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I created the .NET "Networking" topic and it has been sitting pending review for a full day already. Just wanted to make sure that it is because everybody is very busy, and not because it is only visible to me for some reason. :-)
@AdamLear Uoooh, super-secret SO internal code!! :-)
6 hours later…
next wave of invites will go out today, along with a bunch of features
sneak peek
2 hours later…
@Konamiman approved, thanks!
1 hour later…
Derp, some folks are gonna get dupe invite emails - sorry about that, fat fingered some data entry :|
oooo, shiny :)
thanks for the invite (only got one so far ^^)
yeah, it's probably a semi-random assortment; screwed up a regex and a copy/paste blegh
mass emails are rightly terrifying
If we'd like to add a new topic (that we'd like to start contributing to) do we "Request a Topic"?
I see under "Request a Topic" it mentions that you do this when you don't think you're capable of documenting the topic.
if you just want to make you, hit "Create Topic"
Oh sorry, I see it now
Thanks :)
no worries, it's all crazy new stuff
Are we able to contribute to documentation?
@BanksySan sure. Some basic intro information is here:
Q: Welcome to the Stack Overflow Documentation Beta!

Kevin MontroseIt’s finally here! Post-Start-Of-Beta Announcements November 19th New Features Announcement The Purpose Of The Beta During this, the private beta, we’re looking to squash a bunch of bugs and prove out the model and tools we’ve built. If you see a bug, have an idea for a new feature or an...

Ignore me... just wasn't paying attention to the writing on the buttons.
NP. Onboarding experience will come later after we finish ironing things out a bit more.
yeah, eventually we'll have a little hero-box thing-y like SO (and the user profile) does now
How do we handle duplicate documentation? Right now it looks like there's a good C# topic "C# 6 Features". But there is another duplicate "C# 6 Feature" topic.

There are also duplicates "String Interpolation Topics"
sort of hard to make one while everything keeps changing
@JoshVarty delete one, move the relevant stuff over to the survivor - you can do it as a single "change" too, submit two drafts at once (I'll slap a screenshot together real quick)
ha, I say that but I think my last deploy broke the delete button!
I'll have your screenshot once I fix that :|
Haha no worries
Should I be aiming to document classes, methods or domains? e.g. The Parallel class have several methods. Should each method get separate treatment, the class as a whole or should there just be a topic on parallel processing?
it's really what is most useful, which varies by what you're documenting - I would suggest coarser than method level; Parallel Processing Topic that also links to an overview the Parallel class (a separate Topic) would be my inclination
I was about to ask this: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/q/52/134 has there been further discussion about this in chat? if I want to add .NET documentation (I'm thinking regex), do we want examples primarily in C#? do we not care about the chosen language? do we want to cover several important languages, like MSDN usually does?
C# for now, for .NET
I've got some ideas kicking around for multi-language stuff, but nothing good enough to pitch yet
.NET is a bit of edge case around that stuff, don't wanna break non-.NET with a crappy solution
that makes sense
hm, I think I need to give this more thought before I start documenting away at .NET's regex stuff. the majority of the regex documentation on MSDN is really solid, but there are a few edge cases that aren't covered or explained ambiguously.
once you start on something, you can share the draft around w/o proposing the change
gives the same ui as the "hey, someone else is editing this"-notification
ah neat, thank you
is there side-by-side view for proposed changes yet? I tend to have a really hard time piecing together the old and new version when looking at the inline comparison heavily edited posts.
not yet, it's on the list though
it's basically a whole new pipeline since we're using CommonMark and a new editor
@MartinBüttner sure
gives us something to when it's done
there you go
Are there any plans to, in the future, provide a means of "splitting" documentation topics? I can see some of these getting fairly unwieldy.
Q: Split & Merge feature request

Maurice StamThe documentation site does not have an hierarchy. This is by design. I do think it is important to think about the range of topics before writing one. I noticed people just requesting topics and start documenting. Let's say I am to start an XmlSerialization topic. People keep on adding example...

yep, have a little bit of work started on moving examples to new topics
Ah. That'll teach to me ask for something without seeing if its been asked for. Thanks.
we're aware of a bug with notifications going out too quickly; a fix is coming
When I attempted to approve an edit, I got "An error has occurred during submission; please try again."
Debug console shows: "404 (Not Found)" for this URL: docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/c%23/drafts/452/…
I think it was 404ing because the edit was already approved while I was attempting to do so myself.
fixing another inbox bug, then I'll take a look at that
@KevinMontrose I assume you know about this, but I got a batch of notifications from Docs and now my inbox will only open on the docs-beta site.
The request is apparently getting redirected to http://stackoverflow.com/error?aspxerrorpath=/topbar/inbox
yeah, a build is rolling out to fix that
screwed up a query, it's looking for the documentation on the current site instead of on the sending site
to generate the link in the inbox that is
@Undo should be fixed on MSO & MSE, two more minutes and it'll be fixed everywhere
@KevinMontrose Yep, confirmed fixed on those sites.
And fixed on SO too
yep, last web server just finished updating
alright, now to look at @vcsjones's issue
@JoshVarty here you go, freehand circles about deleting one topic, editing another, and submitting them as one proposed change
Alright cool
What is the proposed way to deal with "sub-topics"? E.g. we already have one topic for C# keywords and one for LINQ that gives the examples for all the operators/keywords in one big list which quickly becomes unmanageable. Ideally there should be a Topic per LINQ operation (e.g. Where, Select etc.) or C#keyword, and one god-topic that combines all the sub-topics.
make the god topic, put some of the basic examples in to it, and link out to the more details topics from remarks
there's not a strict hierarchy 'cause that gets real contentious real quick; though we intend to surface "related" topics based on links (and maybe keywords)
I tried to delete: http://docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/c%23/23/c-6-features#t=201511192234472698394

But I think it was rejected? Should it not be deleted? There's another topics with 18 upvotes with the exact same name.
It's also been flagged as a duplicate.
I wonder how it should be handled since it only takes one person to approve/reject a change at the moment.
@Kevin the only issue is that because topics must lead with examples, which then forces the god topic to have examples for all the "operators", e.g. the LINQ topic currently has 44 examples!
Where do you then put the examples? In the summary topic or the child topic, or in both?
I understand that structure can get contentious, but on the other hand, documentation is inherently structural in nature
I suppose it depends on how you expect people to find documentation.
Do we really need a "Collections" topic? I think the MSDN article on Collections is pretty good: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ybcx56wz.aspx
I'll start in about six-eight weeks :P
@JoshVarty docs-beta.stackexchange.com/documentation/proposed/changes/198 yeah, single reject... we're working on a bunch of notification stuff, that should go to your inbox long term
@Riko there's no need for a LINQ overarching topic to have examples of all operators, provide the others are linked - it stretches credibility that someone needs to know about every operator on one page, someone just searching LINQ probably wants what... Select, Where, Single, and ToList(). GroupBy, OrderBy, ThenBy, GroupJoin, Intersect, etc.? nah
@vcsjones next build will fix that 404
So propose a change to it? It's day 9 in a beta, it's not like any Topic is "done" yet.
kind of expect us to grow some auto-flags in response to things of that length, @AdamLear may get to that after pending flag stuff rolls out
@Riko Oh. My. Goodness.
That thing's massive.
the heck
it's exhaustive, which is a bit much for something like LINQ
Mm, yeah, that sort of thing gives me some doubts about how we're structuring the Syntax/Parameters sections. Gonna definitely be keeping an eye out for auto-flaggable things, but also will need ways to resolve those flags without too much pain. In this case, I think Syntax just needs an edit to pare it down
we do have a soft warn in the editor already
maybe something to revisit when the move examples wizard thing-y is done
@KevinMontrose Probably needs to scream out a little louder.
yeah, it's kind of two warnings too
like, 7 examples? Ok that's a bit much. 44 examples? holy hell
I reckon this isn't a feature? :P i.imgur.com/UKdLi89.png

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