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A: What's the meaning of "wrestle with one's own conflicting votes on something"

CluelessJoeJacksonThe justices do not always agree, and judges can even be inconsistent in their votes between cases. For example, a judge may vote in favor of abortion because a woman has a right to choose what she does with her own body based on the right to privacy, but then vote against euthanasia although so...

The similarity of one case to another is in the eye of the beholder.
@VictorBazarov Do you have to provide some argumentative and critical point to everything I say? Is this how you rack up your reputation?
Of course. Did you think that I racked up my reputation by answering questions satisfactorily?
As a new user, that seems to be the case. Is your goal intentionally to drive people away by stalking them, and then being critical and argumentative about everything they say? Your comment above adds NOTHING to the actual question of what is the meaning of the statement.
I'm just trying to rack up a little karma so I can better participate in the site by providing answers. However you seem to be doing nothing but stalking and harassing me. What's your major malfunction?
So, who's here to rack something up, now? Consider engaging your eyes, brain, before opening your mouth, in order to avoid doing so just to put your foot in it. The answers you give are of questionable quality, and I choose to question them. What you do about it is up to you. You can start giving better answers, for instance...
"Is this >how< you rack up your reputation?" Racking up karma isn't the issue in itself, it is the manner in which it is gained that I was critical of you for. Please do not misrepresent what I said.
FYI, my reputation does not change in the least when I write comments. It doesn't change even when somebody marks my comments as useful (unlike yours, BTW). My reputation only grows when somebody upvotes my answers, it shrinks (albeit less so) when somebody downvotes my answers. I don't downvote answers here, although I've been tempted, especially today. Try to spend your first days learning by observing rather than by making waves.
Naa, I'll probably just stop trying to use the site. Pompous douche bags such as yourself kind of spoil it.
{Shrug} Name calling will take you far, buddy.
Folks like yourself spoil the experience and usefulness of the site. Maybe you should take a little criticism yourself.
As soon as you are able to provide it, let me know.
Well, for one, as the seasoned user, I am surprised you haven't moved this discussion to chat. Why are you violating stack-exchange etiquette?
And second, you can stop stalking users and being critical of everything they say. Your first comment in this thread added nothing to the answer of the question. But you felt the need to chime in anyhow, as you had with the rest of my posts for the past twelve hours.
douche bag
1 hour later…
@CluelessJoeJackson I've looked at several of your answers, and Victor has only posted comments on a few of them. Moreover, I didn't find those comment blantently hostile or even overly critical. There's nothing wrong with using comments to point out that something could be interpreted in a different way. I don't see any evidence of "stalking".

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