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Q: January 13th New Feature Announcements

Kevin MontroseWe're back from the holidays, and not withstanding a few mishaps, back to work full speed on Documentation. Only a couple new things today. Documentation events in you User Profile You documentation activity is now exposed in your user profile, just like any other sort of activity. Java and...

Plus java and android are now open
What is the criteria for documentation? Java has a category, would it be possible to create one for Dart as well?
there's a one-to-one tag-to-docs mapping
hey all
right now we (like, Stack Exchange employees) are making the docs areas by hand, 'cause we're testing everything
something I can do?
i'm reading the "android" docs
we'll be building a way for users to "turn on" docs for particular tags eventually, without employee involvement
@webo80 they're brand new, so they're empty :) Lots to do.
@KevinMontrose know is a vague example, but I'm doing it the correct way?
yeah, it's a start
HI :)
^ you can also share drafts if you want feedback w/o having to actual propose a change (assuming you've got someone to share it with that is)
@RobAu greetings
Hello World!
On first sight the documentation overview is a bit confusing. But that may be caused by the little content (Java). Looking at the .NET documentation makes things clear to me.
@user714965 yeah, the initial state is a little... sparse. There's a little chicken-egg problem to work out there, we've made some drastic changes to the dashboard page during the beta based on actual use. I think we're closing in on a good end state though.
25 mins ago, by Kevin Montrose
we'll be building a way for users to "turn on" docs for particular tags eventually, without employee involvement
^ I'm envisioning whatever we build there prompting for some better starting stuff than "Hello World".
hello world :-)
@bjb568 of cause you are already here ;-)
1 hour later…
@rekire Without access >:(
@bjb568 you signed up for javascript iirc; we've only got java, android, .net, & c# up right now... if you want to change to one of those I can do it and you'll get an invite.
That is a little funny I found the beta site on Sunday and not I can access it
@KevinMontrose who can review those proposed changes?
anyone right now, since the site is a private beta
how can they be reviewed? they are not in the review queue...
will they be in the Suggested Edits queue?
nah, suggested edits is for Q&A; they're surfaced on the doc dashboard
ah there
is there a way to improve a propose? -> docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/675 this is a little weak
I am thinking about writing examples of all layouts here: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/android/drafts/1103 is is possible to give one example per layout implementation or one per topic?
@KevinMontrose I already put Java.
… but feel free to change it back to what it is.
For something like this docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/672 I'm not sure that 600 characters is enough to have a proper discussion with suggestions. It's not an edit - this is a first go at this page. Should we be treating these like a PR on Github where we'd discuss alternative ways of approaching it, or should we be thinking of this more like comments on a Stackoverflow post (which the 600 char limit seems to imply)?
Also: hello, world.
hello @AdamS
@bjb568 ah, google just appended those at the end... I bet my script only looks at first entry
I'll let you in for java
@AdamS closer to PR, though I see the point about the 600 char limit. Chosen rather arbitrarily.
I wouldn't say it's quite as exhaustive as a PR, as "approve then go propose a change" is more valid than "merge, then do a new PR" is
Ah @MrEngineer13 has gone ahead and rejected it for reasons similar to what I was thinking. This feels very final though - there's no way for me to now comment on this proposal, giving suggestions or expanding on the one rejection comment as to what should go in there.
(I think that was a decent example but certainly I believe a page on Gradle needs more context than just "this is what a Gradle file looks like")
I suppose I should just go ahead and write it myself - that feels like stealing points off rekire though? And then what happens if rekire writes a version that gets approved - would I propose my completely different version as an change?
Sorry for all the questions, I'm just looking for the right way to approach things :)
I started a little with gradle but I am lost too
@AdamS hmm, allowing comments on rejection doesn't seem crazy
but I have no idea why I cannot find that
I could see a "use draft as base" option that'd preserve attribution too
Yeah I linked to that above, rekire - I wanted to suggest some stuff but couldn't figure out a good way.
docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/690 <- here I started documentation layouts... is that okay or too less?
You mean using someone else's draft as a base and then proposing it?
btw I found a bug I will post it
@AdamS yeah, so you could reject a change but propose a better version that retained attribution. Unlike Q&A, Documentation doesn't care much about the "first" editor (ie. creator) all contributors are more or less equal.
@JarrodDixon's gonna look at allowing comments on rejected changes too
rekire I think that's a good example, but I think if I came looking for the "Layouts" documentation I'd want to know things like:
- how can I create a layout?
- when would I want to create a layout in code?
- what kinds of layouts are available?
- how does inflation work? (what is inflation?)
Then from there I'd give examples of the different linear layouts, frame layout, relative, etc.
Great Kevin! I tihnk that'll help prevent many back & forth proposal-rejection cycles. I also really like that you can see other peoples drafts when you go to start writing docs for a topic.
Q: Image uploads almost impossible

rekireI just tried to add a screenshot to an example but the upload button was not visible. Check this screenshot:

@AdamS I'll check what I can do :)
note: you can use draft multiple topics and submit them as a group
Sweet paint skills.
so if you end up doing something kind of big (like say all of Layouts), you don't have to fit it all into one page - assuming it makes sense to you to break it up.
That's a great feature - you can link the pages together?
for review, yeah
they either all get approved or all rejected
For something like the Hello, World page I was thinking you'd need to do something like that - for example it probably makes sense to have a separate page for setting up dev environment.
if you move examples around, or link to new topics (that are created by a draft in the group) it's required they be grouped (so you don't dupe examples or have dead links)
Ah I meant you can link from one draft topic to another (so I could link from Hello World draft to the Env Setup draft grouped in the same proposal).
yeah, also works
I forget if the sidebar accounts for link grouping yet... it might make you click two checkboxes - I know the example moving case is handled already.
(that's a dev tier image)
@bjb568 invite sent
hello all!
looking for guidance on how broad/specific we are supposed to aim for with topics?
didn't see that mentioned in the intro post
hi @KevinMontrose :)
Our rough guideline is "of general use (not so specific it'd only be of interest to a handful of developers), and can be demonstrated in 2-6 examples". I'm sure that's going to evolve over time, like on-topic did for Q&A.
ok, that's good information to start with, thanks!
i was looking at some of the Android requests and covering those well in 6 examples would be... a challenge
it's valid to reject requests, or to create multiple topics to cover them
24 mins ago, by Kevin Montrose
note: you can use draft multiple topics and submit them as a group
^ when you submit them they get reviewed as a group
ah, nice. yes, that will help with some, for sure. can those grouped topics be worked on collaboratively, or solo only?
Is there just one example per "topic"?
@rekire nah, multiple examples
I see no option to create a second one
@stkent right now just solo, though draft links are shareable - anyone can propose a change once a topic or example is created though
^ below the examples in the editor @rekire
Do I need to cancel my first example first?
you submitted it, if you retract it you can edit again (the yellow box)
retracting doesn't delete it, just removes from the changes queue
Hi guys ;)
will this still be visible of others?
about this here: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/672 how can I get back my markdown since I think it will be helpful anyway
drafts are always sharable, you don't have to submit them for others to see
right now getting markdown back is tricky... docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/android/drafts/1085 <- if you click side-by-side markdown you'll see it though
("use rejected draft as base" is a good solution to that too, now that I think about it...)
wtf? my linearlayout example is gone
Hooray! I have access! It looks like it's designed by a developer…
Ah my example is not gone just the html comment for formatting broke something
welcome to the train
@MaximillianLaumeister welcome :)
@KevinMontrose Thank you! It feels weird asking for an invite but I think it would be neat to contribute early, and I would be able to help with the tag as well as copy editing. On my sign-up form I had and , but from what I've read they are not up yet.
But I am mostly just dying from curiosity tbh
I'll queue you up for one in the coming couple of days, sending invites outside of the waves is a bit manual so it'll have to wait until I have a free moment
@KevinMontrose Thank you and sorry for the trouble!
Oh I didn't realise! Thanks for the early invite :)
@AdamS you were part of a wave (wave #4 technically)
first android wave though
hello there
Oh yes I misread that - completely skipped over "outside of the waves". Subconsciously trying to feel special I guess.
Well, seems like the good guys are here:) nice to see btw
Gotta go, night night boys!
@KevinMontrose If I wrote a markdown preprocessor to support docs-beta.stackexchange.com/questions/128/syntax-notation, would it get any traction, or is the idea DOA for reasons not known to me?
(question is really for anyone from SO, btw)
I think that's probably too complicated to expect folks to use, though we haven't fought it out internally yet.
Triage for pending bugs and feature-requests is something we're focusing more on now that we're approaching "planned feature"-complete, so I expect that'll get an official answer in the not crazy distant future.
A lot of internal fighting time has been dedicated to rep, which is thankfully settled now.
(until we actually ship it, then we get to deal with community feedback)
Thanks. Well, let's say I wanted to make it anyway (I do). Let's pretend you might want it. Would you have recommended I follow the pattern of the markdown processor you're using for SO now (daringfireball), or would you have recommended a different processor?
documentation is actually on commonmark.js, with a handful of extensions now
well, for clientside
commonmark.net for serverside; I've got the serverside in a repo somewhere... one sec
sorry yet another bug:
Q: The code formatting detection is broken

rekireI just wrote an example of a topic and the code highlighting worked fine in the preview but after saving it all was gone. If I try to play with <!-- language: lang-xml -->: The preview brakes totally and will been displayed as empty. Take this here as example: http://docs-beta.stackexchange.com...

awesome! thanks!
@rekire don't be sorry for breaking things, it's a beta!
@JarrodDixon should you find yourself with time today ^
One thing I do not understand can those topic not been accepted?
@rekire Say that again in different words? What topics?
that list here docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/… called as requested topics why are those still in the list. will they be there forever?
Those are topics that people think need to be created. They'll be removed from that list when either a) a topic is created based on the request; or b) someone dismisses the request
Your draft is waiting for review right now. If it's approved, the "request" will be completed and removed from the list.
ah I see
Check that out. Someone approved your draft, so the requests topics list has been updated. :)
Having said that... It seems to me that we should resolve the request when the draft is submitted and restore if if/when the draft is rejected, same as we do with improvement requests. (@KevinMontrose, @JarrodDixon - thoughts?)
makes sense to me
Uh next bug... Release dates for version must be formatted yyyy-MM-dd all dates have that format
I suspect that his line here is the problem: [2.3.3-2.3.4][9] | 10 | [Gingerbread_MR1][9] | 2011-02-09
any idea for a workaround? I want to go to bed lol
Maybe a bug for me too,... I wrote something for android but it is still under "Proposed Change". Is a desired behavior that I can not propose another one in the same topic ?
if you talk about this: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/android/drafts/1084 I see there no differences
@Maloubobola Yeah, I think we currently limit you to one pending draft per topic. If you want to make other changes, retract that draft and add them in.
@rekire Not off the top of my head. Report on the site, please?
@AdamLear sure :)
Q: Cannot change versions section

rekireI want to improve the version table of the Android documentation. I cannot post it since I get this error: Release dates for version must be formatted yyyy-MM-dd Here is my markdown: Version | API Level | Version Code | Release Date :------ | :-------: | :----------- | :----------- 1...

gn8 guys

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