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Not just birds
other animals have done similar
lose their ability to fly?
but then, what about when the reverse happens? Like the islands where people evolved to be shorter than the continental people?
lol, david, gotten smaller
but are they plucked, chopped up, fried, seasoned with special herbs and spices, and put in a bucket?
Though, I wonder if we could find insects that have lost their ability to fly in similar circumstances.
ah, good point, sophie
there are the beetles that darwin wrote about
which island was that?
i remember recalling it as mauritius, and then i looked it up, and noticed that it wasn't that at all
the lesson was not learned, though, and i still don't recall the actual island
Didn't Darwin spend some time in the Galapagos
I don't know. Which is weird, because I am not usually around someone who knows more about Darwin than I
he was all over the place, but i don't think that's the source of that specific find
You can go to darwin online and search for beatles
it's in the origin, i'll see if i can find it
"out of the 550 species inhabiting Madeira, are so far deficient in wings that they cannot fly; and that of the twenty-nine endemic genera, no less than twenty-three genera have all their species in this condition!"
there you go
i don't think that's at all for the same reasons as with birds, though
"In the Ateuchus or sacred beetle of the Egyptians, they are totally deficient. ... are so far deficient in wings that they cannot fly; and that, "
I found the same thing, ^^ google clip
So, maybe a broader search would help
what other flying insects have seen this kind of change?
i think in birds, flight is selected against, because it consumes a lot of resources. in beetles, flight is selected against because on small islands they'll just be caught by the wind and drift to sea, so that those who can't fly actually have better chances of survival"
"For during thousands of successive generations each individual beetle which flew least, either from its wings having been ever so little less perfectly developed or from indolent habit, will have had the best chance of surviving from not being blown out to sea; and, on the other hand, those beetles which most readily took to flight will oftenest have been blown to sea and thus have been destroyed."
we should claim the term "the good book" and refer to the origin when we use it
i so frequently find it useful to revisit that book
About time you get edit right @Jason. I stopped counting how many edits I approved
Here's some nice bedtime reading: geocentricity.com/geocentricity/primer.pdf
on that note, is it possible to suggest edits even when you have edit rights yourself? i would find that a really polite way to go, for stuff that is perhaps too big changes to just carry out
David, Many of Darwin's works should be treated that way.
@DavidHedlund No, not possible
Darwin is still the leading reference for botany and the study of coral reefs.
@DavidHedlund If the owner has a problem with it, he can just roll back. If the edit is significant, though, you can mention it in a comment and see if he gives you permission to edit his post.
@Sophie: that may well be! i'm currently working my way through the voyage but i really don't find it as inspiring as the origin
Try reading his other works, not just the popular ones.
Seriously, you can spend hours in there and get lost.
@Borror0: for sure. i just thought it'd be a neat function, if you could suggest edits, perhaps only to the author, not to the rest of the editing community
Next thing you know, you've been reading for six hours and forgot to eat.
@JasonPlank is on an edit spree, 4 posts in 10 minutes :-)
out of his more obscure stuff, i love the pros and cons of marriage
Surprise :P
"less money for books"
Well, before deciding to marry his wife, one of his arguments was that she was better than a dog.
Darwin was sometimes a sarcastic ass.
better for what?
yes, that remark is in that list as well :)
"Constant companion, (& friend in old age) who will feel interested in one, — object to be beloved & played with. — —better than a dog anyhow. "
He was under a lot of pressure to marry, at that time.
If you want to read about a related and even more amusing character, read about Erasmus Darwin
He was hilarious
brb, work call.
oh work! that's what i was supposed to be doing today
<3 my work
what are you working with?
Not exactly.
@Borror0 lol, I couldn't wait to lose the 6-char limit
heh, that was the second nicest thing about being a mod
Just after no 5s delay to upvote comments
Not knowing the ages of everyone in the chat room, I'd prefer to not elaborate on my work too much.
yeah, no worries, i won't harass you further for it :)
Earlier, I accidentally talked about it and then realized that there might have been someone underage around.
@DavidHedlund Scroll up if you're curious
I see the point of the 6-char limit and all, but when there's just one typo in an otherwise great post...
I think it's silly, personally
It seems nitpicky to comment about such a thing
Presentations are really fun to do. Editing them, though, sucks giant, sweaty donkey reproductive organs.
(I am also working on a big, important presentation, in another window and after that will be finishing card designs for a board game I created and have to have finished by Saturday.
presentations in the powerpoint sense?
I run an organization in which one of the purposes is to educate the general population about sex worker issues.
Since I'm also a trained peer counselor, I get to have some interesting and unique opportunities
in this case, I'm educating a room full of counselors on how to deal with sex workers who have experienced sexual trauma
and advising them on how to deal with knowing their client is a sex worker, how to overcome biases and how to help their client reach a state of normalcy for themselves in order to recover from their traumatic experience
It is an hour and a half long presentation and I have an assistant who will be helping me, but who lacks certain presentation skills.
So I not only have to develop a presentation, I have to find ways to play off of her strong points and downplay her less strong ones.
The game has to be finished by Saturday because it is a part of a presentation that I set up that is more generic and can be used for a broader audience
I've tested it out on a few feminist groups that asked me to do presentations for them
It was mostly paper and random game pieces before
I'm formalizing it
is the sexual trauma generally an issue these people encounter during such work, or is it rather referring to causal traumas that can distort self-image and lead them down such career paths?
if it keeps getting a good reception, I'm considering marketing it.
if that can at all be generalized...
Sexual trauma that the people I've counseled have experienced is usually not related to work or their past, really
more frequently, it is a boyfriend or acquaintance and it is recent
though, sometimes clients will sexually abuse the worker, too.
More commonly, though, it is a person they know
In fact, the most common scenario for me to encounter is very similar to abused wives I counseled when I was volunteering for Domestic Violence Services
A spouse or boyfriend
Though, the explanations that victims and their abuser provide for reasoning behind the abuse varies, the rest of the scenario is pretty much the same
would you say, then, that the fact that they're working in that line of business is somehow causal of the violent behavior?
(i'm obviously not talking about that in the responsibility sense)
I would say that it appears to be the case that the work is irrelevant, but the people will claim that the work had something to do with it
Because the same situations happen in both sex workers and non sex workers
everything in a situation can be very similar between two cases and the only difference you find is someone blaming the sex work
i see. i was under the impression that it was over represented amongst sex workers since you were targeting that specifically, but that's more about setting a scope of the project, then?
Sex workers do see more cases of domestic violence
But, the things that seem to be causing it (though, this hasn't been tested, yet, because people have, thus far, refused to give it attention) seems to be the social apathy regarding sex workers.
There are few consequences for abusing a sex worker.
It is also tougher to report crimes and get problems dealt with when you are a sex worker.
An example: Last year, I went on a date with a guy - an actual date, nothing to do with my job - and he had complained that he had no money. I felt sorry for him so I took him to dinner and paid for his meal and his coffee. I didn't want him to suffer. I even gave him gas money.
He stole my debit card.
When I reported the crime, the officer I talked to, of course, asked about my work.
Nothing about this incident had anything to do with my work ...
But the officer's response when he heard about my work was "oh, no wonder."
yeah, i hear you, that sucks
Granted, that's an anecdote, but I've heard an overwhelming amount of similar stories.
Then there's the increased risk of getting arrested, even if you don't do anything illegal
and that makes it tougher to report problems
including instances of abuse
That brings an interesting question though. @David, what the general perception of sex workers in Sweden? Your country is in an unique place on that topic, in general.
unique how?
Sweden still has a negative attitude toward sex work
the laws are different, though
there's a chapter of the same organization that I run there.
Multiple chapters, actually.
Your country is very left-wing, and feminist, yet the general perception seems to be that prostitution is exploitation of women (as can be seen by the laws)
yeah, sophie would probably be more qualified to answer, as i'd only be acquainted with my perception, which doesn't put me in a better position to speculate about differences
on that note; as of the last few years, we've been under conservative rule, i'm sad to say
It is very similar to the dominant feminist opinion in the U. S.
But, the differences in the organizations are the focuses on the law.
Even though prostitution is not illegal, itself, patronizing one is
which still has major consequences for the sex workers.
@DavidHedlund Dude, the conservatives in Canada are the Democrats of the US. You're more left-wing than we (Canadians) are (well, that, and you have leaders who knows a thing or two about economy, which is a lot more than most Western countries can say)
Ideally, in order to make sex work totally safe, it needs to be legal and controlled, for everybody.
Your conservative would be pinkos in the US, lol
Sweden just has their own set of social issues. :)
@DavidHedlund Yeah, it happens to the best of us.
Whiuch is why I said they were at a special place
@Borror0: to further the confusion, in sweden, blue means right-wing and red means left-wing :)
@DavidHedlund Same in Canada (and in Québec blue means left-wing separatist and red means left-wing federalist)
Poor Quebec
Québec has zero political spectrum
Canada's socio-cultural environment is so odd because of them.
@Sophie: I couldn't agree more with legal and controlled being the only way to go. on the same line of discourse, Portugal decriminalized drugs a couple of years ago, and I gather they consider it a very successful attempt at fighting addiction
Yeah, @DavidHedlund, I would imagine that would be so.
It is difficult to combat a condition that people have motivation to hide for fear of legal consequences
even when the individual wants to cure themselves
Imagine if we punished contracting a cold
@SophieMonster Quite frankly, I think we have a good influence on Canada. I'm only bothered when the Bloc or the Parti Québecois ask for the moon and then are outraged when they don't get it. It's like, C'mon guys that's just not realistic.
drug use should be considered a public health issue, not a criminal issue
Would you go see a doctor?
@SophieMonster Think of the profit coat salesmen would make.
I'm sure it is a good influence, I just find it a unique social influence.
@SophieMonster And protesting this would be Zero fun.
Another interesting socio-cultural element of Canada is the ingroup/outgroup patterns amongst the french and english descendants
and how some people make such a big deal out of it.
@SophieMonster Outside my engineering domain fully now.
That's such a major influence that the commentary about Celine Dion's ancestry traveled to the US
@SophieMonster ..oh, and now. We're the sole reason Canada has had to endure Harper for so long. He never got a minority but, since it's politically risky to ally with the Bloc Québecois, the Liberals weren't able to build a three-way alliance.
that's OK, @Kortuk, I sometimes talk too much.
@SophieMonster Explain
I get the value of questions and people learning.
Q: Are Wifi waves harmful?

RabskatranHas it been proven that being exposed to WiFi waves is harmful?

So, do you wear t-shirts with his picture that has text on it that says, "Haha, fuck you"?
I am tired of the amount of following this belief has received.
@Borror0 I would like xplanation here also.
@SophieMonster Why would I do that?
I've not given that belief much attention. I tend to laugh when I hear about it, though.
It is so silly.
@Borror0 just to be a smartass.
I was not being entirely serious.
@Sophie: would you say that sex workers are generally in their profession by choice? I read a report ages ago that stated that in Sweden, most sex workers actually had another job which they considered their primary, and they were just doing this on the side because they thought it was a neat way to gain some extra income. That always struck me as a bit odd, and I've always just put that off as being due to those few cases being more prone to attend such research.
@SophieMonster Most people have friended a pencil named "This pencil wants to have more fans than Stephen Harper"
David, the best I can tell you is that I have never encountered a sex worker who has not been in their profession by choice
@DavidHedlund, her post is informative. I read it a day ago.
A: Did a significant number of sex workers experience abuse as a child?

SophieMonsterSince I study this and am an active part of the battle for sex worker rights and helping people understand the industry better, I think I can probably help with adding a little perspective. Firstly, there is simply not information to back up Dr. Pinsky's claim. In fact, his claim is one that is ...

I am aware that there are some that aren't there by choice, but I've never met one and neither has anyone who I've discussed the same issue with who would know.
It answered most of what you asked and more.
Now, that does vary by country
@Sophie: oh really? That wasn't my intuition, but I'm glad to hear it :)
In fact, Romania and a few other countries have a very high rate of forced participation in sex work. The more conservative the country, the more likely sex workers from there have been forced into it.
@DavidHedlund In depends what profession we are talking about, and what class. Escorts, for example, are in the business by choice. Period. Usually, those who are "not there by choice" are there by necessity (i.e. they need a job). However, that isn't very different from, say, being a janitor. Except it involves sex.
@Borror0 So many bad jokes. I will retain them for less moderator heavy company.
You're a moderator too!
I won't be offended by your jokes unless they're an attack on me
@Borror0 Shhhh! He was meant to be our secret spy!
that only means non-moderators assume I know what I am doing
@Sklivvz No. That's @Ivo.
is this another illuminati thing?
@SophieMonster There is a reason I am a moderator. It did not involve you at all.
do you guys have a secret handshake?
@SophieMonster Good question!
@SophieMonster No but we are promised a free t-shirt which is never delivered
I know about secret handshakes, I was raised Mormon and Married in the Portland temple before my divorce and turning to my sinful life.
the discussion circle is complete. i'll get back to my coffee, err, work
David, if you have other questions, post them and let me know
@SophieMonster Ha, we all make decisions. Atleast you are outwardly happy.
I'm all about helping people get a better understanding about the industry.
Oh, my life is so much better now.
It is fucking amazing.
Pun intended?
@SophieMonster and inwardly happy, bonus for you. I was willing to accept outwardly happy.
erm, are there linguistic restrictions in chat?
@Borror0 Yeah, I laughed.
Not really, but the pun is fun anyway
Does it ruin the joke if you know I don't actually fuck for work?
@SophieMonster Not that I enforce, but I have had to clean up someone flagging my comments. I work with navy guys, F%*&$ sailors.
Try to stay away, but no one will bother if it slips up occasionally
@SophieMonster Nope.
My subs aren't allowed to orgasm during a session and camming and phone sex are no contact.
@SophieMonster Not in the least
@SophieMonster tease. But I am dropping that subject.
My clients know what they're getting into when they pay for it :)
@Kortuk Trying jQuery?
@Borror0 Now there's a context switch I didn't see coming
@Borror0 How did you know that I do not do programming and that would be over my head?
Now I'm lost
I can have another slice of pizza in 30 minutes, though.
jQuery is an inner joke of stackoverflow
And a vanilla coke zero
A: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXIMeme: jQuery Originator: Unknown (possibly Ólafur Waage) Cultural Height: TBD Background: A Stack Overflow-centric meme, jQuery begin its career early on as the answer to beat for any question that even remotely referenced JavaScript. Its popularity became so great that eventually jQuery becam...

@SophieMonster You should totally drop that and try jQuery
@Sklivvz I code nothing above C and I code embedded C so the primary issues I deal with require lots of thought and design, no need for programming questions, I never really use SO.
The name's Flipse, Ivo Flipse @Borror0 and @Sklivvz
I need to learn more about coding.
I'm very pathetic in that field of knowledge.
@SophieMonster No, you do not.
@SophieMonster You only get so many fields of expertise. Absorb yourself in what you are good at and enjoy it.
I think I would like it.
I am so sad in that regard, all I know is html and css
@SophieMonster doubtful. Good programmers only do it because it pays.
I want to learn perl
@SophieMonster Know more computer stuff then me.
@SophieMonster Noooooooooooooooo
@Kortuk Only thing I programmed in was JavaScript, so I got the joke when they started saying jQuery all the time. The answer to every single JS question I had was "jQuery." Literally. Well, that and "you forgot a character here"
@SophieMonster I think it is funny to trade messages.
I know a lot about general computer things
@Borror0 Haha
@SophieMonster lols, don't start with perl
I can rebuild a computer pretty easily
@SophieMonster I know how to build them till the OS is loaded, then I get bored.
and I can install and use many linux OSes
Build them in the design sense.
@IvoFlipse I'm still trying to understand the post
@Borror0 During my time at SO, the catch all solution was "use Linq". I even coined the term "Linqtards" ;-)
12 mins ago, by Sklivvz
@Borror0 Shhhh! He was meant to be our secret spy!
The computer I'm working on is a rebuild that I originally did ten years ago and then I redid it five years ago
Now I get it. James Bond joke. /facepalm
now it is old enough I will probably have to start over soon
@SophieMonster I used to do that. Then I bought a mac
(my laptop is newer)
To be fair, linq and jQuery has changed our lives
Most programs my contractors use for camming and phone interface (when they have them) is not compatible with mac :(
or linux, which is mostly why I have to use windows
steve jobs wouldn't approve them, hey?
I'm usually smarter than my contract holders
@IvoFlipse <3
@SophieMonster I hate mac, lets leave that religious decision alone.
afk, i have ot work
More like, the people creating them don't care about macs because mac users don't supply enough of the client or worker base.
@SophieMonster Have you tried WINE? click here for link
@DavidHedlund Unfortunately for the worst. I'm deep into blackbox reverse engineering an application because the programmer decided to use Linq2SQL... and of course it's really hard
Jason, yes, and it works with some programs and not others
link still failing... oh well
one problem is that certain programs force-start IE
which is a problem, even in wine
and then there are sometimes driver conflicts with up to date webcams and linux
@JasonPlank put on a separate line
I've had to recompile drivers just to work :/
It was a traumatic experience
I still have nightmares
@Sklivvz Ah, thanks
@SophieMonster Thats a normal Linux day for you (my first kernel compile dates 1993)
@Sklivvz haha yes, granted, you've got to know what you're doing. i'm ambivalent about linq to sql, but all over linq in general
Ah! Fixed it!
@Sklivvz do you cry in your pillow at night?
@DavidHedlund Using is not abusing :-) there are many good uses for linq, i use it all the time
@SophieMonster no, i bought a mac :-)
I like Debian, actually, and if it weren't for work being such a pain to do through linux systems, I'd probably spend most of my time on Deb
I used slackware and gentoo for a while... then ubuntu. Never looked back since then
I didn't like ubuntu
as a matter of fact, i happen to be staring at a System.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException right now
It was like someone took debian and stripped the fun bits.
had i spent less time in chat, i probably would've solved it already
Also, my laptop runs vista and I hate vista
I am trying to install sql profiler... the app makes 50 db calls instead of 1 (guess why)
and you can't easily parse the generated sql either!
@SophieMonster having never used debian, I wouldn't know
but my laptop was a gift from my girlfriend so I probably will just live with it that way and will eventually turn my desktop into a full time linux machine
On a related note: in my cam rooms, I typically have a rule that my clients are not allowed to start OS wars while I'm active in the public chat.
Because the nerd blood tends to run high in my fanbase, for some reason, and a few years ago, a guy threw a huge tantrum in my chat about Macs
after that, I was like, "um, y'all are going to cost me money, no OS wars"
@SophieMonster I never would have guessed there was an overlap there
I am the only person, in my profession. that I know of, with that experience.
I have a gigantic crush on him.
@SophieMonster he's very good
@JasonPlank There's overlap in everything. Do you know Dr Brooke Magnanti? She's a famous blogger and writer, with a master's degree in genetic epidemiology and a Ph.D. in forensic science. Her blog isn't about science though; it's about her life as an escort during university.
One of the women I network with, who secretly shares information with me, is an astrophysicist who works on a famous telescope.
She worked her way through school as an escort.
She's also extremely awesome and I want to marry her telescope.
@Borror0 I think I had heard of her in the news at some point. Usually what happens here is when someone does some digging and finds that someone has worked in the sex industry, there's a huge uproar and someone loses a job. In that respect, she's an anomaly.
@JasonPlank She was based in the UK. That helped.
Yeah, I'm only open about my work because the consequences are unlikely to affect my long term goals
brb, work call
@sophie Btw, seen this? networkedblogs.com/e4CJV
@Borror0 Herp derp, of course. I missed that
yes, @Borror0, I'm trying to get them to let me use the posters, too
Time to do that sleep thing for a while...
I should do that too
Freaking insomnia
c'mon people, it's still early in the morning
I've got five hours left before bed
(still on the phone, brb)
i reckon i'll need to put in at least another 13 =/
Between work and running my organization, my days tend to be pretty long.
i guess running an org does that to you, hey?
@SophieMonster I had to use it at work, I learned to like alot of changes, they just made it slow for most people.
@SophieMonster Bad joke also?
@DavidHedlund Yes it is.
I am not following it.
@SophieMonster You should sleep more.
I have chronic problems with insomnia.
@SophieMonster My bad, I read what I missed and put my 2 cents in. It normally confuses others, but it makes me feel more organized.
@SophieMonster if you highlight what I write it tells you what I responded to.
@Kortuk still a problem if that's outside of scroll view, which i think it the case with your first response
My first 2
depending on resolution, obviously :)
I figured that would cause a problem, but I like ot hear the sound of my own voice, or atleast read my own text.
Had to run around at work for a moment.
@DavidHedlund click the little grey arrow just before the @
Now I am waiting.
@Borror0: you can tell I'm new to this, hey :)
I just received the 'talkative' badge. i think that sounds like a bit of a pejorative
@DavidHedlund, it took me a bit to figure out. ED has bursts of talking so I need to use it randomly.
Oh, I get it now.
Just me being bored and tired, I enjoyed the comment.
I am ready to go home. 1 more hour.
One downside of my job is that it is difficult to interact with less articulate people, sometimes.
Not that I want to come off as pretentious, or anything, but sometimes my clients don't really have very good communication skills.
@SophieMonster, On that note, your post was very long and informative. I understood the feedback of give us references, but on the same note, I work with RF all the time and my WiFi is safe post had almost no references. I know it and I did not need them. Also, I only know scholarly references which mock any professor whom trys to do RF sensitivity tests out of position(refering to RF engineers, I know others can do studies)
@SophieMonster I think all walks of life have a percentage of bad communicators.
@SophieMonster I think this is universally true for any customers (edit: what Kortuk said...)
@DavidHedlund I beat you to it, thee is some childhood ryme, I forgot it, but you owe me a coke.
I know my material very well, too.
I have a degree in Health Ed.
and I research the sex industry.
the same guy, who was just messaging me in very poorly written english, is now attempting to write to me in german
Since my last name is german and I admitted I could read it
his german isn't very good, either.
(I'm just complaining, I probably shouldn't and it isn't his fault, necessarily)
nothing inherently wrong with complaining
lunch and then off to boring meetings
see ya guys later
Have fun
at boring meetings? i will
3 hours later…
@borror0 or @fabian or @sklivvz ?
can you as a moderator close an account?
if so, please do so for mine.
Yes. We can, if that is what you want.
Are you sure?
we can delete, but not close
yep. thanks much. good luck all.
delete, that's fine. thanks again.
@Dogmafrog It is an SE policy to give you a 24 hour "cool off" time, just in case you change your mind. We'll delete your account if you have not changed your mind by this time tomorrow.
Q: What is "unSkeptical" about certain topics or questions?

BillareNamely, this one? "Is democracy the most superior form of government in all countries?" This is the response of the moderator to the initial question: Welcome to Skeptics! This is not a forum; this is a questions and answer site. I'm afraid your post isn't really a question, because real q...

@Borror0 one user down.
couple thousand togo and your moderation duties become alot easier.
Dammit! You've discovered our moderation strategy: scare users away so it's easier to moderate
@Borror0 Discovered, helped plan in the teachers lounge. Robert is a god, never doubt him again.

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