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Ah, and re: vander Bossche's theory, we might need to ack that the vaccines massively increase susceptibility to all kinds of infections in the first 14 days after the first dose: bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n728/rr-0 ref: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.03.08.21252200v1
Wouldn't it be interesting to see the vaxboys' heads explode when we see reduced overall immunity, from otherwise ineffective masks, from counterproductive lockdowns, from the human experimentation vaccines themselves? Increased mortality after starting the vax-campaigns, long term complications on top of much more reactogeniticy of these gene-therapy talismans?
5 hours later…
Well, after several hours of being accused of "lies" "plain faced lies", left standing — on this site — I guess conclusions are also quite obvious.
4 hours later…
Hi I'm interested in asking a question about subliminal messages in tv advertisments in the 1980s. I know rumours about some ads being banned from broadcast... I wonder if anyone knows what I'm talking about and can help me find some relevant info or a specific claim?
6 hours later…
Great news from Norway everyone: TV-personality announces "Id like to die from the vaccine" and Norwegian doctors say: 'You can do it! AZ vaccine caused deadly blood disorders'
8 hours later…
One interesting paper for the Moderna mRNA platform, from 2017: Distribution of foreign mRNA in test animals, sorted by weight, highest first, after 8 hours:
Injection site muscle, proximal lymph nodes, distal lymph nodes, spleen, liver, plasma, ileum, bone marrow, testes (!), lung, kidney, cecum, heart, rectum, stomach, brain , jejunum.
Interesting that testes is so relatively high up the list, and that more crosses the blood-brain barrier than attacks the jejunum.
@Jay Sounds like typical Soviet fear mongering ...
Before then, the term "subliminal marketing" was more or less a euphemism for propaganda and child-targeted advertising of non-child products. For example: campaignlive.co.uk/article/…
For a specific claim to ask about on the main site, you might try number 3
Which I think is more or less what people think of today when thinking about subliminal messaging, which is, the hiding of something sexual in some product marketing.
There are some laws and regulations regarding subliminal messaging in advertisements, but specifics on that should be followed up on Law SE.

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