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I just joined the beta and attempted my first edit, but I haven't found my way to where i can view the draft yet. (I know it won't be live until a couple people approve it.) Still learning my way around the UI, I guess.
@MonicaCellio Did you publish the draft? If so, it should go into the 'proposed changes' queue.
Oh, I see there's a "documentation" tab on my profile, which has one entry. Looking at it shows me the pre-edit version, though. On Q&A sites I think if you have submitted edits you still see them even if nobody else does, so that's what confused me.
We're just working on making it so that pending drafts stay in your 'my drafts' section until they've been approved. Should have that feature built out soon.
@KurtisBeavers I clicked on a "submit" button. I also tried "publish selected drafts" at one point but I didn't have any selected and don't see how to do that.
@KurtisBeavers oh cool.
And working on Worldbuilding site pitch!
@KurtisBeavers nice! :-)
(That was fast!)
Hoping to have it up tomorrow.
Wow, looking forward to it!
This is what I'm looking at and why I'm a little confused:
I got there via a review, voted to delete an example, and while I was there edited the other example ("curly brackets"). It's that edit that I don't know the fate of. Now it wasn't a big edit; I know not to do anything major for my very first try. If it's gone it's gone, but this is how we learn. :-)
So you're viewing a draft that has been submitted and is pending review.
You can retract and continue to edit it if you want to make more edits then submit them.
Once someone else reviews the proposed edit, it will be live.
We might need to rework some of the language to make that a little clearer.
Feel free to post a discussion question or feature request if you have any ideas.
Ok, thanks for explaining. I'm going to read some of the Q&A and think about whether there's a better way to present this. Still getting my feet wet!
Some things are parallel to Q&A and others function differently, partially because we wanted to try a few things out, and partially because of the multi-editor scenarios documentation presents.
Yup, some things will have to be different, after all.
I came across a series of examples -- that is, a set designed to be read in a particular order as they build on each other. But examples are presented in vote order, so I saw them out of sequence. I wonder how we should handle sequential examples like those.
happy to have your input though
Q: Allow custom ordering of examples

Maurice StamI propose the feature to be able to change the order (sorting) of the examples. It would allow the editor to build a natural understandable flow which makes it easier for the reader to scan the examples. Example Case: The Extension Methods topic. The example of 'Where to define extension meth...

Happy to help. My specialty is technical writing, not programming (I'm a competent programmer but not an expert), and I'm looking forward to seeing how I can contribute to a project like this.
@KurtisBeavers ah, thanks.
8 hours later…
@MonicaCellio I would love to read your opinion in the topic 'custom ordering of examples' as a technical writing expert!
3 hours later…
Hi guys
1 hour later…
@MonicaCellio [status-pluralization-bug]
@Maloubobola greetings
there is a broken link in the java "Need improvement" page
In front of "New example"
I open this question
Q: Improve link broken

MaloubobolaThe Improve link in front of the New example line is broken (redirect to 404). I think it happens because there used to be two differents lines related to the same topic. I improved one (which is now deleted) and change the title. The second line is still here but broken.

@AdamLear ^
will look/fix
1 hour later…
A: Allow custom ordering of examples

Monica CellioProgressive examples are very important in writing non-trivial documentation. I do this all the time in my technical writing, and the score-based voting confused me when I checked out this site for the first time yesterday. There are two wrinkles we need to deal with: Not all examples are par...

hi guys
There are not many active user on the beta site
@AdamLear any idea about this? docs-beta.stackexchange.com/questions/258/…
haven't had a chance to look, sorry. but it does sound like a fine thing to ping @KevinMontrose about, since he wrote the original version validation :)
ah, that expects a 2 column table; you added columns...
I suppose that should work, but then we have to determine Release Date somehow (it's assumed last column right now I think)
enforce it as the last column?
ah, it actually assumes 2nd column
I'm knee deep in reputation at the moment, I think the change would just be looping until dateCell.NextSibling is null though @AdamLear
Well I could rewrite it to make it to the second col for now
nah, we'll fix this
@KevinMontrose seems legit
I'll get that in, lemme just get to a stopping-ish point in search here
cool² :)
Q: What is about same topic in diffent documentations?

rekireJava and Android are similar because they use the same language just a different SDK. Here is an example which let me think about this: JSON-Parsing or processing. Those topics can been duplicated, but this is not really required how should such situations been handled?

@KevinMontrose @rekire fix pushed, gonna build it out in a minute here. Also, you have listed 3.0.x twice and that's gonna be the next error you hit. (Kevin, we should show what version is a dupe that caused the error. just a mental note for later.)
wow, I give up on typing forever.
yeah, good idea
Possible for anyone to see why something I posted got deleted? I want to make sure I know what I did wrong.
@Austin Can probably make a guess, anyway. Do you have a link handy?
Added something to the Java Strings page, docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/java/109/…
I probably didn't add it to the right spot or page to be honest.
What was it? an example?
An example of comparing Strings
> This change was automatically rejected 22 mins ago due to a conflict with another approved change.
We... need to do a better way to dig that up that doesn't involve going through a database query :)
This was the change that caused the conflict: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/806
It sure looks like our conflict detection is broken (cc @KevinMontrose)
here's what you submitted, @Austin - docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/805, feel free to toss it in again, looks like a good addition to me
yeah, that is busted
I'm going to bet there's a null vs. "" screw up there
Thanks for all the information, I submitted it again.
np np

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