@F1Krazy With a guess on which Q you reference: how would you know it is him? The actual person in question being likely irrelevant; am asking about your non-mod 'trolldar' and ID-method (unless this is really a unique case, can't remember having seen this kind of persistence from that kind of src-account…)
3 hours later…
@fredsbend I have heard of studies about how doctors manage their own end-of-life decisions differently to the public. They are far more likely to decline more aggressive attempts to save their life. There are actions they will perform on others if requested by the patient/family, but when given the choice will decline for themselves.
^^ If you notice that I provided no references for that claim and you should therefore treat it with a grain of salt, be reassured that the inner voices in my head are shouting that very loudly.
What I was initially looking for was a response to people who say "I am not afraid of [whatever microbe is under discussion, which in 2020 means SARS-CoV-2] because I have a robust immune system and never get sick." The obvious question springs up is "Do people who think they have a robust immune system die of infectious diseases?"
8 hours later…
@Oddthinking They do? Not my impression of the ones I've met. Certainly, most get into "essential oils" or whatever current pop-culture whatever, and some are even mildly antivax, but dispute germ theory?
7 hours later…
@Oddthinking The 'funny' thing about that is that infectious diseases themselves don't care about 'the knowledge' of the infected prior to them entering the system. And behaviour is still a different thing. My guess: There will be a difference, bt a small one. Compare that to 1980s AIDS victims. Or better yet: pre-1980 victims. When nobody knew. Looks to me that you want a metric for diffrent risk taking behaviour when choosing your proxy?
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