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6:34 PM
> collective intelligence does not aggravate the bias of online content
I'm not sure I buy into that, but maybe with a structure and framework to work within, plus at least a pretense that all participants try to be unbiased, perhaps then it's a true statement.
Please cross-reference twitter for how that "collective intelligence" yields tremendous bias and information silos.
The main difference: Twitter doesn't try to be an unbiased frame of anything. Just people popping off.
So where are we, Skeptics? I think we make "at least a pretense that all participants try to be unbiased". I think a lot of our participants legitimately try (some clearly don't).
Where we suffer here is the size of our collective. One contributor here is like 500 on Wikipedia. There's a lot of hope invested in our few regulars.
> Revision is essential getting the crowd’s wisdom, and Wikipedia’s experience suggests the need for LOTS of revision, namely, a very big crowd
Thousands of revisions on the most unbiased Wikipedia pages. Thousands!
I'm baffled when one of our pages gets 10. In fact, SE encourages we actively stop just revision with the lock feature and "content dispute" banner.
Or to put it another way, what if we averaged 10 answers?
I bet we average 2 or 3.
But I'm one to talk, huh? I've always been more of a lurker/commenter here, rather than answerer. And now I'm modding, which makes it all that much harder to answer, knowing that it will receive extra criticism.
7:16 PM
All this above from a dive into wikipedia bias after reading a rather biased paragraph citing biased articles (rather than the primary sources) about the political views of a minor politician.

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