd love to see the "real" versions for comparison.
Q: Name of a show about kids in simulation - samurai and cat dude

FluffABunIt's about these kids who go in a simulation and have to fight monsters and stuff. One of them is a samurai and another is a cat dude and the last is a guy who is not in the sim and is helping them. If you know what I am talking about, please help me.

Q: Left handed wizards in HP

DirkIf I recall the scene in which Harry Potter buys his wand correctly, he is asked if he is right or left handed and this makes me wonder: Are there left handed wizards in Harry Potter? (Either described in the books or seen in the movies.)

the jabba restoration was a good idea but jabba 2.0 was terrible.
@phantom42 Disagree. It was noise, nothing more.
@phantom42 Also disagree. The scene isn't required in any way.
very few scenes are ever "required". it's a matter of what/if they bring to the table
@phantom42 And I don't think it brings anything to the table.
the han/jabba scene builds up han's smooth talking. jabba is here pretty much to have him killed. han smooth talks his way out of it
is it "required", of course not, but it helps flesh him out a bit more.
@phantom42 Did you not understand that Han Solo was a smooth-talker from the original film?
@DrRDizzle did you not understand when i said "a bit more"?
@phantom42 But that's my point. It's a waste of time in an otherwise really focused and tight film.
@phantom42 So much fun to read!
like i said, not required. slightly helpful, and it doesnt hurt or contradict anything except my eyes from the terrible CG.
the one scene that should have been restored/reinserted for the SE, wasn't: when 3po removes the warning sign from the door in echo base on hoth, and the snowtroopers are killed by wampas.
@phantom42 I kinda want to see this now
We're talking about sci-fi? Am I in the right room?
that scene makes no sense, but I love how Vader just looks at the door then walks away
@CandiedMango I also answered a question today, so nothing makes sense right now
@Ixrec So, when are the Horsemen showing up?
probably when I repcap here
Looks like everyone is playing nice this evening.
Then I shall take my leave. My Playstation has taken almost two hours to load Destiny.
This game better knock me out of my socks.
@Thaddeus the wifi on my ps3 is crap. somethings always been wrong with it. it took me over a day to download okami hd
I see.
@Thaddeus If you really want story from it, go find the grimoire cards online (there's a huge list somewhere) They have the main amount of story for the game.
I thought that's why I bought a disk from the store.
I won't need it for the story, I am crazy creative enough already.
Good thing you got destiny then!
"or herself, a couple of times"
wait, the possibility of time lords regenerating into females was canon as early as S6? no one told me this!
I really enjoyed the game up until I need to sink more time into finding people to play with than playing the game.
If I ever get freetime again I'll probably go back to D3
Patch 2.4 is sounding pretty fun
The game is pretty good now!
It's no D2, but it's really fun now that you can find your own items...
"Every Ancient item you have equipped increases your damage by 800 per cent and reduces your damage taken by four per cent." It further said, "These are bound to spur an untold number of never explored builds, especially for those of you who'd like to explore the boundaries beyond six-piece class sets."
@Himarm ^

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