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12:31 AM
This room has been relatively silent recently. Just in case it gets frozen, I will remind that moderators can unfreeze chatrooms - so you can ask some moderator (from any site) whether they would be willing to do so. See also: meta.stackexchange.com/tags/frozen-rooms/info and How do I unfreeze a frozen chat room?
One of the challenges of this site's rules is I keep remembering claims I have heard decades ago, but can't find any reference to, so I can't ask if they are true - I guess I have to assume they are not...
... the recent "appeal court agrees that the definition of fish, in some regulations, can be interpreted to include bees, so the bees can be protected" reminds me of a claim I heard once that a (Reagan-era???) US court once agreed that lobsters (crayfish?) could be considered insects, with respect to some anti-cruelty-to-animals law, which meant it was still legal to drop them into boiling water. Has anyone heard of this?
I would love to know if it really happened or was an urban legend, but I haven't found a hint of it yet.

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