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Heads up: site is gonna go down for a couple minutes in a bit here as we rename some db tables
... and all done
Q: April 13th New Feature Announcement

Kevin MontroseWork continues, including these new features... Privileges Three new privileges, along with a new section in the help page for them. Planned Stack Overflow rep limits for them are: Voting: 15 Commenting: 50 (you can always comment on your own content) Reviewing: 100 Displaying if a Propo...

1 hour later…
Just a wee bit repetitive.
Well that's SO's version of the "Hit the beaver"-game
@MSeifert are you referring to me? Yeah, it's a bug that needs squashed.
No actually I meant the childrens-game where you need to hammer the animal-beaver. Sorry.
@KurtisBeavers hmm, I guess I should revise my game ideas for the Documentation post-launch party...
now that the beaver's out of the bag, as it were.
I'm hovering over "flag for moderator" . . .
Hey, our job postings only promise not being poked with a sharp stick. There's nothing about hammers.
you should have a "Next Flag" that works exactly like that mentioned "Next tip" Button to optimize flagging efficiency.

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