@JAtkin Yes, there's six pending tag wiki edits. Did you skip them or review them already ? If you clicked "skip" on a suggested edit review, you won't see it again, but you will still see that orangey indicator thingie.
If you already reviewed them, but they still require more reviews from other people, you'll also see that.
@MSeifert Just add a bit of space between the version examples and maybe include some actual description with each will break it up better. Apart from that seems fine to me.
@Lankymart I'm not exactly sure what you mean. Sorry :( Do you mean adding text to this already long monster-example? I do have a pending edit there, do you think that makes things better/worse?
@MattSherman Since not all tags have a "Language appendix" I think that's up to the one who proposed the tag in the first place, for example docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/git (Just GIT)
@AdamLear Thanks, if you need any help reproducing it I think I can get it to crash again (it wasn't a problem until now :-) )
Windows 10, Firefox 45, Addons: Firebug, NoScript (but disabled on Stackoverflow pages). It happenes mostly if I edit more than one example. Especially if I move/add/remove those <-- if version ... -> and edit code (and comments starting with #)
I'll see in another topic if I can reproduce it easily
If I edit: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/python/201/… and remove in every "version" one part of the code-blocks and insert it after the code blocks it starts to get slow after each subsequent change! If I add to each version another line of code followed by a commented line of code # ... it laggs almost 1 second after every block-insertion.
If I repeatedly add/move code from/into version blocks it gets slower and slower and finally the warning comes
and I only edit the first "example" of the mentioned topic
I'm not sure that's comprehensive :(
and I'm using a rather old (2 years old budget-) laptop so it might also be the technology that's failing me.
We've got the usual bug fixes rolling out, but there have also been some new features in the past couple weeks.
First, a very highly voted feature-request...
Tab to indent in the Documentation editor
Tab now inserts four spaces where the character is (or at the start of each line, if two or ...
@MSeifert the current response to "will X come to Q&A?" is "we'll start thinking about it after Documentation 'works'." I don't want to rock the boat in Q&A too much while we're still figuring things out.
@KevinMontrose, the new tour page seems somewhat broken for me - the animated slideshow thingies don't work, and all of the big graphics are missing. On firefox 45, chrome works. Known problem ? or should I write a bug report on the site ?
I wonder how much time you guys put into ensuring things work consistently across browsers ? I guess that things like this (or even things like Unikong) would take quite a lot of time to get working consistently
For Unikong it took about 30 minutes to get working cross-browser. The framework we used basically took care of it, and then we needed a small bit of time to fix Safari and IE 11 doing weird crap anyway.
If I have a question about how a topic could/should be organized would it be best if I created 2 seperate drafts and ask on Q&A what they think is better or should I just do what I think is better?
yeah you can make the tag, but it's worth remembering that since is a private beta there may not be enough people around to help with it right now (might want to wait til docs is open on SO, basically)
the tags I imported were based on what folks had signed up for in the little google form thing-y
do you have a screen shot of your editor? Body would be the non-title bit of an example
little pencil is where to click to switch back to an example (while editing), the body is what the arrows are pointing to (the preview in the page, the editor on the bottom)
sometimes an example you've deleted is still saved (even though it's not visible) and that can prevent you from submitting the edit. docs-beta.stackexchange.com/questions/747/…
Maybe a stupid question, but - if a topic has improvement requests, and I edit the topic to satisfy the requests, and my edit gets approved, should I dismiss the requests?